Extraordinary Luck?

With a large amount of capital injection, the stock price of the San Francisco Department Store increased like crazy.

One minute later, the stock price rose up by 100%.

It was a miracle.

'Oh my God, I didn't know that the stock market was so profitable!'

The stock price had risen from 13.4 to 27 dollars per share.

As the stock went up, Ryan's earnings kept coming in.

10,000 dollars.

20,000 dollars.

30,000 dollars.


As Ryan faced the uprising profit, he decided to keep waiting.

He knew that the chance to encounter this particular stock was rare.

The San Francisco Department Store would definitely become a success in no time.

The stock would rise by 900%.

In the blink of an eye, 20 minutes had passed.

The stock price for the San Francisco Department Store had already reached 878%.

At this speed, it would only be a few minutes before the price would stop rising.

The stock price was no longer increasing like a flying airplane, but a rocket ship that was racing through space.

Despite the high amount of profits, Ryan decided to sell the stock instead of holding onto it.

Everyone was dumbfounded by his choice.

There was a t+0 rule in this stock market world. One could immediately take out all their funds or even do a revolving investment.

Staying a little longer would be a waste of profitable time.

Account settlement.

The total amount of funds Ryan currently held was 98,000 US dollars.

After seeing the earnings, Ryan muttered softly, "This is so slow. I've only earned so little."

But at the same time, such a stock could only be found once in a hundred years. He sighed.

If he had more money—

If he invested 100 million dollars—

With those words, Ryan was pushed to the corner in the live broadcast.

"D*mn bro, you call this a little?"

"Do you know that it's 900%?"

"You've only invested 10,000 dollars? What about those who invested a million or 10 million dollars? Will they be rich in seconds?"

As they saw Ryan's success, all the other investors started investing in the stock as well.

But Ryan knew that it was useless. All the earnings of this stock had stopped.

It was good enough that the investment didn't fall flat.

"God, what kind of luck does this brat have?"

"How did he do it?"

The first bucket of gold accumulated in the stock market was just the beginning!

At this moment, he had a flash of inspiration and his gaze had already stopped on the stock market leverage.

The stock market leverage refers to the use of a small amount of margin to increase the return of investment.

It's a general standard in the stock market world.

Coincidentally, this exchange could impose 10 times the leverage.

However, the handling fee and risk of the trade would also increase exponentially.

Though, these risks were not worth mentioning in front of Ryan.

He had a super investment system, so what was he afraid of?

Those in the live broadcast room and those watching the program were in an uproar.

"Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while."

"This stock originally had no chance of growing, but when other supermarkets failed, the San Francisco Department Store made a large-scale purchase, so it rose sharply."

"That sharp rise is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Why didn't I invest in it just now?"

"It's not too late for you to invest now."

"His luck is simply god-like. How can the experienced investors bear it?"

"Someone said that he would lose everything earlier. Where is that person now?"

"Heavens, this child's luck is out of this world."

Even a stock market expert wouldn't have expected such a thing.

This was extraordinary luck.

But Ryan didn't care about the comments, he just kept going.

This time, he would use the stock market leverage.

One stock after another flashed past his eyes but it was hard to find stocks that could explode.

But it didn't matter.

He used the leverage.

He found a new target.

US Aerospace Manufacturing

Investment Return: 10%

Investment Cycle: 16 minutes.

Recommended Investment: 2 million dollars.

Reason: Problems with the breaks of Tesla's new energy car is circulating on the Internet. Luckily, brakes are US Aerospace Manufacturing's specialty. Their brakes are more advanced than Tesla's brakes. Hence, it leads to the stock booming.

'So what if there wasn't a once-in-a-million explosive stock?'

'I have 10 times leverage.'

Ryan let out a sigh after seeing the return rate.

At the same time, any expression that Ryan had was directly captured and recorded.

"See, he was just lucky just now."

"I guess he won't be so lucky this time."

"Place your bets guys and leave a message as proof. If this brat can still make the money, I'll eat sh*t in public."

"I'm following you if you're going to eat sh*t in public."

"I'm following you if you're going to eat sh*t in public."

"I'm following you if you're going to eat sh*t in public."

"I'm following you if you're going to eat sh*t in public."

Hundreds of thousands of repeated comments flooded the screen.

Everyone thought that there was no way that guy would do such a thing so no one took it seriously.

At the same time, no one thought that Ryan could profit from the stock.

Even experienced shareholders didn't dare to say that they could make 100% money just by buying a stock, let alone an amateur who gained profit through pure luck?

With everyone's attention, Ryan didn't hesitate to invest all his money into US Aerospace Manufacturing.

He even added 10 times the leverage onto his investment.