More Profit?!

Millions of viewers were shocked as they saw Ryan add leverage into the stock investment.

Did he really invest all of his money?

He even added leverage? Was he crazy?

Shouldn't he just quit when things were good? After all, he was just lucky.

The audience was in an uproar, and the number of people watching the program soared through the sky.

What kind of operation was this? Was he a professional gambler?

Ryan's choice stunned many. At the same time, the people were also excited as if they were the one who was wagering their money.

"He's so handsome. Why does he give off a prince vibe? Why? Why? Who can tell me why?"

At the same time, the number of followers on Ryan's social media account increased rapidly. This was double publicity.

The program team had been holding onto Ryan's phone the entire time. Gifts were flowing into his account nonstop.

One spaceship.

Two spaceships.

Three spaceships.

Ten spaceships.


One spaceship was 100 dollars.

Some of the viewers had sent more than 100 gifts in a row.

There were countless small gifts of different types.

The person who sent the gifts wasn't stupid either. How could he not grab hold of such an opportunity to gain publicity for his own account and earn a huge sum of money?

After all, Ryan's current social media account didn't have an administrator.

Advertisements were practically flying all over his social media account.

Ryan's actions made everyone feel the rush that is no different from playing a slot machine.

Wasn't this monkey business? All of the money was wagered in one go, and the leverage was 10 times the usual amount.

"There won't be any money left in a while. This kid should've just stopped after he earned that money. Although it wasn't a huge sum, there were still many things he could do with it."

"Ryan my child, you're putting all of your eggs in one basket."

"He's so bold."

"The Goddess of Luck is smiling upon him, but she won't smile again. What a joke."

"The stock market closes at three in the afternoon. I'd like to see how this kid will end up then."

Everyone thought that Ryan was getting a little carried away after that small win.

But he couldn't stop.

He would lose a huge sum if he miscalculated.

People estimated that after deducting all the expenses, Ryan would be left with 20,000 to 30,000 dollars.

"Don't keep saying that you guys. There would be at least 20,000 to 30,000 dollars left in the end. It's much more than the beginning."

In the trading hall, an old professor had noticed Ryan.

This old professor was an investment expert.

He knew the inside scoop and he had expected the San Francisco Department Store's stock to rise. 

He was a little curious about how Ryan had chosen the stock accurately.

So he had been paying attention to Ryan from that moment.

But as of current, he shook his head slightly and said to himself, "Although he seems to have some skills, it seems like he's still too young and frivolous."

Professor Smith was a professor in the finance department. He had worked at Wall Street in his early years. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was an investment expert.

Others had been paying attention to Ryan's selection of stocks.

But Professor Smith had been observing Ryan's micro-expressions.

"Why is he so sure to win? Where does this confidence come from?"

The professor shook his head and decided to observe.

Ten times the loss.

This was not part of Ryan's calculations.

There was no way he would lose with the super investment system in his hands.

The surge limit of US Aerospace Manufacturing would increase in 16 minutes because of the faulty brake system from Tesla and the herding from the San Francisco Resources. 

As expected—

After Ron bought it, the funds began to flood in.

At that time, investors who were paying attention to current events were awakened one after another. Like hungry wolves, they rushed into the funds.

Senior investors all understood one thing—never become a retail investor.

Although the power of retail investors was also quite terrifying.

There was once a large market that wanted to profit from the interests of retail investors but all of the retail investors worked together and almost made a comeback. However, it was a rare occurrence that has not been seen in decades.

Normally, being retail investors meant being exploited.

Therefore, many old birds would awaken and catch up to be in sync when the organization made a move.

After some time, this particular stock price increased rapidly as people had their eyes on it.

After 15 minutes, it had reached a whopping 9.77%

"Oh no, my blood pressure is a little high. What's going on? Did I make a profit?"

All the viewers in front of the television were astonished.

After 10 minutes or so, the tables turned. Did he actually make a profit?

"Oh my God, this brat is living the life. Why didn't I follow his investment just now?"

"What kind of luck is this?"

"Why do I feel like this isn't just dumb luck?"

"How can it not be luck? Sure, there are god-like teenage investors, but do you really think that they're like this fuerdai?"

"You guys just can't stand to seeing others doing well. I knew that Ryan would win."

"Didn't you say just now that he was gambling, that he was playing the slot machine?"

Ryan sold the stock without hesitation.

If the price went over the surge limit, then there would be no more games and play.

Once the price went up, the capital of more than 90,000 dollars, excluding the fees, soared to more than 170,000 dollars.

The rounding profit had almost doubled.

Ryan felt a little disdainful. The principal was too little.

But to many, this was like robbing money from the bank.

The brat, the gambler in their eyes actually earned more than 100,000 dollars, and the principal was only 10,000 dollars.

To an ordinary person, this was a year of hard work income.

The members of the program team were ecstatic.

They had never expected Ryan to earn so much after only a few operations.

The camera zoomed in on Ryan's face for a clear view headshot.

"F*ck, this is earning money so slowly," Ryan muttered softly.

"F*ck you. Slow? What is this brat talking about? Oh, my heart."

"Oh, my rising blood pressure. Is this even called earning money?"

"Eh, didn't someone say that if Ryan could still earn money, he would eat sh*t? Why isn't he here now?"

Millions of people watched the live broadcast. Most of them weren't really watching it on TV at home but on their phones.

All sorts of comments were popping up, which made the screen freeze.

"F*ck, stop commenting so much. It's lagging"

"Your phone isn't good. Wait why— why— why am I lagging—"

"Ryan is so handsome. Plus, he's so tall and rich. I want to go on a date with him."

"A date, my ass. I want to go on a— on a—"

"Would this brat's father be proud of him if he knew how well he is doing this?"

"Why does he make investing look so easy?"

"I feel like buying stocks too."

"You can try. I've prepared a place under the bridge for you to sleep in case you fail."