Su Fangyun, the One Who Became a Tool

This move shocked the remaining few people.

Even an elder of the Transformation Realm was killed in an instant. What could they do?

This woman who looked so beautiful that she didn't look like a human was actually an expert!

"You dare to touch my Sun Burning Sword Sect!"

A person stepped out, and several flying swords flew out!

Su Fangyun looked down and flicked out a fire lotus finger.

This man didn't even make a sound, and even his sword and body disappeared.

Dead + 1.

Instantly, everyone was stunned. They looked at each other and didn't dare to act rashly.

"Kill him or ask him?"

Su Fangyun learned her lesson and decided not to go against Ye Chen anymore. She would ask him everything.

Putting down the pride in her heart was not a big deal.

At this moment, those people finally understood.

It turned out that this young man who had admitted defeat from the very beginning was the one who could make the real decision!

"Let me ask you a few questions."

Ye Chen took a step forward, "The one who just died here... is an outer disciple of your burning Sun Sword Sect, right?"

One of them answered with fear, "Yes, senior."

"Then what are they doing here? It seems like they are being chased by someone."

"This..." That person hesitated as if he did not want to talk about it further.

Ye Chen increased his voice, "Speak!"

"Please Calm Down, senior. This... This is a sect secret. If I tell anyone about it, my life would be in danger as well."

Hearing that, Ye Chen's heart skipped a beat. He used his soul consciousness to check the storage bag that he had found earlier.

Finally, he found a secret letter in one of the bags.

It was about the alliance with the other martial institutions, including the supreme martial institutions. They were planning to use this demon soul swamp trial to attack the new generation of top martial institutions in the eastern continent.

"This is going to break their roots."Ye Chen mumbled to himself.

In a martial institution, the top battling power was just as important as the lowest battling power.

A martial school without a new bloodline would have no chance of survival. No matter how powerful the top battling power was, they would not be able to go far.

It seemed like they were going to team up and compete with the top martial school.

This was something that Ye Chen would love to see, so he naturally would not stop them.

In fact, he was even willing to help them during this trip.

The more chaotic the east continent was, the better it would be. Only in this chaotic world would the Grand Mystery Sect have the chance to grow.

However, Ye Chen had a feeling that this man knew something that was not recorded in the letter.

However, he was too lazy to ask.

He waved his hand, trying to let Su Fangyun receive his message.

In the end, she killed all of them without saying anything.

"What the hell? Why did you kill them?"

"Didn't you ask me to kill them?"

"That gesture of mine was to let them go. Was it because the palace master had been in contact with each other for too long and liked to read the Big Boss' mind so much?"

"...Next time, please send a message directly. Thank you."

She was always angry at Su Fangyun.

In fact, she did not get it wrong. It was just that ye Chen wanted to find fault with her.

After knowing the purpose of the Burning Sun Sword Sect, Ye Chen and Su Fangyun continued their journey.

Although the Devil Soul Swamp was a trap that he had set up himself, there was a real bait in this trap.

It was a divine beast that had not been born yet.

Ye Chen had to go and collect it himself.

Along the way, he bought a few people from all the big cities along the way and asked them to help him spread the news that the Grand Mystery Sect was going to open up their martial school.

This spread like wildfire.

Under the constant propaganda, almost half of the East continent knew that the Grand Mystery Sect was going to recruit new disciples.

However, although the news was huge, the effect it brought was not that great.

There were only a few people who had actually made a move.

Ye Chen saw it and did not know what to do for now.

The Grand Mystery Sect was not that famous after all, and it was located deep in the mountains. No one had ever heard of any good places there.

Although there were a lot of schools there, they were all not that famous.

Combined with all kinds of factors, no one was willing to travel all the way there.

"It seems like the main problem right now is that I do not have enough fame."

Ye Chen suddenly felt a bit of a headache. It turned out that even if the school was really good, and he could level up and grow, it would not be that easy to be the leader.

After a few more days, they arrived at the market that was closest to the Demon Soul Swamp.

At this moment, it was already a gathering of elites.

All the young generation from the top martial institutions had gathered here. Regardless of whether they were geniuses or freaks, at this moment, they were not as rare as before.

In order to protect them, the top martial institutions had also sent out many elders to protect them. All of them were above the infant stage.

Regardless of whether they had grudges or not, they were all on guard against each other, preventing the other party from hiring people to secretly attack these young disciples.

Sensing this situation with his void interpretation eye, Ye Chen's heart almost burst with joy.

If he were to make some noise at this time, it would definitely be very exciting, right?

Therefore, he turned his eyes and turned his attention to Su Fangyun.

Su Fangyun felt a chill down her spine and had a bad feeling.

"What do you want?"

Ye Chen grinned, "Help me kill a few people."

"Impossible! I am not your fighter!" Su Fangyun rejected without even thinking.

"Don't worry, it will not be for nothing. After you succeed, we will go into the Demon Soul Swamp together and get our chance. What do you think?"

"I am the Palace Master of the Purple Rainbow Immortal Palace, why would I lack the chance to go to a broken place like the East Continent?"

"There are divine beasts inside."





That night, several geniuses of the sects died on the spot.

Most of them were from the major sects that were close to the Sun Burning Sword sect.

Moreover, a confidential letter appeared out of thin air in the elder's room of the number one sect, the Azure Cloud Gate.

With his cultivation base, he couldn't even sense his whereabouts. Obviously, if the other party wanted to take his life, it would be a piece of cake. It was truly terrifying.

After reading the contents of the letter in bewilderment, he fell into deep thought.

"Who is it that wants to help me climb to the top?"

Compared to the calmness on his side, the sects on the other side that had lost people were in a bit of a mess.

They hurriedly sealed off the news to prevent it from spreading out and causing a big fuss.

However, there were too many people present. It was very chaotic. Even though they were all their own disciples, this shocking matter still spread out early the next morning, shocking the entire market.

Everyone was talking about who had such a big hand that they had offended more than half of the east continent's sects without leaving any traces behind.

In just half a day's time, they had already spread out seven or eight possible versions of the story.

And at this moment, the Azure Cloud sect appeared unusually calm. They had always considered themselves as the number one sect and often upheld justice for others. It was rare for them to act as if this matter did not concern them at all.

Immediately, most people did not dare to speak carelessly.

They could vaguely guess something.

  1. All Su Hexiyun/Su Wuyun/Su Zhiyun/Su Xiyun/Su Zeyun in the chapters have been changed to Su Fangyun. They refer to the same person.