Let Me Explain. I Didn’t Do It on Purpose!

This kind of competition for status between large sects had happened countless times over the years, both in the open and in the dark.

It was impossible for the itinerant cultivators in the market city to interfere.

Small sects were even less qualified to interfere.

For a time, the market city was seething with undercurrents, and everyone was in danger.

They were afraid that they would become the victims of the competition between the large sects.

However, the person who started all of this did not even care about what would happen next.

For the past few days, he had been sitting in an inn, meditating.

Under such a hard working situation, it was natural.

Ye Chen had made another breakthrough.

After the long journey, he had successfully broken through from the Early Core Condensation Realm to the Early Core Formation Realm.

At the same time, a system notification sounded in his head.

"Ding! The martial school has sensed that the leader has broken through. They are very happy, so they immediately gave him a big gift package."

"You have received a one-time attack from a peak level Unity Realm Warrior."

"You have received a secret realm evil demon cave."

"You have received a disciple promotion platform."

"You have received an upgraded version of the mountain protecting array."

"Your leader's pressure has been upgraded."

"You have obtained the reincarnation pill."


Hearing a series of voices, Ye Chen revealed a satisfied smile.

These things would naturally come in handy after the Grand Mystery Sect sent people to pay respects to the mountain.

Moreover, the most important thing was that he had a life-saving trump card.

In the East continent, no one could withstand a strike from a peak unity realm expert.

Right now, he could attack or retreat.

The original soul armor would be enough to protect him.

But, once someone made ye Chen Mad...

He would throw out a powerful attack!

It would not be something that could be solved with one or two people dying.

The whole sect would probably be destroyed.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

Right then, someone knocked on the door.


It was Su Fangyun's voice.

"What is it?"

"They have all gone to the Demon Soul Swamp. Should we go now?"

"No Rush."

Ye Chen was very calm. He was the one who had set this up. As long as he did not want to, no one would be able to take the baby divine beast away.

Su Fangyun did not understand what he was thinking, so she did not dare to ask.

Just as she was about to leave, the door opened first.

Ye Chen, who was wearing a white robe, stood right in front of her.

After not seeing him for a few days, the feeling that this man gave her seemed to have changed a little.

He was more dignified and confident.

When she looked into her eyes, there was no longer that teasing and frivolous feeling that she had before.

This feeling, which seemed to be hiding some kind of emotion, had been replaced by an overbearing feeling.

For a moment, Su Fangyun could not help but freeze on the spot.

Ye Chen looked at her lightly, then left without saying anything.


Su Fangyun widened her eyes.

"I didn't provoke him, did I?" She wasn't sure.

But after thinking about it, she could only come to one conclusion.

Ye Chen was temperamental!

One second, he could coexist peacefully with you.

The next second, he could turn cold and aloof.

Su Fangyun lightly snorted. "What's the big deal? I won't serve you anymore."

She didn't like Ye Chen to begin with, so she naturally wouldn't use a warm face to snub him.

Turning around, she returned to her room and gave an order to a figure inside.

"Wuying, we can move now."


Wuying bowed to her and then said, "The former palace head has arrived here and is staying at an inn near a pawnshop on the south side of the market."

"I see."

No wonder Ye Chen went out alone without telling her. It was Ran Xuan.

Su Fangyun's eyes turned deep. She waved her sleeves and asked Wuying to leave.

"It seems like I have to protect her."

"However, do you think I have no other choice?"

"You are underestimating my Purple Rainbow Immortal Palace."


On the other side, Ye Chen left the inn and opened the sect's interface. He checked the information and frowned.

"What is Ran Xuan doing here? Didn't she know that Su Fangyun and I are here? Why is she here to die?"

Ye Chen couldn't help but shake his head, feeling a headache for this guest elder.

According to the sect's information, she had already arrived at the market and was resting here. She didn't go to the Devil Soul Swamp.

It seemed that she was afraid that the competition there would be fierce and that those loose cultivators would think that she was here to snatch the opportunity and attack her.

But, she did not know that.

Such a move would put her in even more danger.

Since Su Fangyun was able to find the east continent, it meant that she had the ability to know where Ran Xuan was.

If that was the case, as long as Ran Xuan did not return to the Grand Mystery Sect, she would be in danger for the rest of the day.

Arriving at the inn where Ran Xuan was staying, Ye Chen jumped through the window and entered.


A sky-shattering scream was heard.

With a face full of shame and anger, ran Xuan pulled off the clothes she had just taken off to protect her body.

"F * ck!"

Ye Chen hurriedly covered his eyes, "Listen to my explanation, I didn't do it on purpose!"

"What's there to explain!"

"I really didn't do it on purpose."

"Get Out!"

"Your disciple..."

"Get Out!"


Ye Chen was chased out.

Not long after, ran Xuan, who had put on her clothes, also came out.

Her expression was cold, and her face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

There was a hint of hostility in her eyes as she looked at Ye Chen.

A woman's chastity was more important than anything else.

Ran Xuan had never been humiliated like this before.

Ye Chen was also a bit embarrassed. After all, he was the one who had acted rashly in the first place, so he explained a little bit.

"That is what happened."

"I brought Su Fangyun here because I wanted you to avoid her."

"Who would have thought that you would follow me like that?"

"How could you be so stubborn? Why did you insist on going to the Tiger's mouth? Did you not know that she was going to kill you?"

"Well, I came here to see what is going on with you. Who would have known that you would be..."

Ran Xuan's eyes turned cold, "Enough!"

"Today, I am not as powerful as you. One day, I will kill you!"

Ye Chen spread out his hands helplessly. He had already said so much, so whether he would listen to him or not was another question.

"Master is still as hot-tempered as before."

A silver bell-like voice sounded.

Then, Su Fangyun, who had arrived at an unknown time, walked up the stairs.

Ran Xuan snorted, "Ever since you pushed me into the blood pool, our master-disciple relationship had already ended. Why would you say that now?"

"Once a teacher, always a teacher."

Su Fangyun smiled faintly. "It is true that I pushed you into the blood pool, but the heart devouring demon seed you planted in me is not nothing."

Ye Chen raised his brows, and couldn't help but look at Ran Xuan in a different light.

Good heavens, so the reason for ran Xuan's reincarnation was not that simple.

He couldn't help but click his tongue in wonder.

Indeed, in the cultivation world, no matter how kind a person looked, their hands would always be full of blood.

It is no joke to die along the way to become immortal.

  1. All Su Hexiyun/Su Wuyun/Su Zhiyun/Su Xiyun/Su Zeyun in the chapters have been changed to Su Fangyun. They refer to the same person.