Another Conflict

After finishing the sizzling beef jerky, Adrian felt as if all the fatigue of the day had been swept away.

While they were eating, Alice called back the Limitless Rabbit.

Then, the Limitless Rabbit's huge body slowly turned into specks of starlight and quickly disappeared into the air.

"Captain, why didn't you let the Limitless Rabbit protect us throughout?" Charles asked curiously when he saw this.

Charles couldn't be blamed for asking. After all, there were so many dangers hidden in the Spiritual Beast Forest. If Alice's Limitless Rabbit was constantly guarding them, they would feel more secure.

Alice wiped her lips, which were glossy from the fat of the meat,with a handkerchief and said softly, "That is because maintaining the spiritual beast form of the Limitless Rabbit for a long time requires a lot of mental strength."

"Thus, it's best to let the spiritual beast go back and rest when we have not encountered any danger."

Charles nodded, barely understanding Alice's words.

At this moment, Alice suddenly thought of something. Then, she looked at Gary, who was sucking his finger in front of the bonfire, and asked, "Why did you leave so many marks on the road?"

Not long after entering the Spiritual Beast Forest, Alice had noticed all kinds of strange movements from Gary.

However, Alice did not ask Gary as she could not tell what he was trying to do, and also because she was constantly on alert after entering the Spiritual Beast Forest.

Now that there was nothing to do, Alice simply raised this doubt.

Gary's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. He believed that he was still very cautious and was confident that Adrian and Charles would not notice anything.

However, Gary did not expect to be eventually discovered by Alice, whom he feared the most!

"Nothing. I was just afraid we would forget the way out. That's why I left so many marks." Gary tried to hide the tension and unease in his gaze. He tried to act calm, but there was still something vaguely unnatural about his tone.

In that instant, the fear in Gary's heart had reached its peak.

He was really afraid that this crazy woman would discover his plan. He couldn't imagine what Alice would do to him after she found out either.

At the thought of Alice's gigantic Limitless Rabbit that could easily crush him into a meat patty, Gary's face turned pale.

Meanwhile, Alice only knew that Gary was upset with her. Perhaps it was because of the Silver Coins incident, or perhaps he was questioning her ability.

Therefore, Alice did not actually notice the stiffness in Gary's voice. She only thought that he was secretly venting his dissatisfaction.

Alice said indifferently, "Don't leave these marks next. Since I can bring you in, I can naturally bring you out as well. You just have to trust me completely."

"Also, if you leave marks everywhere, it is very likely that other beast-catching teams might find us. If that time comes, no one will know who we will meet or what will happen."

"This is because a powerful senior once told me that the most terrifying things in the Spiritual Beast Forest aren't the spiritual beasts, but the humans who might stab us in the back."

"I know that you may not be able to understand what I am saying right now. However, I hope that you will truly obey all of my orders. After all, this is not only for the sake of our team. It is also for the sake of your lives."

With that, Alice picked up her water bottle and gulped down a few mouthfuls of cold water to moisten her dry throat.

As an extremely prideful man, Gary could not stand being casually ordered around by a woman at all.

Thus, Gary was undoubtedly extremely dissatisfied. He clenched his fists in great frustration.

If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't beat Alice, Gary really wanted to throw a temper at Alice the way Richard did.

However, Gary quickly thought of Richard, who had been beaten up like a pig. He did not want to end up in such a miserable state.

Thus, the anger in Gary's heart instantly dissipated, only to be replaced with endless fear. Fortunately, he had restrained himself!

However, Gary still said unhappily, "The marks I left behind are all very well-hidden. How could they be discovered by others?"

"Besides, I'll do my thing and you'll do yours. We won't interfere with each other."

Gary didn't want to listen to Alice this time. Not only did he want to get back some of his pathetic pride, he was also afraid he wouldn't be able to find his way back alone.

Alice was annoyed that Gary wouldn't listen to her. Then, she said coldly, "If you're discovered by any of those hostile beast-catching teams, may I ask if you're capable of taking responsibility?"

"I can take the responsibility!" Gary finally lost control of his emotions and stood up angrily.

Seeing that the two of them were about to start a fight, Adrian, who had remained silent throughout, finally said, "Stop arguing."

"Although we're at the outskirts of the Spiritual Beast Forest right now, the spiritual beasts are the most active at night. Thus, if we make too much noise, we might attract some spiritual beasts."

After Adrian finished speaking, he quickly separated the two of them and made them stand apart so that they wouldn't get too close and start arguing again.

Alice felt that Adrian's words made sense. Thus, she could only cast a cold glance at Gary and said, "If I see you leaving marks everywhere again, we'll see what happens!"

Gary clenched his fists. As angry as he was, he didn't dare say anything else in fear that Alice would summon her massive and terrifying Limitless Rabbit in her anger.

However, Gary secretly made up his mind. After he obtained a spiritual beast, he swore to wash away all the humiliation he had suffered today!

Meanwhile, Alice was in a foul mood as she had just had an argument with Gary. She said indifferently, "Adrian and I will take turns keeping watch tonight," said Alice flatly. "The rest of you go to bed. There's still a long way to go tomorrow."

As soon as she finished speaking, Alice quickly climbed up a large tree and sat on a thick tree trunk. Then, she vigilantly observed the nearby movements.

Hearing Alice's arrangement, Adrian knew that the girl in front of him didn't trust anyone else, so he didn't have any complaints. He only said, "Wake me up when you can't hold on any longer. I'll be the one keeping watch then."

Gary looked at Alice angrily. If he could not leave any more marks, he was simply not confident that he could leave this damned place with the supplies.

However, now that Alice did not trust him at all, he did not dare to make the request of keeping watch either.

As a result, Gary could not help but regret his conflict with Alice.

If everything had gone well, he might be able to secretly leave the team during the night watch.