Saving Alice

Should he chase after Cenir or not?

Adrian instantly fell into a dilemma.

If he didn't get rid of Cenir, there would definitely be a huge disaster.

After all, if he had an opportunity in the future, he would probably try his best to kill them.

However, if they did chase after him, Adrian wasn't sure he could kill Cenir.

To be more precise, he was not sure if he would attack him or not, or even whether he dared to attack.

After all, he had never killed anyone before. Furthermore, too many people had died today.

There were corpses all around. Some of them were human corpses, while others were the corpses of spiritual beasts. Moreover, the air was filled with a stifling atmosphere.

Looking at the unconscious Alice, Adrian chose to stay and guard her in the end. As for the future, he would think about it later.

While Adrian was weighing the pros and cons, the Fire Demon Lizard finally couldn't endure its illness and lay on its side. Although it wasn't dead yet, it looked like it was on the brink of death.

On the other hand, Adrian did not have a good impression of this big fellow who had killed Gary. However, when he saw such a huge creature fall to the ground, his expression changed somewhat.

Before long, Charles came running with a few large bags. He put down all the bags in a hurry and said in a panic, "Adrian, I've brought everything I can. I could only find these things. Quick, see if there's anything we can use."

Adrian immediately bent down to check, only to discover that everything in the bags was useless. He said anxiously, "All of this is useless. Where are the potions? Where's the package that contained the potions?"

"I think… I think Gary took them," said Charles nervously, as if he had remembered something.

Adrian hurriedly said, "Charles, let's split up and search. We have to hurry. Alice won't last long!"

Charles nodded quickly and looked around frantically.

Meanwhile, Adrian headed in the direction Gary had come running. He stepped on a lot of viscous flesh along the way. He had even encountered half of Gary's remains, and he was so frightened that his face turned pale.

"Where is it… where exactly is it…" Adrian murmured to himself while his heart was burning with anxiety!

Suddenly, Adrian saw a familiar backpack among the bushes in front of him.

He was stunned for a moment before running over excitedly.

However, when he saw the scene in front of him, Adrian could not help but feel his stomach churning again!

It turned out to be Gary's left hand, which was holding onto the strap of the backpack!

Adrian resisted the unusually nauseous feeling he experienced. He attempted to hold his breath and tried very hard to pull out the backpack.

However, Gary's left hand was gripping the strap tightly, as though he was a miser who had grabbed a large wad of cash. No matter how hard Adrian tried to move his fingers, it was useless. Instead, he accidentally dragged Gary's corpse along with him since he had used too much strength.

Meanwhile, Adrian could no longer hold his breath. All he could do was take a gentle breath. Immediately, the strong smell of blood assailed his nostrils and he felt so nauseous that he furrowed his eyebrows.

However, when he thought about how Alice was still in danger, Adrian, who originally did not want to destroy Gary's body, could not care less at that moment. He took out a sharp knife from his pocket and fiercely slashed at Gary's wrist.

One slash, two slashes, three slashes…

Flesh and blood splattered everywhere! Some of the flesh even splattered onto Adrian's face.

However, after slashing seven times, Gary's hard wrist was finally cut off.

Then, Adrian grabbed the backpack with Gary's left hand and ran quickly toward the unconscious Alice.

Charles was excited and delighted to see that Adrian had found the package.

However, in the next second, his broad face stiffened as he saw a bloody hand on the backpack!

"Urgh——" Charles didn't have the same composure as Adrian. When he saw this bloody scene, he held onto a tree and vomited.

Meanwhile, Adrian retrieved several bottles of vitality potions from the bag and crouched down.

He gently picked up the unconscious Alice and noticed that the girl's beautiful forehead was covered in sweat. She seemed to be in pain.

Adrian quickly pinched Alice's cheeks and aimed the bottle at Alice's lips. Then, he slowly poured the liquid from the bottle down.

However, Alice's lips were tightly shut, like a shell that was hard to open.

He watched as the potion trickled down the corner of Alice's mouth bit by bit. Before she even drank a bit of the potion, she had already wasted half a bottle.

In a moment of desperation, Adrian poured the potion directly into his mouth. With the potion in his mouth, he leaned over and gently pressed his lips against Alice's lips. Then, he used his tongue to pry open the girl's teeth. Finally, he transferred the potion into his mouth to Alice's mouth before repeating the same procedure.

At that moment, Charles finally finished vomiting. He heaved a sigh of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

However, just as he turned around, he saw Adrian and Alice kissing.

Charles didn't know why, but he immediately turned around and vomited again.

Adrian had gulped down two bottles of vitality potions in succession and poured them into Alice's mouth. He could clearly see that Alice had instinctively swallowed all the potions that he had given her and finally felt relieved.

The sky was getting brighter and brighter. Soon, the sun would rise from the east.

Adrian looked at the five corpses, the two spiritual beasts, as well as the extremely weak Fire Demon Lizard lying on the ground nearby. He suddenly recalled that if he didn't deal with them as soon as possible, other spiritual beasts might come here.

"Charles, are you feeling better?" Adrian called to Charles, who was holding a tree while vomiting.

Charles took a sip of water and said awkwardly, "Excuse me."

Adrian couldn't help but laugh when he saw Charles' sorry state. He said softly, "Can you get the Armored Mane Pig to dig a hole? I want to bury these corpses first, or else they might attract other spiritual beasts."

"No problem," said Charles generously as he patted his chest.

Upon receiving its master's order, the Armored Mane Pig found a patch of relatively soft soil and began digging with its long nose and hooves.

It was obviously very talented in this aspect.

Before long, the muddy Armored Mane Pig dug out three large pits.

Then, Charles ordered the Armored Mane Pig to bury all the corpses.

Although the Armored Mane Pig was only a Level-1 spiritual beast, it was much easier for it to do these chores than other spiritual beasts with superior combat strength.

Seven to eight minutes later, a few small mounds protruded from the ground. The corpses had all been buried.