Chapter 9: Date

"What are you doing here?"

He walked a little closer to me with his hands inside the pocket of his faded blue jeans. He's wearing a plaid shirt, tucked in the waistband of his jeans and I can't understand how he could make that normal clothing look so freaking good.

"I figured I have to meet you as often as possible."

"And why's that?" I asked.

"Because I don't wanna be someone you just met a couple of times."

I unconsciously grinned. "You hold grudges, don't you?"

He just shrugged his shoulders at me. He opened the car door and stared at me. "Hop in, lady."

And then I purposely tripped myself a little and that made him immediately grab my arm so I won't fall. As a result, the car door closed. "Oh! I almost fell."


"For you." I teased.

And I don't know if I was just seeing things but I saw how his ears turned red. His face turned from completely confused to a wide-grinned one.

"Where did you learn that?" He was laughing when he asked me.

From the brat's seduction class, of course. F--k! Maybe I shouldn't have listened to her.

I just winked at him instead of answering and that made him laugh even more.

He opened the car door again for me. "Get in."


"I wanna take you out on a date."

I tried not to react, but my body thinks otherwise. I looked away when I felt my cheeks burn.

"Wearing this?" I shuddered and looked down at what I was wearing. He grabbed me on my arm and led me inside the car. He even fastened the seatbelt for me, and he didn't even give me the time to decline. What a gentleman! Huh!

He walked to the other side of the car and sat on the driver's seat. "We can always stop by a store. Besides, you're a fine sight no matter what you wear."

I tightened my grip on the seat belt. What he said sent tension all over my senses. "Was that supposed to flatter me?" I grunted just so it would look like I wasn't affected at all.

"No. Take it however you want, ma'am." He mindlessly denied and then he started the engine. "Do you want to change clothes?"

"Yes. I want to at least look decent if you will really take me out on a date."

His eyes are fixed on the road, but I saw how a mischievous smile formed in his mouth. "A date it is," he asserted playfully.

Why do I feel like he is laughing at me in his mind? I feel oddly insulted for no apparent reason.

He stepped on the brake when the traffic lights went red. Then he called someone on the phone. "Albert, can you do me another favor?" I heard him say. "Have you read my message?"

I kept quiet and listened to him converse with the person on the other line. While still holding his phone in his ear he stared at me. "What's your size?"

"W-what?" I kind of stuttered because I was surprised when he asked me that. Why would he ask me that? And size on what?

He brought his gaze down to my breast, then to my waist. Pervert!

I instinctively covered my upper body with my arms.

"Nevermind," he said to me and went back to whoever he was talking to on the phone. "Just get me a dress like the last time, or you may choose. Same size, I guess."

A dress like last time? Same size? Is he talking about the sundress he made me wear on that first day?

When the call was over I immediately spoke. "I thought we would stop by a store? I guess not anymore."

"I took care of it for you."

"Wow, thanks." I sounded so sarcastic, just as I intended it to be.

He leered at me, unable to understand my behavior.

"That's not a happy thing for me, Neuron."

He gazed at me with a little confusion visible on his face. "Did I somehow offend you?" He started driving as soon as the light went green but made sure to glance at me again.

"The life I have, being a woman especially, I didn't have the luxury to decide things on my own. There are only a few things in which I can actually choose what I want. And one of those very few things is picking my own clothes. Please don't take that privilege from me."

Silence sat between us for a couple of seconds.

"I also didn't have the luxury to choose the life I want," he suddenly empathized. "But you know, I'm sure you're in a better position than me. Unlike me, I'm sure you have more control over your life."

"What do you mean? What kind of life did you live to say that?" I asked although I already have a rough idea why.

He glanced quickly at me and then a very small smile appeared on his mouth. "You see, I don't get to choose who my parents are."

For some reason, I pitied him. Maybe he doesn't like his own father, he doesn't wanna be his son, but he has no choice. Maybe His Majesty is also cruel to his children. I am still fortunate that I have loving parents until I was seven. Until His Majesty killed them.

"Isn't that the case for everyone?" I theorized.

He let out a low laugh. "I wish I was an exception."

The atmosphere between us became serious and I don't know how to lift it up. So I leaned my head on the seat and looked outside the car window. We passed by BC, an enormous mall in Gracia City. I think it's the most prominent mall in the whole kingdom.

And the last time I went inside there was when I was seven. When my parents are still alive.

I saw several busy people walking past the street, some with children, some without, there were elders, students, and office workers. Everyone seems so.. busy. I envy them. They only have their life to care about. They don't have the same calling as me.

I had to continuously worry and get angry at how things are unfolding in this kingdom. I envy them for living a normal and carefree life.

"Do you know why nurses like red crayons?" Neuron asked out of the blue.

Without looking at him, I answered. "Why?"

"Because sometimes they have to draw blood."

With my head still leaning on the car seat, I looked at him. "Seriously, Neuron? Just how many dad jokes do you know?"

"I have a list of about 200? Or maybe 300?"

"You're impossible!" I exclaimed. What kind of prince makes a compilation of lame jokes?

"Is it your hobby to collect them?" I asked, almost laughing. He is adorable in an odd way.

"No. Just recently."

That made me raise my eyebrows.

"You liked them. And you laughed at me."

"And so?"

"You're the first and only person who did that. No one has ever laughed at me."

Why is he being so emotional this morning? But I'm glad that he's telling me these things. It's an indication that I am slowly earning his trust.

"And I liked it."

"You liked it? Do you want to be laughed at? Do you want me to always laugh at you?" I'm dumbfounded.

He pulled over in front of a coffee shop without answering me. A guy went closer to his car. Neuron slid down the car window. I saw that the guy handed him a paper bag and a box.

"Thanks, Albert."

So that must've been Albert. The one he was talking over on the phone earlier.

"My pleasure, Your High--" The guy named Albert stopped mid-sentence when he saw me.

Although the fact that Neuron is a prince is unknown to the kingdom, it seems that there are people who know his real identity. Michael and Albert are some of those people. And me.

After exchanging some goodbye, Neuron handed me the paper bag.

"What's with you and clothes in a paper bag?" This is the second time he handed me a paper bag with clothes in it.

He actually let out a real laugh. "I'll wrap it as a gift next time."


"Do you wanna stop somewhere so you can change into those?"

"No need. Get out of the car."

He smirked.

"Excuse me, ma'am? What is this brazen attitude?" He playfully teased. "Why are you sending me out of my own car?"

"So do you wanna watch while I change?" I suggested sarcastically.

"I would really love tha--"

"Shut up, Neuron. Out."

He shook his head in disbelief but went out anyway. His car is tinted so no one can see me from outside.

My eyes twinkled when I saw it's a white grayish shift dress. So pretty! It's short and sleeveless, simple, and has a boxy shape. I love it so much!

I quickly changed into it like a kid who is so excited about a new dress. Then when I was done, I opened the door on the driver's seat to let Neuron inside. He went inside the car and handed me a box. When I opened it, I saw a pair of white sneakers. Perfect for my shift dress!

"You're smiling. That means you like what I gave you."

"Are you kidding?! I love it!"

I get easily excited about these little things. That's because I never received anything from anyone without anything in return. Whenever I am given things like shoes, or pretty dresses, or jewelry and accessories, it's usually for a mission. That's why I can't even call them gifts. But these...

Whenever Neuron gives me something, there is that strange happiness that creeps into my system, knowing that maybe he really wanted to give me these things. I'm not happy about receiving these things. What I'm happy about is the idea that someone is giving something to me. Ever since I lost my family, I never had someone willing to buy things for me.

"Now that you're dressed pretty decently, let's proceed to our date. Shall we?"

I looked at him in shock. "Were you serious about the date thing?"

He just smiled at me. Which, for the record, annoyed me.

Minutes later he pulled the car over in what looks like a yard of a very big house. I stepped out of the car and I looked up to the signpost. It says, "Everyone's".


"What is this place? Where are we?" I can't help but get lost at where we are standing.

"Come, follow me."

There are trees lined up on both sides which make a pathway towards the house, and there are benches on each of those trees. This looks like someone's house and someone's yard, but then, it also doesn't feel like it.

When we arrived at the main door of the house, a lady in her early 40's appeared from a path from the side of the house. When she saw us, she smiled widely.

"Hello Mr. Gruna, you came back." She greeted Neuron then she looked at me. "I guess you're the lady he was talking about."

I peered at Neuron to ask what the lady was talking about. But the jerk ignored me.

"Yes, Mrs. Miguel. Where is she?" Neuron inquired and he just completely ignored me. I have no idea what they are talking about. And Neuron isn't even trying to fill me in with what's happening.

"Come, come, follow me, you two."

The lady, which Neuron called 'Mrs. Miguel', led us inside the house. There's something about this house. I think I know, but I can't quite figure out what it is. There are a lot of old people inside. Some are chatting on the sofa, some are on their wheelchairs pushed by a nurse, some are putting a puzzle together on one table, there are even some, playing chess and checkers, and some are just there.

Is this...

"This is a home for the aged." Mrs. Miguel declared as if she could read my mind.

I felt a pool of heat concentrating on my chest. It's overwhelming to know there are still places like this, that there are still kind people out there who care about parents, and grandparents, who were abandoned by their own families.

I guess, there is still hope in this kingdom. There is still love.

Mrs. Miguel walked us in front of a room and she opened the door for us. The three of us went inside. I saw an old lady sitting on her bed, knitting something that looked like a yellow apron to me.

Then I realized...

I stared at Neuron. A lot is going on inside my mind, and I feel a lot of different emotions.

"I thought you'd be the happiest if you knew."

When he said that I felt a very strong urge to throw myself at him and just kiss him right there and then. He made me feel something I never thought I'd feel. I never thought I'd feel this happy and overwhelmed at the same time. So overwhelmed that he actually did this.

Tears almost welled up in my eyes when I saw that same grubby old lady with holes on her clothes from the street, wearing clean garments, neatly bathed, knitting happily, and most especially not looking hungry.

I stared at Neuron again who was looking at me too. "Is this the date you were talking about?"

He smiled. "Are you disappointed?"

I quickly shook my head many times to tell him I wasn't disappointed at all. I don't know how, I don't know why, but I found myself walking up to him to give him a quick kiss on the mouth.

I'm worried. I should be the one swaying Neuron. But it appears like he's the one doing it to me.