Chapter 10: Real Date

When you do things out of impulse, you only realize just how crazy you were after everything had already happened. And that's what happened to me.

I never realized how stupid it was to kiss Neuron at that moment. But when reality hit me, I froze at where I was standing.

We already kissed before but that doesn't mean it's normal for us to kiss each other. We're not even together! And it was me who kissed him!

Neuron and I stared at each other not knowing what to do after what I just did.

"You two are a lovely couple." What Mrs. Miguel commented broke the ice between Neuron and me. We both cleared our throats and looked away from each other almost at the same time.

I faced Mrs. Miguel to tell her we are not what she thinks we are. "Actually we're not--"

"We're not?" Neuron cut me off.

We are not...

He's looking at me with raised eyebrows. It's like he's telling me it will cause confusion if I tell Mrs. Miguel we aren't together because she just saw us kiss.

"Nevermind, Mrs. Miguel." I retreated. She gave me a very kind smile in return.

"Mr. Gruna told me you were the one who found Mrs. Reyes."

I glanced at Neuron. He didn't have to give me the credit for it.

"How is she?" I asked while looking at that old lady I saw outside Neuron's apartment building, which apparently is Mrs. Reyes.

"She's doing very well. Rest assured that we are taking good care of her here."

Mrs. Reyes is so focused on knitting that she didn't even notice we were inside her room. I walked near her bed. "Hi," I casually greeted.

When she saw me, she gave me a very bright and wrinkly smile. Even her eyes are smiling at me. "How are you?"

It's strange. I feel like she resembles someone I know. But I can't pinpoint who she resembles.

"I am very well, child. Thanks to you and your lover."

My lover?

"Granny, Neuron and I aren't--" I paused. Why am I even trying to explain? It'll sound more complicated if I tell her we aren't lovers.

"Are you eating well? Are you sleeping well?"

She nodded. "In this place, I don't have to be hungry and homeless anymore. Here, I have a family."

She looked down on the floor so I also looked at where she was looking. She's looking at her room slippers.

"And here, they give me shoes and slippers to protect my feet."


"You said I need to protect my feet if I want to live in this country."

It fascinated me that she remembered what I said. I held her hand. "That's good to know. I'm happy for you, Granny."

I found out Neuron signed up to become a lifetime sponsor of this home for the aged. He also donated some equipment and machines for physical activities for the elders.

"What do you exactly do for a living? You're living in the most expensive apartment complex in the whole kingdom. You own one of the most expensive cars in the world. And you just donated some brand new equipment for charity."

We are in front of the main house, taking shade under a big tree, sitting on a bench, and eating some homemade wheat bread with juice, served to us by one of the volunteers here.

"Ah, I don't have a job," he simply stated.

"What?" Does that mean he's leeching off on people's taxes?

"My apartment was given to me by my uncle, who is a very rich businessman. My car, on the other hand, was given to me as a gift by my father." By that, it means I am wrong about him leeching off on taxes. "And all the equipment and me signing up as a sponsor, isn't all from my own pocket."

"What? I don't quite understand."

"I robbed someone's bank account for this."

That literally made me stop.

"But don't worry. Rest assured that the money I am using to donate is really and should be intended for these kinds of things. I just went through the shortcut instead of going through the formal process, because it'll take a long time. And I can't wait that long to have an excuse to take you out."

Flabbergasted. Stoked. He did this to have an excuse to take me out?

"I don't understand any of what you said. But the point is, if I'm not mistaken, you did all of these to impress me."

"Not impress you." A cold shiver ran down my spine when he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and whispered into my ear the next words. "But seduce you."

I glared at him and forcibly shoved his arm away from me. "Stop fooling around, asshole."

He just gave me a childish laugh. "Now that I'm done touching your heart with my compassion, let's proceed to our real date."


"I told you, ma'am, I'm taking you out on a date."

Before we left the place, we went to Granny, and her name is actually Leila as I was told, and we bid her goodbye. I promised her that I will be back. Right when we were about to leave, Granny walked up to me and gave me the one she was knitting earlier. A yellow apron, to be precise.

"Use this, and cook delicious food for your lover. I hope the two of you live happily as a couple."

"Granny, thank you." I sincerely remarked and I couldn't tell her that Neuron and I aren't lovers. Because I thought it might break her heart knowing that she even knitted an apron for me to use while cooking for Neuron, and then everything turns out to be just a lie.

I hugged her before finally leaving.

When Neuron and I were already inside the car, silence sat between us. I looked at the yellow apron that was on my lap. Then I looked at him. "Thank you."

"For what?" he asked innocently.

"For what you did to Granny."

"Why would you be grateful though? She isn't related to you. And you only met her once."

"You see, I have a special heart for the needy. I wanted to help them, make their lives a little better, if only I could do that. I know it's impossible, but I really wish that no one has to suffer from poverty. It just breaks my heart to know that there are people out there dying from hunger and cold because they are homeless. It's heartbreaking to think that there are helpless people out there, especially elders and children, who are dying because no one has cared for them."

"Rathna," he called my name.


"This kingdom is much better than what you think and what you know. It's true that it's impossible to completely eradicate poverty, but the palace is doing everything to help the citizens. There are countless places like this," he informed, referring to the home for the aged, "everywhere that is being run by the royal family."

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist. Is this how Mirando has brainwashed some Maharlicans? He shows off some fake generosity, supports some charity to look good, manipulates what the mass media tells about the royal family, and makes his children lie to people about how good he is as a ruler.

I suddenly lost the energy I had before he started talking about the royal family. I leaned my back on the car seat, turned my head on the window so that he couldn't see my face, then I closed my eyes.

"I don't care where you're taking me. Wake me up when we're there."

"Are you upset?" I heard him ask but I did not respond.

I'm exasperated!

He was silent for a few seconds, then I felt the car come to life. I felt that he adjusted my seat so that I could sleep comfortably. In the middle of pretending to be asleep, I truly fell asleep in the end.

When I woke up, a pair of eyes greeted me. It's the same deep, tantalizing coffee brown eyes.

"Sleep well?"

I peeked outside of the car to see where we were. He showed me two movie tickets. "I figured, we can watch a movie for our first date."

I sat up properly. "You're really consistent about the 'date' thing."

"It's not just a 'date thing' Rathna. I want a real date."

He didn't give me the time to react. He just stepped outside of the car and went over to the other side where I am sitting. He opened the car door for me and motioned me to get out.

And the most surprising thing is, he took my hand and intertwined it with his. Like how a real couple does.

I wanted to complain but I figured, it's better this way. It'll make my plan go smoothly.

He even bought some popcorn and drinks. And as we were sitting inside the dark theater waiting for the movie to start, he suddenly leaned in and whispered to me. "I researched about what to do on a first date. Many said they watched a movie, and popcorn and drinks are a must. I don't understand why though."

I chortled. He's so funny. He's adorable when he talks innocently like this.

I feel a bit awkward because he never let go of my hand ever since we stepped out of his car until we reached the cinema. I subtly tried to get my hand by trying to reach for the popcorn, but he did not let me. He tightened his grip on my hand and fed me the popcorn instead.

It made me feel even more uncomfortable. But somehow...

I kinda like it too.

I'm scared. I'm starting to really feel that this is a date. A real date.

"You told me to play with you."

I turned my head to face him because of what he said. He is not looking at me, his gaze is on the big screen that is showing some advertisements.

"You asked me to play with you, Rathna."

I remember asking him that when I was on the floor outside of his apartment.

"So is this you playing with me?" I kind of sounded a little disappointed. And hurt? Maybe.

I tried to take my hand from his grip, but again, he did not let me. "I don't know if this is playing or if it's real. Doesn't matter. What matters is I'm doing it with you. Whatever it is."

I don't know anymore what to feel or how I should take his words and actions. Can I take them for what they are? Or should I take caution?

"You should remember Rathna, that you're the one who came to me first. You're the one who came to my apartment pretending you were pregnant. You were the one who kissed me first. You suddenly just crashed into my life, and I'm not letting you just get away with it."

"Does that mean I have to pay again?"

"Yes, you're paying. And I'm not going to ask for monetary reimbursement. I'm going to take all of you. Every piece. Your heart, your mind, your body. It'll be mine. And mine alone."

Right there, inside an enormous dark theater, I felt that familiar erratic beating sound from my chest, which only Neuron can do. I felt like I tripped on the trap I made. But what's even more bewildering is that...

I'm starting to like it.