Chapter 11: Ordinary Things Are Extraordinary

When I imagined what Prince Neuron would look like when he's on a date, I imagined luxurious and glamorous things. Expensive suit, a sophisticated meal in an expensive restaurant, extraordinary shows, maybe a dinner on a cruise ship, personalized fireworks show. This is how I imagined it to be.

But maybe because he lived in a glamour all his life that he is longing for ordinary things.

After we watched a movie, in which I cried buckets of tears because the guy died and their love never came true, Neuron took me to a public park. Yes, a park.

"Let's go," he beckoned me to come closer, and then he held out his hand to me.

"You're very consistent in acting like my boyfriend today."

Because I did not take his hand, he took my hand on his own and intertwined them again. "I'm hoping if I do this, it might somehow happen."

So he wants to be my boyfriend?

We are walking around the park, holding each other's hands. "Neuron.."


"Why would you take me out on a date?"

"I believe I already told you the reason inside the cinema."

That shut me up.

"Why did you pretend you were pregnant?"

Instead of being ashamed, I laughed a little. "I can't think of any other excuse to see you."

He led me towards a bench and made me sit down. A few meters away from us, there is a peddler of dirty ice cream, ringing his bell ferociously to inform the people around about his presence.

You see, in Maharlica, when we hear that bell sound, we immediately associate it with dirty ice cream. I remember in the past, whenever I would hear a bell ring, I would drag my mom and convince her to buy me one cone.

"Wait here," he told me and walked near the peddler. I just watched him as he bought two ice creams and walked on his way back to me. He's holding an ice cream in each of his hands. And he's smiling at me as he's walking back.

His plaid shirt, it's just a plaid shirt, but why does he look so hot in it? His clean-cut hair also adds to his whole hunk appearance.

I hate how I'm secretly worshiping his looks inside my mind.

When he finally came to me he handed me a chocolate dirty ice cream. His is vanilla. "This isn't the date I expected from you. I thought you'd lean on to something expensive and extravagant."

He sat next to me on the bench. "Why though? It's not extravagance that can make something special. It's about who you are with."

"Oh," I teased. "How romantic, Sir."

We're both eating our ice cream. And the more I hear from him, I'm starting to think Neuron is somehow a deeper person than I think he is.

"I think ninety percent of our experience comes from our experience on ordinary days. That's why when you get sick or when someone special leaves, it's not those special occasions you miss. It's the ordinary days you really miss. If we can no longer do what we used to do, it feels like we lost something."

"Neuron, are you sure about this?" He stared at me like he couldn't understand what I just asked. "You're sharing yourself with me. Are you sure about it?"

I don't understand why I am asking him this. I should've encouraged or pushed him into it, but why am I kind of giving him a warning?

He did not reply. He deliberately avoided my question by looking at my ice cream. "Is chocolate tasty?"

I nodded.

"Great. Finish that off quickly before I steal it."

I laugh carelessly. I noticed I laugh often these days. Mostly because of Neuron.

"By the way, do you know why bees have sticky hair?"

"Huh? Really? They do?" I probed out of pure curiosity. Do bees even have hair?

"Yah. It's because they use honeycomb. Imagine how sticky it'll be."

"Rea--" I stopped mid-way and glared at him when I understood what he just said. "F--k you! You really know how to throw a joke out of nowhere."

He stood up and held out his hand again to me. This time I took it. "I wanna bring you somewhere."

And by somewhere, he meant an amusement park with all the rides.

"I didn't know you were this childish," I confessed.

"I've always wanted to go here."

"Why didn't you?"

"I was waiting for you to come."


"I don't want to go here alone. I was waiting for someone I could bring. And it took me almost thirty years. Where were you all this time?"

I unconsciously giggled. He says all the cringe things. But he's still adorable.

"I was waiting for you to pick me up," I replied to counter his pick-up line. "So don't blame me. You're the one who made it this long."

He had an amused look on his face like he's enjoying how I went on with his skit.

We rode on all the rides available.

All I can say is that my mouth felt tired from smiling and laughing today. I don't quite remember when was the last time I was this happy. I had the most fun today. And it's all thanks to Neuron.

I was wasted when we finally decided to go home. My sugar level just dropped down to its lowest possible level. My body automatically leaned on the car seat and my eyes closed on their own. Then I remember that we have a gathering in the camp today. I need to get back to the camp at sunset.

"Can you please take me home, Sir?"

"Yes, ma'am. As you wish." He leaned in closer and adjusted my seat so I could rest comfortably.

"I've been a baby to you this whole day. You were taking care of me a lot today."

"I don't mind. You can be a baby all you want. I will take care of you."

Ever since my parents died, ever since the Chief took me to the camp, I never had someone who takes care of me. I never had someone who looks after me, who does things for me. It feels odd that someone's suddenly taking care of me.

It has always been me, and me, and just me, who looks after myself.

It's disturbing, but it kinda feels good too. Neuron is making me want to lean on him. Which is wrong and is not supposed to be.

Get a hold of yourself, Rathna! Do not forget your mission!

He took me to Hermit Homes. Of course! This is the home he knows.

F--k! Why did I even ask him to take me home?

Before I got out of the car, he spoke. "I had so much fun today. I hope you did too."

I smiled at him. "I did, Neuron. So much."

He suddenly took off his seatbelt and leaned closer to me. He touched my face with one hand. His gaze dropped down on my lips, then back to my eyes.

He leaned his face much closer to kiss me but I leaned my head back to stop him. "Neuron, you're not allowed to kiss me."

"Why? You kissed me earlier in front of Mrs. Miguel." He sounded like a little kid complaining.

"That was just the spur of the moment. I was just so happy."

He withdrew from leaning and sat on the driver's seat properly. "If that's the case, then you're allowed to kiss me."


"Since you're allowed, I just have to make you kiss me."

I smirked at him. "Are you this casually confident around women?"

"I don't know. I never had women in my life before."

"You're lying," I immediately concluded in disbelief.

"Well, I had my mother. And my sisters. If you call them women in my life."

"Are you serious? You never dated?" I am actually in disbelief. I can't believe that with his looks and his romantic disposition he hadn't dated. He's got to be kidding!

"Was that a turn-off?"

"No. It's just that-- it's hard to believe it."

"I'd take that as a compliment," he retorted in a cocky way. "Now, ma'am, if you don't want me to take you to my place, step out of this car, or else I'm going to steal you away from your own home."

I rolled my eyes on him and got out of the car. He waved at me from the window and then I watched his car leave until I could no longer see it.

Now that I'm alone, emptiness crept into me. It's scary how he can fill in the emptiness I have been feeling in my entire life and then empty it again whenever he leaves.

I sighed loudly. My plan is going so smoothly. Just as my feelings are running so smoothly. And the two aren't supposed to go together. They should've been separate. No, scratch that. My feelings shouldn't have existed in the first place.

I took my real phone and called Geraldine. But she is not answering the phone. So I called Isagani instead.

"Where is Geraldine?" I asked as soon as he picked the call up.

"She went somewhere with the captain."

With the captain? Hmm.. interesting.

"Can you pick me up instead? I'm at Hermit Homes. Hurry up. I don't wanna be late for tonight's gathering."

"I'm working on something though. I can't go out of the camp now."

Oh my gosh! How am I supposed to get back to the camp?

"I'll try to ask Loor and Gulu if they can."


Seconds later I can hear Loor from the other line. We almost ended up arguing because he keeps on complaining that he doesn't know where Hermit Homes is and that he doesn't know the city that well.

But then, in the end, we settled on using the GPS.

God! Just where on earth did Geraldine go? That brat! Don't tell me she's on a date with the captain?

I waited on the main road for Loor so that he could see me right away. Half an hour later I could already see the team's car. Loor peeked his head on the window to wave at me. I was about to walk to the car when another car suddenly honked at me.

I froze. If I'm not mistaken that's--

That's Neuron's car! What is he doing here? Why did he come back?

I motioned Loor to drive away but the dumbass thought I wanted him to come over to me. Instead of driving away, he drove towards me and stopped in front of me. And the worst thing is, he even stepped out of the car. His thin figure emerged from the car.

I'm freaking nervous. I feel like I have been busted for cheating on my boyfriend. Why the f--k is that? I don't even have a boyfriend!

"Rath!" Loor called happily.

F--k this arse!

Neuron's car stopped in front of the team's car. And I prayed even if I don't believe in a Supreme Being, that Neuron won't suspect anything. Anything at all!

I subconsciously bit my lower lip because of the tension, especially when I saw how creased Neuron's forehead was when he stepped out of the car.

He eyed Loor and there's a grim look on his face.

"Who are you?" Neuron asked Loor in a very cold but still in a formal tone.

"Who are you," Loor retaliated.

"Going somewhere?" Neuron asked again.

"Yep. With this beautiful lady here," Loor replied and looked at me.

F--k this jerk! Why do I have so many slow teammates? Just what the f--k is wrong with his brain that he can't read what's happening!

I looked at Loor while widening my eyes to tell him to shut up.

I gasped when Neuron faced me and said, "Are you cheating on me?"

What the f--k?