Chapter 29: Night Club

The club is called 'Parliament of Owls'. So it's basically saying those who will enter the club are owls, and together, they are a parliament.

Nice.. I do love, in a sarcastic manner, the humor of the owner.

The exterior of the club building is glowing in merigold color. I don't know how to describe it, but the outside walls are like blocks of random shapes, placed together to make a wall. And they are all merigold color, and they glow.

They're randomly shaped, but that didn't give a weird end result. In fact, it was aesthetically beautiful to look at.

Then you can see from outside, the second floor, where every 'owl' is probably having fun at. There's also a veranda, if you want to look outside from the second floor.

"We're here! We're here!" Loor chirped.

It's obvious that Gulu and Loor are the ones most excited about this.

"There will be hot guys everywhere," Geraldine whispered to me naughtily.

For a second I got excited but then I remembered Neuron. I took my phone to text him the address and the name of the club but changed my mind. I could test him and confirm if he really planted a tapping device on my phone.

If he finds me, then that means he did tap me.

I dropped my phone back in my jean's pocket.

Geraldine looked at me from head to toe. And then she hit my arm slightly. "That's why I told you to dress up! You're wasting your face and figure by wearing so-unsexy clothes. I hate you."

I just chuckled. Jeans, sleeveless shirt, and a cardigan to top it plus heels. What's wrong with the way I dress?

I looked at her from head to toe in return. She's like wearing the most revealing clothes I've ever seen.

She's wearing a tube top, and a very long skirt that's up to her ankle. Not bad eh? But the skirt has a slit up to her upper thigh. She shouldn't have worn a skirt as long as that because it's not even helping cover her thighs. Duh! And her wavy hair is hanging prettily on her bare back.

We bought our outfit together after her date with the captain.

"Aren't you too 'underdressed'?" I deliberately stressed.

Instead of being conscious she even posed like she's modeling the clothes in front of me to flaunt her outfit. What a brat!

"Is the captain okay with this?" I glanced quickly at the captain who's being pestered by Gulu.

"Why wouldn't he? When I dressed up like this for him?"

"Are you f--king kidding me? For him? Or for the other guys to see?"

She laughed. "For the other guys to see," she admitted shamelessly. "And for him to realize how lucky he is for owning someone like me."

I thought they weren't lovers? I just don't understand them!

"I don't think that's a good idea. If guys will hit on you I don't think the captain will be very happy."

"Wouldn't he be proud? Other guys want what he owns."

I can't believe she has the same concept as Neuron! Neuron also said he would be proud if someone else likes me. And did that happen? No! Technically because I went far beyond the line.

Or was he just annoyed that his plan could be ruined if I like someone else? I don't know anymore!

Anyways, I really don't think the captain will like it if guys will swarm around the brat.

"Let's go party!" Gulu screamed. He dragged Isagani. Loor, on the other hand, is dragging the captain. The captain gave Geraldine a look and they exchanged glances like they have telepathy.

We followed the guys.

"So what's that look about?" I pried on Geraldine.

"It's just a warning for each other."


"He's telling me 'no flirting with guys'. And I'm telling him 'no glances on girls'."

"What? That single look meant all of that?" I couldn't believe her. She must be bluffing.

"That's how it is, girl, when you like each other. One glance is all it takes to tell each other how you feel."

That made me ponder. One glance..

I'm not sure if Neuron and I could understand each other's thoughts with just a single glance. I can't really know what he's thinking by solely looking at his face. He's ambiguous to me. Or maybe I'm just really bad at understanding people?

Or maybe because I'm doubting his sincerity that's why everything looked suspicious to me now?

Or maybe we don't really like each other? That's why we can't understand each other with just a glance.


When we entered the club the guard carefully checked our ID's. Minors are not allowed. Suspicious people are not allowed. Thanks to our established identities, we were able to enter.

Gulu and Loor can't hide their excitement. They're dancing excitedly to the beat of the music while we're still walking. Geraldine also joined the fun. She excitedly pointed at the dance floor and tugged at me.

"Dance! Let's dance!"

I just shook my head and followed her. With that, we girls, separated from the rest of the team. I don't know where the guys went. Maybe they went hunting for girls.

This is the first time I've actually been to a club. The music is so loud and the colorful lights are making me dizzy. But…

It's very fun here.

We joined the crowd on the dance floor. And I've never danced like I'm drugged in my life before. The fun is so intoxicating that I can't help but dance like crazy. The loudness of music is making me dance!

Geraldine and I are having so much fun dancing with other girls and then with guys. I saw some guy partnered with Geraldine and is so close to her. Like superclose. I think I also saw the guy touch Geraldine's body. But that didn't matter. I'm also dancing with a guy who is so close to me.

It's a different kind of fun. It's the kind of fun that makes you go wild and crazy. The fun that makes you not care anymore about what's happening around you. I never knew dancing could be this fun. I've never danced before. Not even once.

In the middle of the dance floor, my phone suddenly vibrated. I took it and when I saw that Neuron was calling, I ignored it and continued having fun. He can find me if he wants to, anyway.

I don't remember how many shots of liquor I already consumed. The guys on the dance floor just keep on giving me a glass and I just keep on drinking.

My head is already spinning. This crowd of people, the liquor, the deafening music, these loud screams from people, the continuous movement in the dance floor, it's making me drunk.

My phone vibrated again. I walked out from the dance floor and went down to go outside the club. I answered the phone and a frustrated Neuron greeted me.

"Why on earth are you not answering your phone?"

"Oh! Your Highness!" Even I, myself, could tell I'm already drunk by the way my tongue is twisting from talking.

"Are you already drunk? Where are you? I thought you would text me the address?"

I laugh with a little bit of snoring. "Why would I? You can just find me, right?" Maybe it's because of the alcohol that I'm being talkative right now about the spy software installed on my phone.

"What? Are you telling me to use the tower again to find you?"

"No! No! No!" I feel like the world is spinning around me.

I dropped on the ground and sat and held my head because I feel like it will fall any minute. "You spied on me, didn't you? You installed spy software to monitor me, didn't you? Why? You don't trust me?"

"What do you mean--"

"Why are you acting so oblivious?"


I couldn't hear what he said after that because someone took the phone from me. I couldn't even recognize who it was because all I see is that the world is spinning.

"Rathna is drunk. We're in a nightclub called Parliament of Owls."

"Oh!" I exclaimed when I recognized the voice. "Captain!"

He helped me stand up. "The prince will fetch you," he informed and immediately caught me when I almost lost my balance. "Where is Geraldine?"

"Uh? The brat?"

I couldn't remember where Geraldine was.

I don't remember what happened next because my eyes are closed the entire time because whenever I open them it feels like my head is breaking.

I just felt someone carry me, the captain I assumed, and he made me sit down on a bench and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Captain.." I called.

"Why did you drink so much?"

When I heard who it was I tried hard to lift my head to stare at him.

"When did you get here, Isagani? I thought I was with the captain."

"He went to find Percy."

He held my head and rested my head on his shoulder again. And then I fell asleep.

When I woke up I could feel I was sitting in a moving vehicle. Maybe a taxi. Maybe Isagani is taking me home. I didn't bother opening my eyes because my head is still spinning.

"I can't believe he spied on me, Gan. He spied on me. Maybe the prince doesn't like me."

I didn't hear a response from Isagani. I forced my eyes to open to look at him. And dread consumed me when I saw it wasn't Isagani.


I looked around and I was inside Neuron's car. I suddenly sobered up.

"I didn't understand what you said." He glanced at me before saying the next words. "But I do like you."

I don't know if it's because of the deafening silence that followed his remark but I could swear the beating of my heart was audible enough for him to hear. That's how loud I felt it was.

It's the first time he ever told me that he likes me.

I was about to explain.

"And stop talking," he said, cutting me off before I could even speak. "You reek of alcohol."

I sulkily leaned back on my seat and closed my eyes again. He stopped the car at the side of the road.

"I'm going to make a phone call real quick."

I glanced at him when he suddenly unfastened his seatbelt.

"Do it here," I sounded like I was challenging him.

"It's confidential," he simply answered then stepped out of the car.

I massaged my head.

I get it, he's a prince, and there are things that a commoner like me should not know. Of course! There are confidential things!

But it's still upsetting when Neuron draws a line like this.

I already went back to sleep before he came back inside the car.

He woke me up when we arrived in front of his apartment building. He was assisting me as I stood outside his car to make sure I didn't lose my balance. And annoyingly, my feet hurt so much because I was wearing heels.

"The more I see you, the more I realize you're not the same person I met in that bar."

"What do you mean?"

"The girl I met in that bar is seductive, wears provocative clothes, naughty, and plays with men. But the more I see you, the more I realize you're not the type of girl you initially wanted me to see you. This," he said. "This is the real you."

Now that I think about it, I failed to maintain that seductive image I initially showed for my first impression. Whenever I'm with him I always wear simple clothes. Did I become too comfortable around him?

"The real me? So what? You don't like me anymore because I'm not that seductive and naughty girl?"

"No. Either you're this, or that, doesn't matter. It's you whom I like."

Does he really like me? Even if my heart is pushing me to believe it, my mind is telling me not to. Not yet at least.

When we entered the building I tugged his shirt. He stared at me to ask why I was tugging him.

"I'm dizzy."

"Because you're drunk," he stated.

"Carry me."

"What? From here?" He asked in utter shock.

I don't know if it's because I'm drunk that I'm acting this way. I circled my hands on his neck to hug him.

Or maybe, I just love being this close to him.

"You're such a baby," I heard him say and then he scooped me up and walked towards the elevator.

I don't know how he managed to do it but he really carried me in the elevator up until we arrived on his floor and entered his apartment. He still carried me up to his bedroom. But he didn't let me lie on his bed.

"You reek of alcohol. Change your clothes first."

I shook my head in disagreement. "I wanna sleep now."

"My bed will reek of alcohol if you don't change your clothes."

I shook my head again in disagreement. He handed me some clothes.

"Change or else I will strip you naked and you will sleep that way beside me."

I didn't have a choice so I changed my clothes when he stepped out of the room. As soon as I finished changing I lay on his bed and covered myself with the blanket. I fell asleep right after that.

When I woke up, I was facing sideward curled up, just like how I used to sleep and Neuron was sitting on the bed, leaning on the head board, watching me.

He didn't smile. He didn't even greet me for a good morning. He just stared at me with a curious look on his face.

"They say it shows what type of person we are by the way we sleep. You see, we take off our masks when we sleep. So I wonder what facade you were trying to wear when awake, that you curl up like a baby when asleep."

Instead of looking away and backing down from his stare, I stared back at him.

"Are you saying I'm wearing a mask?"

"We all do, don't we?"

"Since you already know I'm wearing a mask, does that mean you can see who I really am?"

He wasn't able to answer. He brushed off some strands of hair from my face and then he stooped down and kissed my forehead. "Good morning."

Even if I feel like I don't have the energy to laugh as I have only woken up, I still managed to chuckle. "You're only greeting me now?"

"Better late than never."

I got up and sat beside him. I held my head right away. I have a bad headache and my stomach doesn't feel so nice.

"I'm hungover," I confessed to Neuron.

"Why did you drink so much last night?" He reached his hand on his bedside table. There's a bottle of drink for hungover there and he opened the cap before he handed it to me.

I drank it straight. When I finished the whole bottle he took it from me and put it back on the table. Then he slightly massaged my head.

"Thank you for the drink, Your Highness. And good morning." I possessively wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest.

I could smell his scent. It's not a scent of perfume. Not of a body wash or anything. It's Neuron's scent.

I smelled his shirt over and over again.

"Why are you sniffing me like a dog?" he asked as he chuckled.

"I like your smell." I smelled his shirt again. "There is always this scent I could smell whenever you're around. I don't know if it's just me but, there's a particular scent I could smell. Maybe it's the mix of your perfume, your body wash, and your natural scent. When they come together, they create this scent that sends tingles all over my body."

"Why are you suddenly talking about my scent early in the morning, when you're this close to me, breasts pressed on my stomach? You're turning me on. Are you trying to seduce me?"

I pulled out from him to look at him in the face.

"Neuron, I'm being sentimental here," I said in disbelief, "and you're thinking about dirty stuff?"

He laughed and pulled me closer again into an embrace.

"Sorry," he ap0logized, not sounding so apologetic at all. "It's just that the sight of you in the morning is so sultry--Ah!" He grimaced when I pinched him on his waist.

"Stop talking dirty," I scolded him.

He laughed again. "See?" He suddenly said which made me give him a confused look. "You're not as naughty as you wanted me to see you."

I suddenly remembered what he said last night.

"You're pure and innocent. I wonder what made you go wild that night in the bar when I first met you."

"I'm not pure nor innocent! I'm far from that!" I retaliated. "Why? If I didn't wear revealing clothes, and if I wasn't that friendly that night, would you even notice me?"

I dressed up like that and acted like that for him to notice me. And I succeeded!

He became silent and that made me roll my eyes. "What?!" I said in dismay. "So you won't even notice me if I didn't show some skin huh!"

I sat farther from him to show him I'm upset.

"I would've still noticed you. You would've still caught my eye," he suddenly defended while laughing and it made me hopeful until his next words. "I think."

"What?! You think?!"

My blood pressure suddenly went up. I feel like my face is going to blow up out of fury. I got up from the bed and threw a pillow on his face. And I became angrier when he just laughed at me. Jerk! Asshole!

I threw another pillow at him before I stormed out of the room.

My ghad! I wish I could kill an asshole prince right now!