Chapter 30: Breakfast

I sat on the island counter watching him while he was cooking breakfast. I've never really taken the time to observe Neuron's kitchen. During the times I was here before, it's either I'm always in a hurry and cautious or I'm just not interested in his life, that's why I never took the time to appreciate his place.

But now that I'm comfortable around him, everything seems to slow down. Like I can actually see what's around me.

The kitchen floor and walls are marbled. His whole place is a whole mix of colors black, brown, white, and gray. There's a kitchen chimney hanging from the ceiling where the smoke from the stove exits from.

To the left wall, located his oven, and beside the oven are the shelves for kitchen wares, tools, and utensils. One side of the kitchen wall is a quarter of glass and three-quarters marble. At the glass part, you could look down and see the busy street below.

His kitchen is magnificently designed.

The preparatory area before cooking, and even the stove and sink, is on the other side of the island counter. That's why I could literally watch everything he is doing as he is cooking in front of me.

He would look at me from time to time and would smile at me, and sometimes would naughtily wink. And I would smile back at him secretly adoring the heart fluttering sight of him on an apron. He's quite a beautiful sight to behold.

I came to stare at the three white-framed pictures that are horizontally aligned on the wall.

The first picture looked like a picturesque night view of Gracia, but I don't know from which point of view. It looks gorgeous. It makes me wanna see that particular view myself. The last picture is a picture of a swing.

It made me ponder. The swing looks very familiar to me. Like I've been there before. Like I sat on that swing. But that's impossible. Whoever photographed that is so skillful. It makes you feel familiar with the place although you haven't been there before.

And then there's a picture of a woman in the middle. She was captured from her head up to her waist. She has short hair, up to her shoulder blades, and a small number of bangs hanging on her forehead. She's pretty. Like really pretty. But the picture kinda looks old. And there's one more thing striking about her. It's her coffee brown eyes. They look familiar to me. Why's that?

Neuron picked these three particular photos to put up on his wall. And I've seen no other framed pictures in his house other than these three. So these three must've meant something to him. I'm curious about the woman.

Is she his ex? No way, right? He told me he wasn't interested in women before. So I assume I am his first? Or did he lie again?

"That's Gracia City," I interrupted. Neuron looked at me and I pointed the picture on the wall. He also looked at it.

"Ah," he uttered. "Yeah. That's Gracia at 3am sharp at the highest place in the palace. I happened to be there and the view was so enthralling that I had to photograph it and put it in a frame."

So he's the one who photographed it?

"It's very gorgeous, I wanna see it myself," I commented. "How about the swing?"

It's so random to hang a picture of a random swing on his wall. Unless it meant something to him.

Although he tried, I still noticed how his face changed expression. He went back to what he's doing--frying dried salted fish as per request by me--to act like he's not affected at all.

"Do you remember that friend I told you about?"

This time it's I, who was taken aback. His friend?

I gulped.

"T-Thrana?" I tried not to but I stuttered upon mentioning my own name.

"You can say that's our safe place. That's where we stay most of the time."

"And since you framed it, and hung it on your wall, I supposed it means that much to you?"

He looked at me then nodded his head. "But I can take it down if you want to," he playfully teased. "She's a childhood friend, ma'am. Just a childhood friend. Ah, I forgot to mention, she was really pretty as a girl."

I rolled my eyes. It's obvious he wants me to get jealous. "Did I say anything? Duh!"

He laughed as if he enjoyed teasing me.

But really?

Maybe I wasn't that childhood friend. Maybe it's a different Thrana because I don't remember going to that swing when I was a kid.

"And that lady in the middle?" I finally asked.

That's what I really want to know. I just asked about the other ones because he might misunderstand and think I'm jealous over a picture of a lady framed on his wall. Well maybe, slightly? I just don't feel that good seeing someone else's face on his wall when he hasn't even taken a single picture of me!

He turned his head at the wall on his back to look at the picture.

"Isn't she pretty?"

I secretly rolled my eyes. How dare he call someone else 'pretty' in front of my face?!

"Don't you recognize her?"

"No!" We both got startled because I sounded like I was yelling at him. I felt shamefully agitated. "I mean," I reclaimed, and made sure my tone was perfectly calm. "I mean no, I haven't met her."

"Of course you haven't. And you wouldn't be able to, but I wish you could."

"Why? Who is she?"

He looked at me, wearing a disappointed face.

"That's odd. I've always been told I look exactly like my mom."

"I don't think that's t--" I stopped and then looked at him in utter shock. "What?! Mom?!"

My mouth hung open as I looked again at the picture. F--k!

Now I realize why those eyes look familiar! Neuron has her eyes! D-mn it! And now that he told me, I could actually see the resemblance now.

Idiot! Why didn't I notice?

"You have a serious problem, ma'am."

"What?" I squealed.

"You easily get jealous. First on Solar, and now even my mom?"

I reached for a potholder and threw it at him. "Shut up! I hate you."

He heartily laughed. "Then shall I make you feel better?"


"What do you call a line of men waiting to get haircuts?"

So the dad jokes are back.


He gazed at me then answered. "Barberqueue."

It only took one second for me to completely lose it.

We both threw our heads back laughing. It was hilarious for me HAHAHAHA. It was f--king hilarious, I gotta give him that.

I'm still trying to hold back from laughing. "Just where the f--k do you get your jokes?"

He gave me a mysterious smile. Without realizing it, he had already finished cooking. He walked towards me and held my hand to make me stand up. Then he led me to the dining table which is just a few steps away from where I am sitting. He pulled the chair for me, urged me to sit down then he stared down at me.

"You laughed," he bragged while smiling.

"Because it was hilarious."

"If you're happy, I'm happy." He kissed the side of my head. "Wait here, ma'am."

I just watched him do all the work for me. He laid the stir-fried potato stuffed omelet, fried dried salted fish, vinegar with sliced tomatoes, onion, and ginger with chili to spice it up. He also cooked fried rice with sliced ham. And brewed black coffee.

All requested by me. These are my all-time favorite breakfast combos. And Neuron cooked all of them for me.

"It's giving me butterflies," he blurted out of nowhere.

"What are you talking about?"

"This whole scenario," he answered. "Me, cooking in the kitchen. And you, waiting for me, wearing my shirt. It's strange. And I'm not trying to sound weird but, it's just that, this is the first time I've ever felt this way."

I wish I could tell him I feel the same. I wanna tell him I feel the same. But for his sake, I'm not going to.

I excitedly scooped some rice to my plate and then placed one dried salted fish. Then I placed the plate in front of Neuron and swapped his empty plate on mine. I took the vinegar and placed it near him.

I bet he doesn't know how to eat this. I'm excited to teach him and introduce him to a whole new meal experience.

"First, we won't need any utensils," I explained with excitement.

Like he's amused and fascinated at the same time, he asked. "Why do you look so excited?"

"Because I wanna let you experience privileges only poor people like me can get."

"Poor?" He curiously repeated. "I never asked, but where are your parents now? What do they do?"

Upon mentioning my parents, I could literally feel my excitement fade away and how my happy expression slowly wore off.

I sat straight and Neuron suddenly tensed up like he just realized he asked a 'no zone' question.

"You don't have to answer--"

"They passed away when I was seven. By murder." I answered before he could even stop me.

"I'm--" He stuttered and found it hard to say anything. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing? It's not like you killed them."

He was stunned by that remark. It's evident in how he froze on his seat.

"And it's not like you're the murderer's son," I joked but half-meant it.

Neuron took it more seriously than I intended to. I could feel the atmosphere get heavier every second.

"Why do you look like that? I'm just kidding." I tried to lighten up the atmosphere.

He didn't smile. He still looked so serious.

"You can blame my father. Or I, for being his son."

"What?" I was totally flabbergasted by what he said.

"He's the king and if your parents died unjustly, then he's partially responsible for being not able to protect them."

I stopped myself from scowling.

What? Protect them?

I pity Neuron. He is so oblivious to his father's true color.

"Anyways, about your mother," I tried to divert the topic. "Will I get to meet her at the royal dinner?"

I've never really heard anything about the queen. Like never. Like the prince, there's no information about the queen. No one really talks about her. Or maybe, no one is talking because no one is allowed to talk about her. Maybe she's being mistreated by the king and not even made known to the public because she's a woman.

"I wish you could, but sadly, no."


"She's dead."

A deadly silence enveloped the entire room.

She's dead?

"And it's all because of my father. That's why I hated him for a very long time."

I came to think that maybe Neuron is also a victim of the king's ruthlessness. And I even dared to imagine that maybe he could join me in this war and then flee with me when it all ends.

But that would be impossible, right? And I wouldn't want Neuron to have to deal with the guilt of betraying his own family. I'd rather break his heart and have my own heart get broken by doing so than make him betray his family.

"I'm sorry I brought her up."

He shook his head. "I'm glad you did because no one else would probably mention her. My father forbids anyone to talk about my mom's demise."


Because maybe he doesn't want to remember he murdered his own wife?!

"It brings back painful memories. You see, my mom was my father's everything. And when she was gone, it devastated him."

I don't understand. If Mirando killed the queen, why would he be pained by it? I doubt he feels guilt! And another thing, it's ridiculous to think that a selfish man like Mirando, loved his wife so much. Is it only me, or is the idea really funny?

"You know what, let's drop this conversation right here. It's ruining the day."

He smiled and nodded his head to agree with me.

"So, back to our lesson." He laughed when I sounded like a teacher teaching a kid. "You have to use your bare hands when you eat this."

I showed him what to do and he obediently followed. And we ate like that. I ate with so much gusto. In the middle of my heavenly meal, he suddenly revealed something.

"I could understand why you assumed I wouldn't know how to eat like this. You probably thought I only experienced glamour in life."

I stared at him because I couldn't get what he wanted to say.

"But as a prince, I was trained and educated ever since I started talking. My father designed an education system solely for me and although I hated it, I could finally see now why he trained me that way. He sends me to immersion and community engagement almost all my life. I've lived in slums, in squatter areas, in farms. I've learned how to fish like how fishermen do, plant crops, harvest, do all the manual labors you could possibly think of."

My mouth hung open. "Are you serious?" I exclaimed because it was unimaginable.

"For a month I would work on construction sites, and then another month I would work as a garbage gatherer, and then on another, I would work as a factory worker. I've tried being a taxi driver too."

"No way!"

He chuckled at my disbelief.

"He made me experience different types of lives. And I hated him so much for doing that. Because back when I was still a kid, I've always thought he was ruining my life. My sisters, the princesses, fully enjoyed their royal lives. But I lived a harsh one. I was exhausted and angry."

"Why would he do that to you?"

"To make me a better king one day. To make me understand what the people need, what the people want, what the people feel."

He took a sip of his coffee. "I've eaten meals like these many times before."

"What?!" I exclaimed suddenly feeling embarrassed. "Why didn't you say anything? Did you want me to look like a fool feeling happy about teaching you this stupid thing?!"

"No," he retaliated. "It's not like that."

I rolled my eyes at him. "I really hate you. I was happy for no reason."

It was mortifying! Ghad!

He chuckled. "I just wanna experience it. You, teaching me and taking care of me."

I rolled my eyes again. I'm suddenly annoyed.

"You must've been lonely."

"What?" I exclaimed because of his sudden remark.

"I lost my mom when I was young and it devastated me. It still hurts me until now. You grew up without them. You must've been lonely."

My tears are like one of the things I couldn't afford to show to others. I wouldn't want to show any weakness to anyone because I'm afraid they might see me as weak and trample on me.

But Neuron has that ability to make me break down crying. I once regretted crying in front of Isagani because of Neuron.

My parents are the most sensitive part of my memory. One little pinch could get me so emotional.

And Neuron.. talking like he is empathizing, it's so heartwarming that my tears started to well up.

He stood up and walked towards me. He hugged me without touching me with his hands because we were using our bare hands while eating.

"I didn't mean to make you cry."

I quickly regained composure and elbowed his stomach. "You jerk!"

And he just laughed.

After breakfast, he had to go to the palace. I wonder why he isn't living in the palace right now. He would have been less hassled if he didn't have to travel back and forth.

I hugged him when he's completely dressed up in a suit and ready to leave.

"What is this heart-fluttering situation?" he suddenly snickered. "You feel like a wife sending her husband to work."

I pinched his waist and glared at him.

"I'm going home too. I have to send my friends off."

It's his time to glare at me. "No funny business, lady. You're not going anywhere. I won't let you see that guy again."

"This might be the last time I'll see them. Please let me."


I was totally pissed off. "Why are you interfering with my personal life?" I sounded so annoyed and there's no way he wouldn't catch that.

"Does that mean I'm not part of your personal life? So where do I belong? Your business life? Your leisure?"

"Neuron, that's not it! I was trying to make a point!"

I don't understand why we bicker because of trivial things.

"You said you wouldn't get involved with him anymore."

"I did. And I was true to my words!"

He raised an eyebrow and it was really upsetting and so offending.

"Really? So how come you were leaning on his shoulder last night?"

He saw that? Or maybe that's the scene he arrived at.

"I was drunk!"

He massaged his temple and closed his eyes like he's forcing himself to calm down.

"I swear I'm not usually this unreasonable," he said, defending himself.

And with that, I suddenly felt guilty. I think I know why he's so sensitive. It's because of that kiss I shared with Isagani. He could not forget it. And he's still affected by it.

I hugged him again. "I'm sorry." It's my fault. I don't have the right to complain. "I won't see them off if that's what you want."

"That's what I really want but ironically I would feel bad about it if you don't."

He pulled out from the hug and cupped both sides of my face. That familiar tempting look in his eyes. I knew he was going to kiss me. As his lips drew closer, I closed my eyes and accepted his kiss wholeheartedly.

As our lips moved in the same rhythm, and our tongues battled with each other, I'm already feeling that passionate heat. It's awakening my body. But then he suddenly burst out laughing in the middle of our kiss. So I had to push him, feeling so confused.

Why would he laugh while I'm being aroused? It's so upsetting.

"Your mouth still tastes like dried salted fish and vinegar."

And when the realization hit me, I felt like I could hear a glass breaking because of so much embarrassment.

I covered my mouth with both of my hands and ran away towards his bedroom.

I didn't brush my teeth! F--k! So humiliating!