Chapter 31: Last Night

I was relieved when my team was still in my apartment when I arrived. Geraldine came towards me and hugged me acting like a baby.

"My head is killing me and the guys won't even take care of my hangover."

I just nuzzled her hair and then peered at the guys relaxing on my sofa.

"What happened to the both of you?" I pranced towards both Gulu and Loor. I crept towards them. I held Gulu on his chin to look at his bruises. I also inspected Loor's face. They both had scratches, bruises, and swollen lips.

The two exchanged glances.

Then I heard Isagani mumble. "Maybe I should've joined the fight too."

I turned my head on him. "What?"

He immediately shook his head. "Nothing."

"My ghad Rath, they were involved in a fight," Geraldine reported to me like she just remembered a stressful event.

"We didn't start it!" Loor defensively retaliated.

"So what exactly happened?"

"You know, I am handsome, and smoking hot and that's why--"

"I'm serious Gulu," I cut him off.

He pouted. "I was serious too when I said I am handsome and smoking hot."

I shook my head at his not so funny humor.

"The truth is," Loor butted in. "It was me who was really handsome and the girls last night--Ah!"

Geraldine hit the back of his head.

"Come on guys, handsome? Hot? You're kidding!" Geraldine grumbled like she's disgusted and then she crossed her arms like what she just heard is so unbelievable.

"What?!" Loor sounded like he was so offended.

He stood up from the couch and took off his shirt. Then he flexed his biceps and abs and flaunted his face to show us that he's undeniably handsome and hot, which I wouldn't agree with even if there's a gun pointing on my head.

Both Geraldine and I acted like we're about to throw up and then covered our eyes with our hands.

"Captain!" He tried to act cute to the captain. "They're bullying me!"

"Maybe we're just blind, Loor. Or maybe you and Gulu just have the ability to see something that's not even there," said the Captain.

Isagani, Geraldine, and I burst out laughing. While Gulu and Loor both glared at us.

Gulu patted Loor's back. "Let's be honest here. We all know Loor and I are the most handsome ones on this team."

"Wow!" Geraldine exclaimed. "You're not even ashamed to say that in front of these two real gorgeous men?" Geraldine referred to Isagani and the Captain.

Loor and Gulu both acted like they were shot by what Geraldine said on their chests and they dropped their bodies on the couch as if they're dead.

At least they know it's true HAHAHA.

And we all just laughed. Loor and Gulu are always the ones that would bring fun to our conversations. They would always make us laugh.

"So what exactly happened?" I pried again.

"You can blame it on my handsome face--Ah! That hurts, Rath!" Loor immediately rubbed his arm where I pinched him hard. "Fine! Fine!"

And then he started telling me what happened to them last night.

** Loor's POV **


I'm hyped up. There are girls everywhere! This is heaven!

"Come on Captain! Don't miss this chance to have fun with girls!" Gulu yelled while trying to drag the captain to a table with a couple of girls drinking.

"I have to find Rath and Geraldine. They suddenly disappeared," the captain informed formally while trying to run away.

I almost hit my forehead with my palm out of frustration.

"They're probably having fun on their own," I tried to convince him and stopped him from running away.

"No! They're ladies. What if something happens to them?"

Gulu circled his arm around the captain's shoulder.

"Captain, don't forget that they're one of us," Gulu argued, trying to convince him. "Men should be the least of your concerns with those two. And Rath? She will kick their d-cks before they can make a move."

"And Geraldine?" the Captain added.

Isagani tapped the captain's shoulder. "She's a fast runner. She will run if she has to."

It's our first time being in a club. But this has been our dream ever since. Well, except the Captain? Since he doesn't know how to have fun. All he wanna do is train, and train, and train. That's what is fun for him. But absolutely not for me!

"Why? Is it okay with you if Rath dances with other guys?" the Captain suddenly taunted Isagani.

Isagani wasn't able to answer. Of course, the answer is no! These lovesick d-ckheads!

"C'mmon now fellas! Let's stop talking and let's have some fun!" I screamed at them.

We all sat down at a table with some of the girls. You know, just having fun.

Flirting mode on!

I will admit, girls are my guilty pleasure.

The girls asked us to dance with them on the dance floor. And so we gladly obliged.

Except for the Captain. Tsk, tsk, tsk. A party pooper until the end. His loss!

We were already tipsy. And the alcohol made us even wilder.

I can't even keep tabs on how many girls I danced with. I was just having the fun of my life. Until this girl suddenly made a move on me. She started rubbing her lower body against mine.

And I loved it! If she likes to dance dirty, then go on!

She circled her hands on my nape and leaned closer to kiss me so I moved away.

"Woah, woah, slow down, sexy."

But it's like she can't even hear a thing because she grabbed my neck again and started kissing me.

Then I heard a shout from somewhere.

"What the f--k man! That's my girl!"

And then I heard screaming next. I pulled out from the kiss to see what was going on. I saw a guy punching someone. I saw Isagani stopping the one who was punching. And that's how I realized the one who got punched was Gulu.

What the f--k happened?

Plus my phone keeps on vibrating. I couldn't even check it because it's so chaotic.

The girl I just made out with is still clinging to me so closely. I could feel her breast and she's purposely rubbing it against my chest.


And then someone just suddenly grabbed her away from me.

"What the f--ck is happening here?" The guy looked evidently inflamed. And he turned his face on the girl. "Babe, who is this man?"

Babe? Is he her boyfriend?

Then I just found myself thrown on the floor with blood on my mouth. F--k! That was one strong punch!

I heard girls scream again. And when I turned my head, I saw Gulu throwing punches at the guy who punched him. When I saw that, I also returned the punch I received.

You punched the wrong guy, dude!

Isagani managed to stop us. And before someone could call the police, we left the crowd and went somewhere quieter.

We could not find the Captain. Gulu and I were laughing at each other for having bloody mouths. Then Isagani went to find the Captain and left us. And then they didn't come back so we had to call them.

I saw I had one missed call.

"Who's Big Bro?"

I glanced over at Gulu who's peeking at my phone's screen from the back.

"An acquaintance," I simply answered and placed my phone back in my jeans pocket.

We left the club feeling so sore in the face. We found Isagani outside, sitting on a bench with Rath resting on his shoulder. We were about to go near them when a car suddenly stopped in front of them.

A guy stepped out of the car. And I was surprised to see it was the prince.

He talked with Isagani and then tried to get Rath but Isagani tried to stop him. I don't know what they talked about, but they looked deadly serious. Like dead f--king serious. I could see they're already clenching their fists like they are ready to punch each other at any given moment.

"Should we let the prince take Rath?" Gulu said.

"No," I replied.

"Then let's stop the prince."

I grabbed Gulu's hand to stop him from going towards them. "Let him. Just until Rath does her mission."

The prince carried Rath and took her to his car. And then he drove away without even saying goodbye.

We went to Isagani and he was so silent the entire time.

I feel bad for him. If he took my advice years before to make a move on Rathna, maybe things would've been different now. Why does he have to hide his feelings for such a long time?

We waited together for the Captain and Geraldine to come out. And when they did, Percy was wasted. Literally.

She already thinks she's a dinosaur and she's roaring all the time. She's hilarious.

She's giving me second-hand embarrassment!

** End of Loor's POV **

"What?!" Geraldine exclaimed. "I gave you a second-hand embarrassment? I dare you to say that again, you obnoxious cockroach!"

Loor just laughed at her.

Geraldine stared at me. "The last part, when he said I was acting like a dinosaur, that wasn't true!"

I looked at the Captain. "Only the captain can verify if it's true or not," I gushed.

Geraldine looked at the Captain giving him signals to think twice before saying anything.

"I just wanted to say that," the captain began, "she also acted like she's a caterpillar. And she wiggled on the floor like one when we arrived here."

"Well? Geraldine Ramos?" I teased. "So you're a caterpillar, huh.."

We all burst out laughing while Geraldine is so red on the face because of embarrassment.

But.. Neuron did see me with Isagani last night. I looked at Isagani, and he caught me staring so I looked away immediately.

I wonder what they were talking about last night.

And after the fun, it's time for serious business. I made sure the spied phone was off.

"What are you doing? Why are you shutting your phone off?" Geraldine curiously asked when she saw me switching my phone off.

"She's being spied on by the prince." It was Isagani who answered.

They all exclaimed in shock and horror. But Geraldine was the most shocked among others. Maybe she was scared too. Since we talked a lot, about almost everything, using that phone.

"Since when?" The Captain inquired in a worried tone. "If you're being spied on, don't you think the camp is in danger?"

"That depends," Isagani butted in.

"Depends on what?" Loor asked.

"Depends on since when she was monitored."

"You're right," I said in agreement. "If the prince installed the software after I moved in here, there's a possibility he still knows nothing. I wasn't allowed to contact you guys, except during that time when I was on a mission to meet a courier, which was a flop."

"I think the prince spied on you after that incident on the station, but I'm hundred percent sure not before that," Gulu deduced.

"Why do you say so?" Isagani was skeptical at Gulu's assumption.

"If the prince is already spying on you before that, then that means he already knows you are going to meet him, and that you're President Alejandro's daughter because he must've heard your conversation with the Captain and your plan with Isagani. So why would he still meet you?"

He has a point though.

"Who knows? Maybe he wants confirmation. Maybe he already knows and he just wants to toy with us. With me."

"But why would he still be with you if he already knows?" Gulu added.

"Maybe he's doing what I'm doing," I answered. "Keeping our enemies close."

This is really bothering me. The possibility that Neuron knows everything and that he's lying to me is hurting me. And with that, it's only natural that I doubt him, and be more cautious around him.

That SHOULD be the case.


When I'm with Neuron, whenever I see him, I tend to just overlook everything. He makes me happy. And my laughter is real when I'm with him. Whenever I see him I tend to make myself believe everything is real. That he is real to me.

It's so confusing. I'm in between loving and hating him. I'm in between trusting and doubting him. I doubt him but I trust him at the same time. I don't know! I don't know anymore!

"Let's just hope that he hasn't discovered anything yet about Soma or else the worst could happen." The captain dreadfully stated the obvious.

I need to know if he really spied on me. I have to know. I have to find a way to make him tell me it wasn't him.

"But why didn't you tell us?" Loor suddenly complained so I had to stare at him. "Am I the only one who wasn't informed that Rath is President Canosa's daughter?" Loor asked the other members.

"I only found out after the train station incident," Gulu mentioned.

"I only found out when I received the mission to assist Paul from Captain," Isagani also added.

Only the Captain and Geraldine knew about my identity.

"I found out it wasn't that necessary to tell you?" I said in defense.

The news must've shocked them.

"So you're going to enter the palace on Saturday?" Geraldine mentioned and I nodded.

"Visit the Chief's house. He will give you the device and he will have someone to instruct you how to do it," the Captain ordered.

I nodded again.

"After your mission Rath, Soma will start executing our plans," Isagani reminded and stared at me with concern. "But be careful. Think of it as entering a lion's den."

"I'm gonna be fine. Neuron will be there. He won't let anything happen to me."

"I think you're starting to forget that he is our enemy's son."

All of the members gave me a scrutinizing look.

"I'm not forgetting who he is. But I trust him."

"That's new," the Captain commented. "Since when were you so trustful on strangers?"

But he isn't a stranger to me. Not anymore.

Geraldine looked so concerned and troubled. "I'm worried, Rath. And I'm nervous about your mission."

"I think you forgot, brat, that I'm the main guy in this team. I haven't failed any of my missions, not even once."

"Still, this time it's different," Gulu interrupted. "You will be alone in the palace. And if something happens--"

We all sneered at him for jinxing my mission.

"I mean, just in case," Gulu had to rephrase. "We have to consider risks here. And if something happens, no one will save you there."

The realization hit me. I will be alone in that enormous palace. Even if I'm with Neuron he won't be able to help me because he has no idea I'm going with him not to meet his family but to plant a tapping device on his father's study.

I could die in there! Like literally! If I'm caught I wouldn't be able to get out of there alive.

"I will save you."

We all turned our faces towards Isagani when he said that. I felt Geraldine elbowed my waist to secretly tease me. But I just ignored her.

"And how would you do that?" I asked him.

"If you're caught, as long as you're still breathing, I will get you out of there, in any way."

Loor and Gulu cleared their throats and forced themselves not to grin.

"You? Will get her out of there?" The Captain tried to clarify.

Isagani cleared his throat. "I mean, we," he rephrased his words, "the team will get you out of there."

"So you're good to go, Rath!" Geraldine joked. "Don't worry. No matter what happens Isagani will make sure he will save you."

She continued teasing Isagani and me with Loor and Gulu.

"Stop or else.." I warned them.

They stopped for a few seconds but continued anyway. They're making it more awkward between me and Isagani.

They stayed for lunch. And it's heartbreaking that they have to leave after.

"Rath," the Captain called me.

"Yes, Captain?"

"Can we talk?"

I don't know why but I got nervous. What will he say? What are we gonna talk about?

He helped me prepare the dining table. While he's laying spoons and forks on the table, I anxiously waited for him to say something.

"You got closer to the prince, more than what's necessary. Is my intuition right?"

I think I already know where this is going.

"Yes. But I promise you, Captain, I won't let anything happen to Soma. The prince is just-- just a passing fancy. Soma is still more important to me."

"I am hoping that's true. I hope you are not just saying that. If you suddenly decide not to do this anymore for the prince, you have to know how many are relying on you. All of the soldiers in the camp are relying on the success of your mission to finally settle their grudges. You have to know how many lives you would crush."

I can't help but bite my lip. Even the Captain is doubting my resolve now.

I placed the bowl of rice on the table. And he helped me place the food on the table too.

"Love is a dangerous game, Rath."

"I don't.." I gulped like it could give me strength, "love him."

He stared at me like he wasn't convinced at all. "If you say so," he said in the most untrustful tone I've ever heard.

When the time for them to leave came, I walked them outside the compound.

I was walking with Geraldine behind the guys.

"When did you discover you were being spied on?"

"Just yesterday," I replied. "I went to a tech shop with Isagani."

"Why are you so convinced it was the prince's doing?"

"Because no one else would, right?"

She nodded. "Right.."

Isagani went to the parking lot to get the team's car. They drove here with that.

When we arrived outside the gate, Geraldine hugged me. She's almost crying again. Loor and Gulu also hugged me. Only the captain wouldn't dare to hug me. He just tapped my shoulder and told me to always stay on guard.

They all wished me luck on my mission.

"We honestly miss you in the camp," Loor confessed and circled his arm around me. Gulu did the same too.

I let them put their arms on me. Just for now.

"Call us and give us updates. We want to know if you're still alive after," Gulu demanded and I almost whacked his head. This jerk!

And then they all went inside the car. But Isagani remained with me.

"You should go," I tried to make him go away.

He held my wrist and I wriggled to not let him touch me but he tightened his grip and forced himself to embrace me.

"Isagani please don't," I pleaded.

If Neuron finds out about this, he will get mad.

"Why are those jerks allowed to hug you but not me?"

I wasn't able to answer. Right.. why are they allowed, but not him?

Maybe because he bothers Neuron?

Maybe because he bothers me?

"It's better if we stay as friends and teammates," I suggested in a most casual manner.

He pulled out from the hug to look at me.

"I can't do that," he firmly said.

"Why can't--"

"I can't," he cut me off. "I just can't."

He slightly rubbed my right cheek with his thumb.

"I'm gonna miss you."

And then he turned around and entered the car.

Why? Why? Why does he have to bother me like this? Why does he have to confuse me?