Chapter 33: Simulation

"Albert!" Neuron called cheerfully to Albert. I remember him. He was that guy that handed Neuron the shift dress he gave me during our first date. And the white sneakers.

Albert bowed to the Prince. And then Neuron gave him a friendly hug.

"Meet my girlfriend," he introduced me to him.

Albert gave Neuron a questioning look. And Neuron, like he gets what he was trying to ask said, "Ah, she knows."

I know? Maybe about Neuron being a royal?

Neuron then looked at me. "He's Albert. The highest-paid designer in Asia."

My mouth hung open. Such an influential man--

"It's an honor to meet you," I formally greeted.

Albert brushed my formality off by shaking my hand and smiling at me.

"We're here to buy one of your clothes. She's coming with me to the royal banquet."

Albert looked like he was shocked at the news.

"Is it even allowed to bring someone?"

Neuron smirked and countered wittily, "It also never said it wasn't allowed."

I whispered to Neuron. "Why would you buy me clothes from the highest-paid designer just for the royal meal?"

He whispered back, "Because I want to."

I saw Albert laugh when he saw us whispering to each other so I immediately behaved out of embarrassment.

But wait…

Does it mean all of the clothes given to me by Neuron were from the highest-paid designer in Asia?

You've got to be kidding!

Albert had someone assist us cause he said he had to meet a client. Which left me, Neuron, and the assistant alone.

On the seventeenth try, I stood in front of him, boredom visible in my eyes, and frustration evident on my creased forehead.

"What's wrong? Why the long face?" Neuron asked.

He got the nerve to ask that?!

"Why the f--k are you here? I thought you're here to help me pick my clothes!" I'm about to blow up in anger.

If he decided to do this, he should at least do it properly!

"That's what I'm doing," he argued like he doesn't understand where my irritation comes from.

"Really? I tried more than 15 dresses, and each time you would say, 'It looks lovely on you. Let's go with that'." I'm so tired already from trying and retrying different dresses.

How am I supposed to choose if he's like this?

I took off the tiara on my head and threw it at him out of irritation.

It was too late when I realized I almost destroyed a 50-thousand mah tiara. Luckily, Neuron caught it and saved it.

He let out a low laugh. Not because the situation is funny. But because he's just so f--king clueless of why am I throwing a tantrum.

"I told you that because it's true. Every dress suits you well. What is the problem here?"

"You know what? Forget it, Neuron. Go home."

I went back to the dressing room, walking out from his face, with the assistant and she helped me undress.

"That annoying clueless prince!" I muttered out of frustration.

I heard the assistant chuckle so I stared at her with a questioning look.

"I hope you will forgive your boyfriend ma'am." She's soft-spoken. "I think he just really adores you that he liked everything you wore."

That made me stop. "Really?"

She nodded her head.

When I went out of the dressing room, Neuron was waiting for me outside. When he saw me, he immediately went near me.

"You should thank her," I told him, referring to the assistant. "She just saved your life."

He chuckled and looked at the assistant. "Thanks."

The assistant gave him a kind smile.

"By the way, we're taking everything she has picked so far," Neuron suddenly informed, and my eyes widened.


He smirked. "Yes, everything."

Filthy rich asshole. I'm going to let him spoil me like this because he's filthy rich.

Michael had to carry more than 15 shopping bags to Neuron's car because Neuron bought everything. When everything's settled in his car, he suddenly snatched the car key away from Michael's hand.

"I'll take it from here," Neuron informed.

"Your Highness, I must accompany you. The royal meal is tomorrow, and I have to make sure you attend there completely unscathed."

"Michael," Neuron said with finality in his voice. "I won't die. And even if I would, I would definitely make sure I'll be resurrected to attend that royal meal you are fretting about."

I almost cracked up because of what the prince said.

Michael bent his body to the prince at a ninety-degree angle. "How could you say that, Your Highness! Please do not mention death!"

Then Michael faced me.

"Ever since you dated His Highness, he would not let me accompany him anymore. And I'm always reprimanded in the palace because of that."

My jaw dropped.

I pointed at myself with my index finger. "Are you saying I'm a bad influence?" I exclaimed in disbelief.

Neuron chuckled and just tapped Michael's shoulder and then he opened the car door for me.

I feel bad for Michael. For having such a hard-headed master. He must always be in trouble in the palace at times like this.

When Neuron got inside the car, he fastened my seatbelt for me. Because he always does this, I kind of taught myself not to wear a seatbelt anymore whenever I enter his car. Because absentmindedly, I know he would do it for me.

"Spare the guy his life," I mentioned, referring to Michael.

"It's good having a reliable man like him tailing me everywhere I go. I never really thought of it as prying on my privacy. But now that you're here, I just thought you would feel uncomfortable if you see someone tailing us all the time when you're with me."

That made me pause for a second.

I just realized this. I'm already someone who can greatly influence Neuron's life. He's always thinking of me, and he does things for me, even if I have no knowledge of it at all.

"And besides, what's there to guard? No one even knows I'm a prince. His Majesty is wasting resources to protect a prince who's not even a prince."

"Neuron," I interrupted him. "You're a prince, okay? You don't need the world to validate your identity."

"Yes, I do," he argued. "Why? Does being a prince just mean you're the king's son? Is that it?"

I realized being a prince of this kingdom is very important to him. Which surprised me.

"I don't think you understand what it means to be a royal," he added. "I don't know how you see the royal family, their function, and their importance in this kingdom. But it's not just mere titles. We're talking about leading a whole country here. And right now, I'm just a prince in title. And even that title isn't known to the world."

He gazed at me. "So tell me, whose prince am I? Who are my people?"

I don't know. I don't know.

"I am your people. Even if the world doesn't know you exist, I belong to you, Your Highness."

His mouth actually curved up when I said that. He reached for my hand and squeezed it, like what I said really made him happy.

"My father thinks it's better for me to live in secret, away from people's eyes, in order to protect my path to the throne. Nevertheless, I personally think, to become a king one day, I have to work my way with people. How would they accept a king they never heard of?"

He has no idea his father hid him to protect him from us. From me.

And even with the whole hiding, I still managed to sneak into Neuron's life. Which insinuates that His Majesty failed to protect the prince completely.

He started the engine and began driving. The traffic jam was not that bad so our ride went smoothly. When we passed by the crossroad at St. Vincent Street, the gigantic globe-designed Bonifacio-Canosa Mall, or widely known as BC, caught my eye. It's the biggest mall in the whole Southeast Asian countries. It's designed to look like a globe so the building is spherical.

I glanced at Neuron who was quietly driving.

"Are you really going to sit on the throne?"

He glanced at me quickly. "Do you not want me to?"

I nodded my head and this surprised him.

"Can't you live a normal life with me?"

It's such an existential question to ask. And it's what I really want to do. I'd be less worried if he gives up the throne now.

He pulled the car over at the side of the street and stared at me with contemplation. "Do you really want me to give up the throne?"

"I'm just kidding," I lied. "How could I ever ask you to give it up when you prepared for it your whole life? You were born to become king."

He caressed his chest like a sense of relief just went through him.

"It's scary that I actually tried to think whether I should give up or not," he confessed like he's shocked at himself. "What are you doing to me?" He sounded like he was fascinated at the realization that I actually have a greater impact on him than he thinks.

I just smiled at him.

Do I really have the power now to influence his decisions in life? Can I really make him run away with me?

When our mind-boggling conversation concluded, he began driving again.

It took me by surprise when I learned he took me to Mi Casa Restobar. The first place we ever had an encounter. But different from the first meeting, he took me to the restaurant.

The place is still the same. The whole place is glass-walled so I can see everything outside. The seats are cushioned and have an armrest, and that's why it feels so cozy in here.

While waiting for the food he ordered, he placed a folder in front of me.

"What is this?"

He motioned me to open it, so I did.

A photo of the first princess greeted me, so I looked at Neuron to ask why he's giving me this.

"I'm sure you already know the princesses and the other members of the royal family. But let's still rehearse for tomorrow's encounter."

I nodded at him.

"Ameerah Katarina Gruna, the first princess. She's married to Zacchary Cortis, heir to the Cortis Foundation. They have two children." He motioned me to look at the next page. And photos of two children, a girl and a boy, and a picture of a man, the princess' husband, appeared before my eyes.

"They're fraternal twins. I adore them, but they're definitely not that friendly, especially to strangers. Watch out for these brats."

I chuckled.

"The first princess isn't really friendly. Just don't get on her nerves and you'll be fine for the whole night."

"Anything she doesn't like?" I asked.

"Everything. Everything irritates her."

My jaw dropped. I could already assume my time in the palace won't be that easy.

Next page.

"Ameline Brandele Gruna, the second princess. She doesn't like any compliments at all. She hates it. So if you run to her, don't even think of telling her anything that sounds like a compliment."

"Why?" I asked out of curiosity.

He shrugged his shoulders at me.

"Amyzel Francia Gruna, the third princess. Just tell her she's pretty and you'd be friends right away."

What an interesting family…

"Only the eldest princess is married yet."

"Is there anything I have to take special note of?"

"It's just a normal banquet. His Majesty doesn't want it to be grand, so all the food will be just laid on the table at once. It's a family tradition to drink Cashmierre wine during royal meals. You have to keep in mind that during the first formal toast, you cannot drink or touch your wine glass before the king does."

"Why?" I asked.

"His Majesty doesn't mind such formalities but my sisters are persistent about it. It's just their way of maintaining the hierarchy. To separate the king from us. As you know, my father just suddenly built a throne for himself, and our kingdom doesn't have that long-standing history when it comes to royalty. The royal family is still trying to build palace traditions on the way."

I nodded because I'm mentally taking notes of everything in my head. I just can't afford a single hitch tomorrow.

"I'm going to take this opportunity too, to introduce them to you, and what they do for this kingdom."

"Why? For a single meal?"

"No. They'll become your family one day. It's best if you know."

A sudden cold crept into my whole body. I literally just had goosebumps.

It gives me chills. How Neuron thinks naturally that we would certainly be a family in the future.

"The First Princess, Princess Ameerah, is the head of the Treasury Department. She takes care of the national budget and safeguards the national treasury. She's the one in charge of the national funds, she makes sure funds are allocated to the right expenses, and assigned to the right people."

A server came and placed two wine glasses on the table. One in front of me, and one in front of Neuron. Then the server uncorked the wine and poured some on our glasses.

"You know what, I'd skip the orientation for now. I know just where exactly to take you to let you know about the royal family. I think my introduction earlier would suffice. Besides, I'll be there with you. You'll be fine. For now, let's focus on our simulation."

I can't help but chuckle. He's adorable. He's taking everything seriously and he's even facilitating a simulation with me now.

"The first part of the royal meal is always wine. And it also ends with wine."

When the server left, I took the wine glass to take a sip.

"Freeze," he ordered me so I froze, wine glass mid-air.

"What did I tell you? You cannot touch your wine glass before the king does. Put it down."


I brought down the wine glass on the table.

"Now, think of me as His Majesty."

I know he meant I should pretend he is His Majesty for the sake of this simulation. However, I couldn't help but put deeper meaning into his words. Especially that it's reminding me of our situation.

For him to be king, he has to be crowned. But I'm here. I'm meant to stop that coronation.

"Hey! Baby! Focus!" He snapped a finger on my face to bring me back to Earth.

I smirked. "So I'm your baby now, huh," I taunted.

"Perhaps, love? Babe? Hon?"

I giggled when he suggested lots of endearment.

"Sweetheart? Darling?"

I cackled.

"Ew! So f--king cheesy!" I grimaced.

He also laughed and then made me focus again.

"We're not here to play, ma'am. We're having a simulation, remember?"

I nodded.

He's cute. Strangely.

"To a stronger kingdom," he proposed a toast with his formal voice.

I raised my glass to toast with him. Then I waited for him to take a sip on his wine before finally taking a sip on mine.

"Okay, very good. Do not forget that."


"Next, roasted turkey will be served--"

"Are you f--king kidding?!" I gasped and even stood up on my seat.

We both had to look around to see if anyone heard me curse. He urged me to sit down again.

"Ah, before I forget, you cannot swear on the table."

I motioned, zipping my mouth.

"But are you serious? Roasted turkey?"

Of course! No matter how precious turkeys are in this kingdom, I shouldn't be surprised if they will be served tomorrow. It's a f--king royal meal!

For information, roasted turkeys are like the divine dish in this kingdom. Maharlicans love turkey so much that's why turkey meat is so freaking expensive. Like hellishly expensive. Only the rich can afford it.

If a turkey is prepared, that means that the household is rich. Turkey meat kind of indicates your status. Because if you can afford it, then it means you are rich.

Every year, every household in the kingdom gets a chance to receive a roasted turkey at least once. I don't know why the royal family started this type of activity, but it gives joy to the Maharlicans. It's one of the activities of the royal family that is good.

And of course, because the camp is in the ghost village, we never had the chance to receive a roasted turkey.

"Yes," he answered. "It's the most important dish. Now, we both can only get our portion after the third princess."

"Why?" I asked again for the nth time.

"I don't know. That's just how it is. I think it's to maintain propriety. You know Maharlicans are crazy about roasted turkeys."

To maintain propriety? Because if there's no such rule, everyone would just rummage the dish? That's funny.

A server came once again and placed a big platter on the table with a lid on it. The server lifted the lid and uncovered the dish.

A freshly roasted dressed chicken.

"Just think of it as turkey for now."

The server left us once again. I stared at him.

"Neuron, you don't have to go this far."

He pressed his lips together and then raked his hair with his fingers like he's under a lot of stress.

"I just don't want you to make a mistake in front of them. I want them to accept you as my girlfriend."

So he's being bothered by it.

"So what if your family doesn't like me? Would that even affect you?"

"No," came his firm answer. "Not me. You. I'm afraid meeting my family will scare you after."

I stared at the golden-brown roasted chicken on the table.

"Aren't you nervous? Even a bit?"

I brought my gaze back at him. "I am."

Half of me is nervous because I'm going to meet his family. I'm his lover after all.

"But I'm more eager to meet them," I told him.

Because I have something to do there.