Chapter 34: Gruna Palace

I stared at the elegant below-the-knee-length scarlet dress laid on my bed. It's an off-shoulder dress, fitting from the chest to the waist and the rest of the fabric down below the knees has a nice clean A form pleating.

Today is the day. And although I waited for this day to come, I couldn't help but get worried.

I have a lot of scenarios running inside my head. I'm worrying so much about what will happen to me.

The worst case I could possibly think of is getting caught there. And Neuron finding out about everything. Then Soma will fail.

I sat on the chair and clasped my hands together and leaned on my own knees for support.

Should I just give up? I don't know which scares me more. Failing my mission or Neuron learning about my identity. I'm so torn.

I jumped out of scare when my phone suddenly vibrated. I had to caress my chest to calm my palpitating heart.

I saw Geraldine is calling me on my second phone. I told them to contact me using my other phone, the one that isn't tapped, to be safe.

I eyed my real phone and then left the room so that whoever is tapping me [Neuron, I assumed] won't hear my conversation with Geraldine.


"Yes, it's me. The one and only. The pretty and beautiful."

I rolled my eyes. She really loves complimenting herself.

"Well? A narcissistic freak, you are."

"How does self-love make me a narcissist?"

"Self-love is good. But too much is narcissism."

We both laughed. "Why are you calling me, brat?"

"To wish you good luck."

Then I heard Gulu and Loor scuffling from the other line.

"Rath, please be alive after!" Loor shouted.

"I'll pray for your safety!" Gulu added.

"Are you with the assholes?" I asked Geraldine.


"Can you smack them for me? They both need a good beating."

Then I heard the three of them scuffling. I chuckled.

There's no way one of them could be a traitor. It's unimaginable to think one of the members is lying. It's just simply absurd.

Then their scuffling suddenly faded away.


Then I found out why. Maybe Isagani took the phone from Geraldine.

"The Chief called the camp," he informed me. "He ordered the Commander and Team 3 to strategize a plan on how to disband the Battalion."

"That certainly wouldn't be easy," I sputtered.

How would they disband an organization that operates behind the internet?

"Which brings me to ask you. Haven't you heard anything there in the city about the Battalion?"

"No, not really."

Then he mentioned, "I heard the royal meal is tonight."

"Yah. I'm actually a little nervous."

"That's a first," he reckoned.

Neuron's family will be there. Neuron will be there too. So how could I be fine?

"I just couldn't trust myself anymore. Especially with the prince by my side."

An empty silence followed after my confession.

"I know you, Rathna," he softly said. "You will never back down on your mission. That's how you were trained in the camp."

I wish that's the case. I'm just so afraid I will suddenly change my mind. And it's freaking me out to have that self-consciousness of what I might do and not do.

I'm scared now. Neuron already had this ability to take me out of my mission. It's like he's making me forget the resolve that's been feeding me my whole life. The resolve to kill the king. I could feel I'm slowly losing that determination each day I spend time with the prince.

When the call ended, I went back to my room and glanced again at the dress.

I was determined before to complete my mission so I could focus on spending time with Neuron. I was certain I could end my relationship with him if I wanted to and when I needed to.

But now…

Will I really be able to end everything after?

I reviewed the blueprint of the Gruna Palace given to me by the Chief's secretary yesterday. I took my phone, tapped the camera app, and took a picture of it. I can't bring this to the palace so I should take a picture in case I forget where Mirando's study is located.

I memorized the whole layout in my head. But there's no harm in making sure.

I stared at the part where a red star is drawn on the blueprint. It's drawn to indicate where Mirando's study is. I touched the red star.

"I have to get to you as quickly as possible. As quietly as possible."

At 4 pm, Neuron sent a hairstylist to my apartment to help me with my hair. He's really adamant about it so I couldn't refuse his request.

I don't understand why it took almost two hours just to do my hair. I was dozing off the entire time, and by the time it was finished, my stomach was already growling.

But I shouldn't eat. I should reserve my empty stomach for the bountiful meal later.

I called the prince to tell him to come pick me up.

I put on the scarlet off-shoulder dress and stared at myself in the mirror. My hair is styled into a fancy twisted curled low chignon.

I didn't know I could look this elegant.

I lifted the fabric to check the bugging device plastered on my thigh. I have to plaster it there to hide it. I couldn't take a risk putting it in a bag or purse.

Then I put on the scarlet pointed toe high heel pumps slip-on stiletto. And to complete my look for the night, a red purse.

Then my phone rang. I received a call from the Transportation Office of HH, saying my golf cart is ready.

Then I received another call from Neuron and he informed me he's waiting outside the compound.

I left my apartment. It's very uncomfortable walking with the plaster brushing on my skin every time I take a step. But I have to put up with it.

I rode the golf cart to the main gate. And Neuron is already waiting outside.

I don't know how it could be possible, but he could f--king slay a suit like nobody else could.

The double vented tan brown cotton suit jacket looks insanely good on him. Paired with a brown striped tie and tan brown flat front suit pants that have two side pockets.

Plus his neatly done hair and neatly shaved face.

He's wearing this weird grin on his face as he's running his stare on me from head to toe and then toe to head.

He strode close to me and circled his arms on my neck. And then I just felt something cold on my neck. Before I knew it, I'm already wearing a pretty chained gold necklace with a unique pendant. I couldn't tell what the shape of the pendant was.

It's like… it's like---

"That's neuron," he suddenly said.

"What?" My forehead creased a little out of confusion.

"That's a neuron. I remember you laughed at my name. You called me a nerve cell so I made a pendant shaped like neuron anatomy."

My jaw literally dropped and I looked at the pendant again.

So this is neuron anatomy?

I don't know if I should laugh or be touched in this situation.

The pendant has this head-like shape, and then a tail? I'm not sure. According to Neuron, this is neuron anatomy. So yah, that's what it looks like. There's a circle at the very center of the head and then it's surrounded by six branch-like shapes. And then the tail is chained with a root-like end.

He held the pendant so I looked down on it as I was wearing it. "I am this whole nerve cell."

He touched the circle at the very center of the head. "And this is the nucleus. It controls the entire neuron." He looked at me with smiling eyes. "You are this nucleus."

I am the nucleus? He said the nucleus controls the entire neuron. Does that propose I control him? That I can control him?

And then he pointed at the branch-like shapes surrounding the nucleus.

"And the nucleus is surrounded by soma."

[Glass breaks.]

I suddenly became deaf. I felt like a piercing sound suddenly just panned from my left ear to my right ear. Hair on my neck, my face, my arms, all stood up. Sweats started streaming on my back.

My heart is palpitating erratically. And I could literally feel my face go pale. I'm finding it hard to breathe.

Did he just say soma? Soma? That the nucleus is surrounded by soma? I am the nucleus! Did he mean I'm surrounded by Soma?

Unknowingly, I stepped backward to put some space between us. Because I feel like the close gap between our bodies is suffocating me.

Did he find out already? Does he know everything now?

"Or you can simply call it a cell body." He sweetly smiled at me. "It keeps the cell functional."

I clenched my fist.

His facial expression and his gestures don't denote that he meant something more about what he said.

And it's so confusing to me. I can't tell if it's just a complete coincidence or if he's deliberately trying to hint to me that he knows something.

Why on earth is the cell body called soma? Is this real or is this just another made-up lie?

He locked his arms on my waist so I had no choice but to get closer to him again. He planted a small kiss just below my collar bone.

"Why are you so beautiful?"

I slightly pinched his side.

Yah… it's just a coincidence. Just a coincidence, certainly!

Rath, let's not think too much! Okay?

I stepped away from him and ran a stare from his head to his feet. He's wearing matching tan brown colored shoes.

I tried to reject the confusion I am having and tried to focus on the prince.

"You look.." I struggled with the right word to describe how freaking good he looks. "You look.."

How should I describe him?

I feel like the word handsome won't suffice anymore.

"Royal," I continued.

He looks royal.

Every bit of him screams royalty.

He chuckled and took my hand and intertwined it with his.

"I'm a little disappointed," he pouted. "Should I beg on my knees for you to tell your boyfriend he's handsome?"

"Sir, why do you always need validation? Even if no one will say it, you're handsome. You already probably know it."

He squeezed my hand three times. He suddenly has this sentimental look in his eyes. "It's different when you say it."

"Do I really have to say what's already obvious?"

He looked away from me to avoid my eyes.

"It's not that I need validation. I don't know why but when it comes to you I always feel the need to actually hear it from you. Because there's no way I could tell what you actually think or feel."

"Why? You're not confident in me?"

"How could I? When you don't tell me anything?"

I bit my lower lip. I know what he meant. He wanted me to say those words he wanted to hear from me. And I'm itching to say those words too. But I can't. For now, I can't.

He led me towards his car. He opened the door and made me go inside. Then while he's still outside, he fastened my seatbelt for me. And when he's finished he looked me in the eye.

"I like you, Rathna. I really do."

I had to grab my purse so tightly to calm my nerves down. This tingling sensation, it's so bizarre, so weird, but I like it. I like how only he can make me feel this bizarre emotion.

"And it's fine if you don't feel the same way. It's enough for me that you're tolerating me in this relationship. I just have to make you like me back whether you want it or not."

He stepped back and closed the car door. And I don't know why my heart is aching so much because of what he said.

He's unsure. He's insecure about us. And I'm the one making him feel that way.

When he entered the car and sat on the driver's seat, he had already deleted that serious aura hanging around him earlier, and he replaced it with his usual smiling and playful disposition.

With his hands on the steering wheel, he peered on me wearing a cocky grin and playful eyes.

"Are you ready, ma'am?"

I smiled at him.

"Ready sir!"

And off we go.

I secretly searched on the internet if the cell body is really called soma. And I sighed in relief when I discovered he was telling the truth. What a relief it's just a coincidence!

I feel like the pressure weighing down on my chest suddenly went away.

I glanced at the prince. As we rode towards the palace, I couldn't help but contemplate Neuron's words earlier.

Why is he not confident in me? I already did everything with him. Like everything. That already tells everything. Why does he still need me to say it? He should already know at this point.

I came back to focus when we entered the gigantic gate of the palace. Two guards are standing in place at the gate. And they bowed when Neuron's car entered. They probably already recognize the prince's car.

We're here! We're here!

The palace is still far from the main gate so we have to continue riding the car. I couldn't help but be in awe at how enormous the place is. Like no kidding!

And there are literally guards everywhere. They're all over the place, roaming.

"Stop!" I chanted.

And even though confused, Neuron stopped the car in the middle of the yard in front of the shining Gruna Palace.

"I'm so nervous! What am I gonna do?" I frantically said.

"Okay let's rehearse once more," he said while chuckling. "First princess?"

"Princess Ameerah," I replied. "Her husband is Zacchary Cortis, heir of the Cortis Foundation. Children are Rafael and Gabrielle, fraternal twins."

"Good. And the second princess?"

"Princess Ameline. She doesn't like compliments."

He nodded in approval.

"And the third princess?"

"Princess Amyzel. I should tell her she's pretty."

He gave me an amused smile. "And His Majesty?"

"You said there's nothing special to note?"

"Yes. But he's still the king. So you have to formally address him all the time."

I nodded. "I'll be fine, right?"

He laughed and nodded. "You have me."

Yes, I have him.

I subtly touched the device on my thigh. Please hold on tightly there!

I snaked my hand towards his hand to intertwine it with his.

"Words aren't important to me, Your Highness. I just want you to know that. And I've never been as intimate as this with any other person."

He kept quiet and stared at our intertwined hands.

"I just don't want you to feel upset by thinking I still don't know what I never said. These emotions I feel whenever you're with me, and the emotions I'm making you feel. Aren't they what matters the most?"

We're both leaning our heads on the headrest of the car seat, hands intertwined, and eyes locked on each other.

And I don't know why we're doing this in the middle of the royal palace yard.

Neuron has this mesmerizing look in his eyes. It's so bewitching that I feel like I'm going to drown in his stares, and I can't even look away.

"Can you kiss me?"

I saw how his forehead moved and then he suddenly let go of my hand to massage his temple.

"Why the hell are you turning me on in the middle of the palace yard?" He exclaimed like he's being stressed by it.

And that is so cute to me so I unfastened my seatbelt and leaned my face near his.

"Stop teasing me," he warned.

"I am not," I defended.

And just when I'm about to sit up straight on my seat, he grabbed me at the back of my neck, then using his one hand, he unbuckled his seatbelt.

"You asked for it," he forewarned and that magical moment he could conjure by kissing me happened again.

His breath, his smell, his tongue, his warmth, they always intoxicate me. And I'm always aching for more.

He's such a good kisser. That's why I don't completely believe he hasn't dated anyone before.

Breathless, heart racing, flushed, and aroused, he rested his forehead on mine. And then he touched my lips with his thumb.

"I'm sorry, I smudged your lipstick."

I immediately withdrew from him to look at myself in the front mirror of his car.

And what the f--k! My lipstick is ruined!

I immediately took some wet wipes on my purse and tried to erase the lipstick that's all over my mouth. Good thing I brought some!

I reapplied the rose-colored lipstick on my lips.

Then I stared at Neuron who's silently laughing on his own. I glared at him.

"Just for your information, you are not one to laugh at me. You are a mess too."

I drag him closer to me by his arm to wipe the lipstick stain on his mouth.

"I can't believe we're erasing lipstick smudge right now," I commented with amusement.

"Not my fault," he immediately said in defense.

When we're good to go, he started the engine once again and we headed towards the palace.

I opened the car window to see the palace clearer. And I just couldn't stop myself from gaping over the monstrous and majestic Gruna Palace. Far ahead, I could already see the elegant arched doorway of the main door with an elegant-looking lamp hanging from the ceiling, and above it is a balcony-like structure. It also has this matching lamp from the doorway hanging from its ceiling.

And this frontal structure is extended with another series of tall buildings from both sides that formed the whole palace together. The shape of windows is uniformed in every lane and alternates in arched or rectangular windows. Every window has this same designed lamp placed outside.

In front of the palace is a plant plot full of non-flowering plants. And because it is evening, all the lamps are lit which made the palace look like it's literally shining.

I noticed two guards guarding the main door.

"This is the Gruna Palace," he informed me. "At the back of this is a separate palace for the royal court. And although the two palaces are at the same place, the Gruna Palace is heavily guarded. And no one, except the royal family, is allowed to enter. Of course, guests are welcome, but only on very rare occasions. Not even the People's Rep can easily get inside."

"Why? Why is the king's house so exclusive? Doesn't that make the people feel like their king is extremely separated from them?"

"His Majesty has this paranoia that everyone is after him. To make the palace feel secure for him, he secluded the palace from anyone. For him, anywhere else is not safe. That's why my sisters and I left the palace. That's why I'm living in my apartment. Because living inside this giant structure is lonely, and you feel so isolated from the rest of the world."

So that's the reason why he's living in his apartment.

Neuron stopped the car in front of the pathway leading towards the main door. I unfastened my seatbelt while Neuron was already outside. He grooved over towards my side and opened the car door for me.

As soon as I placed my foot outside, the big door of the palace suddenly opened. Maids and butlers assembled in two lines, forming an aisle on the door.

Neuron has to close my mouth as it hangs open out of awe. I sometimes forget just how different Neuron's world is from mine.

He placed his arm at my back, on my waist, to lead me towards the aligned maid and butlers.

"Don't be startled," he whispered softly to me.

When we got in front of them, they all bowed in unison. And in perfect sync, they greeted the prince. And although I tried, I jerked out of surprise.

"We are happy because of your presence, Your Highness, Prince Amirson."

Prince Amirson?

I stared at Neuron. Does he have Amirson in his name? I didn't know.

"I'm formally known as Prince Amirson."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I scolded him.

"I thought you knew."

How would I know? When his existence is not even allowed to be known?

He leaned closer to whisper in my ear. "I'm Prince Amirson Neuron."

There are still really a lot of things I don't know about him.

Princess Ameerah, Princess Ameline, Princess Amyzel…

Of course, the prince has to have that common A factor in their names. It makes sense.

He let go of me and faced the maids and butlers.

"I brought my girlfriend. What d'you guys think about her?" He excitedly introduced me to them. Like a child introducing his newfound friend.

All the eyes of the maids and butlers shifted to me. The headmistress, I assumed, bowed her head to me.

"Welcome to the palace, young miss." And after she said that, all the others bowed their heads to me.

It was the most uncomfortable situation I've ever been in.

"No, no!" I waved my hands on them. "You don't have to bow your heads for me."

It was so uncomfortable walking in the middle of the aisle they made, while bending their bodies in a thirty-degree angle.

When we're finally at the door, one of the guards went near me.

"Ma'am, I need to check your purse and your body in case you have brought something that can endanger His Majesty and the royal family."

I immediately tensed up.

He's gonna check up on me? What if he finds out about the tapping device on my thigh?

Sweats started forming on my forehead as the guard reached for my purse.

"What are you doing to my lady?"

A sudden relief went through me when Neuron interrupted the guard.

The guard bowed his head to Neuron.

"Your Highness, it's the protocol to check visitors for--"

"She's my guest," Neuron cut him off. "D'you think I would bring someone suspicious here?"

Neuron is wearing this intimidating and bossy tone in his voice that he never uses when he's talking to me. Even I got terrified at his dominating tone.

The guard bowed his head again. "Please forgive my carelessness, Your Highness."

With that, the guard immediately left and went back to his post. I silently breathe out of relief.

"I'm sorry about that," Neuron apologized to me endearingly.

I smiled at him to tell him it's fine.

Before we finally took a step inside the palace, he faced me and touched the pendant of the necklace he gave me earlier.

"I know you might think we're both from different worlds. But to you, I'm just Neuron. I'm just that guy you called a nerve cell."

I gave him a thrifty smile.

"The gap between our world is too huge that it's hard to think that way," I protested.

"This world you think that's too different from yours, it'll become your world too. So please stay with me for the whole night."

I don't know how I'm supposed to do that, but I just smiled and nodded at him.

He snaked his arm on my waist and we walked together inside.

And as my eyes marvel around the interior of the palace, I feel like any word from the dictionary I'd use will be a huge understatement to how the palace looks in reality.

It's exquisitely, expensively, gloriously, majestically, heavenly, beautiful. I've never seen such a beautiful house before. Every corner and every part is luxurious.

I feel so undeserving to walk such beautiful parquet flooring. The halls are tall and exquisitely designed.

I'm so flabbergasted that I find it impossible to describe everything I'm seeing.

Whenever we passed by some maids or butlers, they would stop at what they were doing to bow their heads to the prince. Then we came to a hall where a series of uniformly designed crystal chandeliers were hanging on the ceiling. It's making me dizzy just imagining how much each of those chandeliers cost.

Then we arrived in front of a huge door. The two butlers guarding the door opened the double door and bowed to the prince. "Welcome, Your Highness."

We went inside a huge room, with a huge rectangular glass table, with fancy gold utensils on the table. All the utensils are made of gold. And above the table hang a tiered chandelier.

"I see we were punctual," Neuron commented as no one was in that room yet, except for us.

Then a group of maids came inside the room and greeted Neuron in unison. They assisted both of us at the table. And it's more nerve-wracking to wait for the other members of the royal family like this.

I'm shaking my feet underneath the table out of anxiety. And then one of the butlers guarding the door suddenly announced, "The second princess has arrived, Your Highness."

The second princess? Princess Ameline?

The butlers on the door opened the door. Neuron and I both stood up for the arrival of Princess Ameline.

The first thing that my eyes saw was the very vibrant royal blue color of the lacy dress she was wearing. Emerging from the door, is a powerful-looking woman, with a boy cut hair, crystal earrings dangling on her ears, and a pretty crystal necklace on her neck. She has these glossy maroon lips and a sparkly moose green eyeshadow.

Her arrival is so impactful. She glided towards the room, near the table.

The clucking of her heels on the floor of this quiet room gave this intense and thrilling atmosphere.

I held my breath when her eyes landed on me. She didn't look like she was confused or shocked by my presence in the room.

Different from Neuron's coffee-brown eyes, hers is pure black, just like His Majesty's. And her mouth also resembled that of His Majesty. She has this really nasty gaze that could make you shiver on your seat.

One look and you'd recognize she is Mirando's daughter.

She stared at me so intently. And the very first word she spoke that night was, "Who are you?"