Chapter 36: Royal Meal

"You resemble someone I know."

His comment left me speechless. Not of shock. But of plain anger.

Do I remind him of my parents? How dare he remember them without feeling any remorse!

I lowered my head so I wouldn't meet him in the eye. I have to look away if I want to remain composed.

"Shall we greet His Majesty?" the first princess said not to suggest but to inform.

With that, we all stood up from our seats to greet the king.

"Welcome to the royal meal, Your Majesty." They all greeted the king in chorus while bowing. I bowed too.

Maybe because it's the usual gesture. Maybe because they've done this so many times before. That even without practice, there's no single mistake in their rhythm and their synchronization is perfect.

Just like the soldiers in the camp when we greet our leaders. Our mouths and bodies just remember what to do and when to do it because we are doing it often. It's like muscle memory.

And His Majesty just sat there, unbothered. He didn't even return the greetings of his children.

As soon as we all took our seats, His Majesty spoke.

"We have an unusual company tonight." He's obviously pertaining to me.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty," Neuron started formally. "I brought my girlfriend unannounced. She likes you as the king so much. And I thought I should bring her here and introduce her to you."

I almost choked when he said I like Mirando. What a disgusting statement.

"Your Majesty," the 1st princess interrupted, still in a formal manner. "You might wanna know that she goes by the name--"

"Sister!" Neuron immediately cut her off.

"How dare you interrupt the 1st princess when she's talking!" The 1st princess scolded him using the third person pronoun when she pertained to herself.

"And how dare you two fight in front of your king," Mirando snapped at them with his baritone but a menacing voice.

"Scratch the term royal," the 3rd princess voiced out. "This is a family meal. Can't we have a normal meal at least once?"

It seems that the 3rd princess is the type to like crossing the lines drawn by being royal. She doesn't care if she sounds informal. I think she's the type that really values family, love, and relationships.

And the 1st princess is like this rigid, very traditional, type. She's the one that is really firm on following rules and etiquette.

As for the 2nd princess, I don't know. She doesn't seem to care about anything.

Mirando focused his eyes on me, once more.

"What do you like about your villainous king?" He thoughtfully solicited an answer from me.

At least he knows he's a villain.

"I believe, Your Majesty, a leader must become the bad guy at some point, in order to become effective."

I don't know if it was fascination I saw from Mirando's eyes, but the look on his face appeared like he was impressed by what I said.

At that moment, maids in their uniform entered and placed a wine glass in front of each of us, starting from the king, the 1st princess, then the Prince Consort, the twins, then the 2nd princess, then the 3rd princess, and lastly, a maid placed a wine glass in front of the prince then mine.

Two butlers then entered with a cart, with a Cashmierre wine on an ice bucket.

One butler is pushing the cart, and the other has a towel on his arm.

The butler with a towel hanging on his arm took the Cashmierre wine from the ice bucket, uncorked it, and poured some wine on His Majesty's wine glass, in a very courteous and calculated manner, that it seems like every action they made were rehearsed beforehand.

And it's making me dizzy that there are a lot of servants, and they all have their assigned roles. Which is ridiculous! And to think that aside from the servants, only Mirando is living here.

Neuron gave me a glance like he's trying to remind me of the simulation we did yesterday.

I perfectly remember everything he taught me.

Then moments later all of our glasses already have wine in them. Except for the twins who were served with orange juice.

Honestly, I don't understand what makes Cashmierre wine special. Why is it so expensive? To me, it tastes just like any other wine I've tasted.

"Amirson," His Majesty called.

"Yes, Your Majesty," came Neuron's polite answer.

"Why don't you make the toast?"

Immediately, Neuron stood up.

"This might not be the right time to say this," he started. "But I'm making an early refusal and announcement."

I saw how everyone's forehead creased like they don't understand what he's talking about. His Majesty, contrarily, didn't give any reaction and maintained his stoic expression.

"No, I won't marry into the De Los Reyes family."

What is he talking about?

"Nor into the Boston family, nor into Castillo, or Wilsons, or even the Benedictos." He looked at the 2nd princess. "So forget about arranging my marriage. I will not allow anyone to decide who I am gonna be with for the rest of my life."

"Neuron you can't--"

"Also," Neuron didn't allow his sister to protest. "I brought Rathna here. I won't beg you to accept her right away. But please do me a favor and don't scare her."

The three princesses gave me quick but meaningful glances.

"And one more thing, I will be the one to choose my queen. I think that's my prerogative."

I thought it's the king who should make the toast? Maybe not?

I think I kinda understand now why the formal toast is important. Whoever gets to do it is the most important point. I don't know if it's the tradition to voice out your opinion or proposal during the toast, but seeing that Neuron just did that, I think it's a perfect opportunity for them to propose something without getting disapproval from anyone.

This royal meal happens only twice a year. That means they only get a rare chance of standing in front of the royal family, throwing an argument.

"Now that I've laid my concerns, let's toast to a happier kingdom." Neuron raised his glass and I was ready to touch my glass but then the 1st princess spoke.

"Getting a girlfriend is fine, Prince Amirson. But choosing a queen is a completely different story. You can't choose just anyone. Their background, their family, their educational attainment, their character. Every little thing must be sifted!"

"Why? Did anyone ever complain about your title?"


"You're a princess because you're His Majesty's daughter."

Neuron's comment must've pinched the 1st princess' ego because she stood up out of anger.

I didn't expect Neuron to have a sharp tongue when it comes to his family. He's always been soft-spoken to me, always playing around. So it's disorienting to see him this way.

"You! What did you just say?"

"Enough!" His Majesty shouted in authority.

I could see that Princess Ameerah didn't want to let it pass but she sat back anyway.

Phew! This isn't what I expected. Their family is a mess!

"My terms aren't negotiable," Neuron stated firmly.

Princess Amyzel suddenly leaned closer to me and then she spoke quietly. "Next to our eldest sister, I'm scared of our little brother. They're both stubborn in some ways. They scare me."

I don't know how to react to that so I just looked up at Neuron.

Neuron raised his glass again. "To a happier and stronger kingdom."

His Majesty raised his glass. After he did that, we all raised our glasses, and even though late, the 1st princess also raised her glass.

Neuron looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back at him and then we took a sip on our wine.

As expected it tastes just normal. At least for me. So I wonder why people spend so much just to taste this wine. I wonder why Geraldine is crazy about it.

Then after the toast, servers came and served some dish I do not know the name of. It has prawns and I think salmon in it with some green leaves. It looks delicious and fancy but when I tasted it, it's not really on the list of my food preferences.

What?! This is it? I thought there's gonna be a roasted turkey?

Although I didn't like the dish that much, I have no choice but to eat it because I'm already starving.

Then servers cleaned the table once again and took our plates. Then another set of servers came. And this is when my eyes twinkled in delight and my blood boiled in excitement.

A rush of adrenaline came to me when I saw them serve braised short ribs, stir-fried shrimps, roasted beef, sashimi, chicken broth, and others I do not know the names of. They also served side dishes like mashed potatoes. I also saw some pasta.

I mean, this is a lot! Like a lot!

"Are you happy?" Neuron asked me quietly while he's chuckling.

Maybe I made it so obvious that I was excited because of the food.

I just hit his foot with my foot underneath the table to tell him to shut up.

And then the most anticipated dish came!

When the roasted turkey came, I saw the twins clap their hands happily but without sound. The 3rd princess also cannot hide her smile.

I mean, they're royals. But they surely are Maharlicans. If someone loves roasted turkey that much then they must be a Maharlican.

The Prince Consort, the 1st and 2nd Princess, and the king remained composed.

With the roasted turkey placed at the very center of the table, it's like all the other food is invisible now. Everyone just wants to taste the roasted turkey.

The 3rd Princess leaned closer to me again. "This is the only reason why I attend the royal meal semi-annually. If there's no turkey then I wouldn't bother coming here." She winked at me and gave me a playful smile so I couldn't help but smile too.

Just like what Neuron taught me, we waited until the 3rd princess got her portion.

The king was served with a whole leg. And I'm salivating. Then the 1st princess with another leg.

As each member took their portion, my happiness faded away especially that there's almost nothing on the platter now that the legs and breast part is gone.

I heard Neuron chuckle so I glared at him.

"Don't worry," he whispered playfully, "you'll have yours."

I sharpened my gaze on him a little more to scold him.

Just like what Neuron said, I didn't have to worry. Because another roasted turkey was served.

Phew! I thought I'd never taste the divine dish tonight.

Neuron was sweet enough to get my portion for me because it would be so awkward if I do it myself.

And then I just got lost in my own world. Can't help it when there's this much food.

In the middle of my feast, the Royal Secretary interrupted the royal meal. He whispered something to His Majesty.

"What is happening?" Mirando blurted.

He put down his napkin and stood up.

"I may have to leave this meal earlier than expected."

He's leaving? Does that mean the Chief already made his move? This means it's my time.

"Your Majesty, is something going on in the royal court?" The 2nd Princess asked out of concern.

"Pablo just called an emergency meeting with the officials."

"How rude of him. When he knows the royal meal is tonight?" The 2nd princess commented.

What?! Rude?!

"What is it about, Your Majesty?" the Prince Consort inquired.

"I have yet to know."

"Father, are we needed in the court?" the 1st Princess asked.

Mirando shook his head.

"I'm going alone," he replied.

When he's about to leave we all stood up and bowed our heads. We only went back to our seats when he's completely out of the room.

"I wonder what's going on," the Prince Consort muttered.

"What's on Pablo's sleeve now? I have a bad feeling about this," the 2nd Princess added.

I looked at Neuron who's silently eating some pasta. I wonder what's going on with this family.

It looks to me that the other members of the royal family don't like the Chief. But Neuron likes the Chief.

I'm confused about what's going on.

I cupped the bugging device on my thigh. I think it's time.

I tugged Neuron.

"Where is the restroom sir?"