Chapter 37: Mirando's Study

He tried to stand up but I didn't let him do so and forced him to stay seated.

"I can go alone. Instead, can you make someone lead the way for me?"

"No, I'll come with you. The palace is so big you might get--"

"Your Highness," I insisted. "I'm going alone. You stay here, okay?"

"But I'm--"

He stopped because I gave him a determined gaze.

He looked like he didn't want to let me go alone but he called a maid anyway.

"Marisa, would you mind helping her find the restroom?"

I'm stoked. Wow. He knows the maid's name?

"I would gladly oblige, Your Highness," Marisa said in response.

I stood up but then Neuron held my arm.

"Do you really not want me to go with you?"

He's worried, I guess. And it's tugging at my conscience that he is concerned about me, little did he know, I'm up to no good.

"Do you trust the maid more than me?"

I held his hand that's on my arm and pushed it away lightly.

"Stop being paranoid," I mumbled. "How did this suddenly become a trust issue? I'm just going to the restroom with Marisa."

He pressed his lips together like he's realizing he's being unreasonable.

"Alright. Come back quickly."

"Yes, I must."

That is, if I don't want anyone to be suspicious.

He turned his face to Marisa.

"Please take care of her and bring her back to me unscathed."

I shook my head in pure disbelief. He's overreacting. Well, technically, he should be. Since I'm about to do something illegal.

I faced the table. "Your Highnesses, If I may, I would like to excuse myself for a moment to go to the restroom." I bowed my head.

"Okay!" It was the 3rd Princess who cared enough to answer me with a smile.

I left the dining room with Marisa leading me the way. I took the time to quickly compose a text and sent it to Courtney to inform her I'm already moving.

We walked past a hall before we finally arrived in front of the restroom. Marisa stood firmly at the door like she's waiting for me to finish my business.

"Uhmm Marisa, you can go. I can find my way back alone."

"I am sorry, Young Miss. Prince Amirson told me to make sure you come back safely."

"I will be safe, don't worry."


"I'll deal with His Highness, okay? Don't worry about it."

Despite her hesitation, she finally decided to leave me alone.

When she was completely out of sight, I immediately flipped into mission mode.

I roamed my eyes around. We are at the lowest part of the tower. And Mirando's study is on the third floor of the main tower. If this is the restroom of the lowest part, then the elevator is on the other side.

I rushed, almost running, towards the other side of the hall. If my memory serves me right, the elevator is there.

And I was right! Thank goodness!

I pushed the up button and the elevator immediately opened. I smirked when I saw the inside.

Is this even real?

The red-oak-colored interior is baffling, with a lamp chandelier hanging above, a currant-colored couch, and a carpet laid on the floor.

It's unnecessarily fancy.

I went inside and pushed the close button. I sat on the couch. It feels woolly and comfy.

A couch in the elevator, is this even practical? Well maybe? Since the tower has many floors and Mirando might get tired standing on the elevator?

But what's the use of this tall tower? When he's living alone?

In a short time, the elevator opened and I arrived on the third floor. I surveyed the room and tried to match it with the blueprint I memorized inside my head.

It's not even that hard to find Mirando's study. Because the whole 3rd floor is only composed of a restroom, a separate shower room, a kitchen, and the study room.

I hastened and jogged past a room, which according to the blueprint is the kitchen. Then past the shower room, and then the restroom. Then finally, I stopped in front of a towering cherry wood double door.

I tried to open it and as expected it's locked.

From my purse, I took the tool given to me by the Chief's secretary. It's a thin wire-like screw. According to Courtney, basically, this would help me unlock doors.

I tried to insert it on the keyhole of the door and tried to twist it like how we would twist a key on the keyhole. While doing that, I looked around to see if someone's around.

Fortunately, the corridor is empty, quiet, and absent of any movement.

My eyes widened when the door really unlocked.

I opened the door and when I got inside, I slowly, without a sound, closed the door and locked it from the inside. This way, no one will know that I'm inside.

Then I turned around to face the room.

It's a luxurious and fancy solid wood study room.

The room is 20 times larger than the Chief's study. And it has 50 times more books than the Chief. With this amount of books, this is as big as a university or a public library.

If I'm not mistaken, the whole interior is made of cherry woods. The shelves of endless books are also cherry wood.

It has a typical library layout. There's a space for you to walk in between every column of shelves, just like a typical library.

And then at the very side, by the window, is where the table of Mirando is located. At the back of the table is a smaller glass shelf with some books inside. Maybe this is where his favorite books are placed or the books he wants to read. It has a fancy appearance, carved with a baroque design if I'm not mistaken. And the design of the shelf matches the design of his cherry wood table and chair.

There's a lamp beside his table. And at the very side of the shelf is a sculpture of a crowned turtle in its standing position, hind legs standing, front legs extended at the front.

There are not many things on the table except for a small rectangle clock, a pen holder with a sign pen in it, and a small calendar.

I raised my dress to take out the bugging device I plastered on my thigh. I used a leather plaster and I stuck the small circular bugging device inside it. It has this magnetic function where it could stick anywhere and at any type of material, even human skin. It is sticking on my skin but I still covered it with the plaster in case it falls off.

It's hurting my skin because I had to tighten the plaster to make sure it doesn't fall even if I move a lot.

When I finally removed the plaster, I removed the bug sticking on my skin next. The circular shape of the bug left a mark on my skin. With the plaster removed, my thigh felt like it could finally breathe and that blood is finally circulating properly in that area.

I roamed my eyes around.

Where is the perfect place to put this bug?

Somewhere close enough to hear his conversations. But somewhere I can make sure it stays hidden. I surveyed the walls to check if there are any security cameras.

And unfortunately, there is. And it's facing directly at me. No, there are! It's not just one camera, but…

I looked around the room to search for cameras.

1, 2, 3, 4! There are four cameras in this room.

F--k! This only adds to my work!

The four cameras are placed around the room to make sure there are no gray areas and every corner of the room is being watched.

If this room is being monitored in real-time, then I'm dead.


I can safely assume it's not. Because if it is, then guards should be here by now to arrest me.

I carefully inspected the room.

Where should I place it? Where?

At the lamp?

No, it's risky. If a servant cleans the lamp, then it'll be found.

I walked near his table. Then I stared at the sculpture.

Should I place it there?

Or underneath his table?

I ducked down and checked if it's possible to place it underneath his table. I think Mirando would never even think a bug is stuck underneath his table.

I took the bugging device and I was about to place it underneath the table but then I had a sudden change of mind.

It'll be more unexpected if I place it underneath his chair. There's no way he would think he's being tapped.

Before turning on the power of the device, I called the Chief's secretary.

"I'm going to activate the device now," I informed her.

"I'm checking," she answered thriftily.

I kneeled down. I activated the device by pulling the small toggle switch at the side of the device. A red power light appeared, signifying that it's already active. And then I tried to stick it underneath the chair.

"I got it," came Courtney's confirmation.

I covered my phone's speaker and then spoke. "Is it working?" To check if Courtney can hear through the bug.

Then I placed the phone on my ear again. "Did you hear me?"

"Yes. The bug is fully installed. Now, get out of there."

As soon as she said that, I stood up to finally leave, but I crouched down again when I heard the door unlock. I heard someone twisting a key on the door. So I crawled to hide underneath the table.

F--k! Who is it? Am I gonna get caught? Is it Mirando?

I covered my mouth to stop myself from breathing loud. I should not make any sound.

My anxiousness grew even bigger when I heard footsteps getting nearer to the table. As the footsteps get louder and closer, my chest is also drumming as loud as it could get.

And finally, when a pair of legs appeared before my eyes, sweat started to form on my face insanely.

I could only see the feet up to her hips.

Judging from the black stockings she was wearing and the familiar black pencil skirt, she must be one of the maids. She's doing something on the table.

Every second is like torture. My chest is about to burst because of the loud beating of my heart. My hands are shaking. And I'm sweating like I'm running a marathon.

But thank goodness my mind is still smart enough to remind me to shut my phone off in case Neuron calls me.

I can't and I shouldn't get caught.

No, this shouldn't be my end.

Then the maid's hand dropped and I could see she's holding a feather duster. She must be cleaning.

Why now for goodness sake! Why now!

Then she walked away from the table. After a few seconds, when I could no longer hear anything, I tried to peek from the table and I could see no one.

I slowly and quietly crawled out from the table and checked the first section of books. And at the very end, the maid is there, dusting off some dust on the shelf.

Taking the opportunity, I quickly paced towards the door as noiseless as I could. I even held my breath as I opened the door for the fear that the maid would catch the sound of it. At this moment, it's as if even the tiniest, most subtle sound is loud enough to catch the maid's attention.

Luckily enough, I succeeded in opening the door without making a noise. In the same manner, when I opened it, I also closed it as silently as possible.

I breathed out in relief when I finally escaped that suffocating situation.

But it's not yet time to be relieved.

Now, I need to do another task. I have to go to the security room and erase my footage.

While hurrying to the elevator, I took my phone to look at the blueprint and tried to find where the security room was located because I can't seem to remember it.

As soon as I found it, I opened the elevator and pressed the 2nd-floor button.

It's like I'm being chased. My movements are rushed and full of anxiety. I'm afraid I'm already gone for too long and Neuron might find it suspicious and look for me. I need to get this done quickly.

Every second inside the elevator feels like an eternity. Just three seconds passed and I already wanted to teleport my way to the security room.

Without wasting a millisecond, I rushed out of the elevator as soon as it opened and started running.

I ran towards where the security room is located as shown in the blueprint and I couldn't process anymore what's on that floor as I was fixated on finding the security room as fast as I could.

I peeped at the small rectangular glass on the door to see what's inside. I saw many screen monitors.

This is it!

And a guard is sitting on the chair in front of the screens.

I leaned on the wall to think for a second about how I should get in there without the guard knowing.

I couldn't risk alarming the guard.

And when I couldn't think of anything, whatever! I'm just gonna get in there.

I slowly opened the door and it made a cracking sound so I immediately checked the guard if he heard that.

Oddly, he hasn't moved. He's still in the same position. Thank goodness!

Maybe I should just smack him and make him unconscious.

I carefully walked towards his back and primed myself to attack him on his neck, but then I heard a subtle sound coming from him.


He's snoring.

I took a step towards his side to make sure my ears were right. And he's really snoring.


This security room is in charge of monitoring every camera installed on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor if my understanding is right based on the blueprint. I looked for the 4 cameras installed at Mirando's study. And when I found it, I stopped the recording, searched for the folder where the videos were automatically saved. And then completely deleted it. I even deleted it from the trash bin folder to really remove any opportunity of them recovering my footage.

I peeked at the guard who was still sleeping.

When I was sure I did everything I needed to do, I stepped out of that room. I ran towards the elevator to get down on the 1st floor.

I don't know if it's the feeling of relief that I finally completed my mission without getting caught but my sweats started streaming at the side of my face. And my knees became wobbly.

I stepped out of the elevator in a debilitated state.

Coincidentally, as soon as the elevator closed, Neuron found me.

"Rathna! Where were you?"

As soon as he got close to me, my knees gave up. I lost my balance and Neuron immediately caught me.

"What happened to you? Are you okay?" He asked, tone laced with worry.

"I-- I got lost and--"

He took something from the interior pocket of his suit jacket. And I saw it was a handkerchief. He wiped the sweats on my forehead and at the side of my face.

"Why are you sweating so much? Are you okay? That's why I told you I should come with you."

I stood up straight and shook my head.

"I'm fine. My feet just hurt because of these stilettos," I lied while looking down at my shoes.

"How did you get here? The restroom is on the other side of the hall."

I clenched my fist.

"I thought I could find my way back alone. That's why I sent Marisa back. And I ended up here."

Now, I hate lying to him. It hurts every time I have to lie to him.

"I called you and I can't reach you."

"My battery died." Another lie.

He lovingly took my hand and made circular motions in it with his thumb. It's relaxing and it's making me calm.

Then with his other hand, he caressed my face.

"I don't know why but I keep feeling anxious that you're here in the palace. Should we just go home now?"

I nodded my head.

"Let's go home, Neuron."