Chapter 73: Second Hearing

It is dreadful to sit in front of these royal officials, wearing the prisoner's uniform, as they're looking at me with such disgust I cannot fathom.

It is heartbreaking to perch face to face with Neuron as a criminal charged with treason and he is the judge.

I saw Loor sitting among the officials in his suit.

When the Chief was brought into the platform, I couldn't hold back the urge to rise up and charge at him.

No words could ever define how much I resent him for manipulating my whole life.

"Sit down, Miss Canosa."

Neuron's cold voice slithering into the room made me stop in an instant. I am an inch away from punching the Chief but I don't know why his command made me stop. The strong urge and extreme anger is really pushing me to punch him, that it made my hands tremble when I had to stop at his command.

I looked the Chief in the eye. "I don't care if I'm going to die. But I'll make sure you're dying with me."