Chapter 0: Prologue

This is a mixed basketball ff but its story is mainly in KnB except for the characters in Tanaka's team, no other characters from other anime will appear.

And Yes, I have watched KnB, my story pace may not be as good as the other KnB ff but I will try.

Also let me clear somethings up, Mc doesnt have any knowledge about the anime characters, it could be said that his memories about the anime was wiped out, but he still know somethings about his past life

Some Anime Character backgrounds will also slightly be altered to fit the story.

That's all.

If you have any questions, put it on the latest chapter, thx.

If you like my work please support me PayPal.Me/LazyTanaka.


In a starry like galaxy, a basketball court could be found, there are 10 people playing and it a 5 vs 5 match.

Though the other 9 were just figures without face nor anything, they seemed like shadows.

Only a young man whom full features could be seen, he was dribbling the ball while facing a shadow figure.

He dribbled the ball like it was an extension of his body, everytime he moves the ball follows him, but the shadow was also not a push over, everytime the young boy move, it seemed like he predicted where he was going and was already there before the young man could even move.

But the young man didnt stop dribbling, both of their movements were so beautiful that they both looked like they were dancing.

Until, the young man suddenly jolted his body to dash to the right side but in actuality, he faked it and moved to the left.

The shadow was left behind and the young man found a free space and made a shooting motion.

A near by shadow raised its hand to block the shot but the young man faked and waited for the shadow to go past by, he then made a beautiful shooting form and let go of the ball.


The ball went inside the ring and touched nothing but the net.

The young man took a deep breath.

[Congratulation Host for reaching the allotted requirements of the system, do you wish to leave?] A systematic voice resounded on his ears.

The young man raised his head and looked around, "This damn place, I stayed here for almost eternity, I stopped counting trillion years ago and finally! Yes!" the young man roared.

He then turned towards the shadows.

"You damn shadows Im going to leave now!" He yelled towards the shadow.

"Take care!" The shadows replied.

The young man smiled then closed his eyes and said softly "Leave"

[Accepted, Have Fun!]


A black hole something sucked the young man and disappeared from the place, and the next thing he knew, all he could see was the void.

Nothing to do, he suddenly remembered his time, before he came into that damned place, he was but a lazy bum with no desire to do anything, as he was sleeping again.

He found himself in the starry place, he then had a system, he was an otaku so he knew what it was, at first he was happy but then.

The system forced him to play basketball, there was no introduction nor explained why he was forced to do that.

He wanted to reject but the system will electrocute him and it was not a great feeling.

So for a very long long time, at first he counted the days he was staying at that damned place but after counting for almost f*cking 10 million years, he stopped and so he stayed there for as god knows how long but if he calculated, its about decamillion years.

A normal person should have been bored playing basketball for that long time but Tanaka was not, even though he was wrecking every shadows the system gave him.

He fell in love playing basketball, no matter how weak they are, no matter how strong they are, Tanaka enjoyed it.

The feeling of shooting the ball, the feeling of dribbling, the feeling of playing, he felt that every 1 second of his life playing basketball, he felt the most alive.

He doesnt care if the system brainwashed him or something but for now, he loved playing basketball.


[Transmigration starting, hold on tight host] the system voice resounded on his ears.

"Lets do this" the young man smiled.