Solo Leveling Fanfic

Hello guys, this is a sneak peek of solo leveling fanfic that I made, feel free to give opinions since I don't really know where this is going, also give me a good title for the book since I'm really bad at naming.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy it, this is worth 5 chapters.


"Ah, damn this keyboard is trash!" I cursed as I was unable to get past the 1st level obstacle of the Minecraft parkour map I was playing, I wanted to smack the keyboard to the table but this keyboard is a newly bought keyboard that costs about 200 dollars so I have no choice but to calm myself down.

Just then I heard some commotion from the neighbor's, I live in an apartment and it was a very cheap one, I work as a game developer, a solo one, I'm just playing Minecraft in my free time and sometimes watch anime, well, it has been 2 weeks since I last touched the game I was developing but I'm still looking for inspirations so it's normal.

From what I am hearing, the commotion was happening on the balcony of my neighbor, I picked up a pack of chips from my table then brought a bottle of soda then took a chair, and went towards my balcony, the first thing I saw when I arrived on my balcony is a firefighter climbing towards the other apartment, he looked at me with a confused face.

I nodded at him then down the chair I was carrying, I sat on the chair opened my chips took a few chips, and put it in my mouth, I then drank a mouthful of the soda, Puha! perfect! now then, back to reality.

An apartment was being engulfed by fire and was spreading at a very fast speed, it was very close to my place, "What a good day" I said.

"Sir please evacuate the building!" the firefighter yelled at me.

I looked at him for a few seconds then broke into laughter, "It's fine!" I said.


A loud explosion came from one of the apartments blowing everything in the vicinity away, even the firefighter who was yelling at me earlier was blown away, but he had a rope tied on him so he was fine, I drank another one on my soda then I took out my phone.

I then opened the contracts and only the number of my ex was there, I then started texting her, you don't know how much I loved this girl, I threw away everything just for her, then she cheated on me, anyway, I finished typing my text and sent it to her.

Somewhere in the world, a girl received a message and when she saw the one who sent her the message was her ex, she opened the message and saw his text, it was just a few words but it came from my deepest heart.

[F*ck you]

I then threw away my phone and watched as the flames finally reached my room and engulfed my whole room with flames, I started humming a song as I sat there looking at the bright blue skies.

"Ah, it's hot, I don't like it," I said.

[Confirmed: Heat Resistance Acquisition Succesful]

"Huh what is tha-"


Another explosion happened from the nearby apartment blowing me away to the ground, "Ah, my head is bleeding: I said, then looked around and saw my soda was still intact, I tried to pick it up but I seem to lose my strength, "I should have gone to the gym more" I thought.

[Confirmed: Physical Enhancement acquisition Succesful]

"Ah, I should have been more active and devoured more young beautiful girls, I shouldn't have been stuck with that B*tch" I murmured.

[Confirmed: Predator Skill Acquisition Succesful]

"What the is this voice inside my head, well, no matter, I really don;t like the feeling of being injured, it hurts, I wish I have something like the gamer mind and gamer body like from that manga I read," I said as I slowly close my eyes.

[Failed: Acquisition of Gamer's body is not succesful]

[Solution: Found a suitable skill from Hosts Memories: Infinite Regeneration acquisition successful]

[Notice: Returner's Clockwork Watch skill penalty has been removed]

[Failed: Acquisition of Gamer is not succesful]

[Solution: Skill Great Sage has been acquired]

"It's too noisy," I thought, but man, I hope I could cry at times like, but I have already let out all of my emotions when I was young, it sure has been a long and hard journey, I've been running around the whole world learning everything with my bike, and along with these precious memories they will disappear.

I hope I won't lose these, I thought and finally, I lost my final consciousness.

[Gained an Extra Skill, ???% acquisition succesfull]

[Extra Skill: The House of Memories has been acquired succesfully]

[Continuing, The house of memories will merge with the skill Great Sage and evolve into an Ultimate Skill: Mnemosyne]


Hmm? Where am I?

Looking around the void empty space, I couldn't move, though I hear some voices I don't know where they came from, but from what I understood, it said Push!

What push do they mean? oh! light! I became excited as I saw light from afar, I wanted to move towards it but I couldn't move no matter what I do, but then, I saw a white hand coming from the light and grabbing me by the feet.


I was finally pulled out from that void space! I cheered, then I curiously looked around, ah, I can't open my eyes, but I could feel someone is holding me like I was a baby, wait, a baby?

"Congratulations! It's a baby boy!" I heard a voice it's not English but I could somehow understand it, what is happening?


A voice suddenly rang inside my head and it surprised me... well, I don't seem to be surprised actually, it just felt sudden, and that made me confuse, anyway, I focused on the voice inside my head.

[Answer: Due to the skill: great sage, every language will be translated immediately]

[Answer: Due to the skill ???% your emotions has been sealed]

'My emotion is sealed huh? well, that is umm, convenient I guess? well going back to the present, who are you talking in my head?' I asked.

[Answer: The skill Mnemosyne]

"Oh neat, so you are like a -"


"Ouch.." a hand slapped my butt but I reacted like a mosquito just bit me, well lucky me, that spank made me open my eyes, I then finally looked around, doctors and nurses, typical people you see when a baby is born.

Then I turned to the tall man looking at me, 'He looks familiar' I thought.

"Chair Go, what will be his name?" The doctor asked,

Chairman didn't speak and turned his head to his wife, they both smiled at each other, "Hanuel, his name is Go Hanuel" Mrs. Go said with a caring smile, she then took the baby from Chairman Go's hand and lovingly caressed the baby.

-5 years later-

"It's been 5 years huh?" Go Hanuel said as he stared at the dark clouds above, in these 5 years, Go Hanuel had learned many things about this world, his Mother;'s name is Go Eun-Ji, she was the owner of the top hunter equipment shop in Korea, you can say that she is one of the wealthiest people in the world.

His father's full name was Go Gunhee, the chairman of the Korean Hunters Association, and Go Hanuel who has been reincarnated the moment he had heard that name, he was a fan of Solo Leveling and had read it again and again for many times.

The plot is really not that world breaking but its art was the one that carried it, but Go Hanuel still loved it, and his favorite character is Igris, had never seen such a cool knight as him before.

Well, no matter, Go Gunhee was the strongest hunter in this age and he was still at his prime and was very active, he was one of the top national rank hunters in the world, and Go Hanuel as a kid was always alone at the house since his parents were always busy.

But that was what he like, other than some servants at home that will take care of him whenever he needed something, he mostly have free time, and he uses that free time to train!

Who heck will not train to become strong in this world, are you kidding? and he also has the knock-off version of Raphael, which is Mnemosyne.

[Answer: I'm not a knock-off]

'Yeah, yeah, anyway, with Mnemosyne's help, I was able to learn martial arts from my past life, and the thing I was learning right now is Silver Fang's martial arts the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist' Hanuel narrated to himself, really, he was just that bored.

Well, even though he said he started learning, Go Hanuel still trained his body, even though Mnemosyne said he had the Physical Enhancement Skill, Go Hanuel still wants to have a buff body.

[Notice: Host is still 5 years old]

"Okay, I guess I will stop" Hanuel stopped, it just came out on his thought today so her really wanted to try it, but since it was not pleasant to see a 5-year-old kid with a buff body.

So he went back to meditating and repeating the exercise of the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, it was simply by moving your arms around like the ones seen in Kung fu and it seemed easy but damn, Go Hanuel needed to do it slowly and his body felt sore from it.

But it immediately disappears when he rests for a few seconds, it was his skill infinite regeneration, it's a skill from a certain slime, and it's much more powerful than other healing abilities.

That meant, he could train as much as he wants! but Go Hanuel also has the tendency of getting lazy, what can he do? he has a rich family, and he was still very young, he also could not go to dungeons, and Go Hanuel is not 'awakened yet'

He needed mana for that and Go Haneul has none but Mnemosyne was analyzing the skill Rimuru had, I also gained many skills from the last 5 years as a baby, apparently, everything I do can be turned into skills.

Even if Mnemosyne is a knock-off, it's a good skill.

[Repeating: I'm not a knock-off]

Yes, yes, Go Hanuel waved his hand off, anyway, for him to be awakened, he made Mnemosyne analyze how to gather mana and awaken him, Mnemosyne estimated that it will take about 5 months for it to analyze the mana.

It's the reason why he is calling it a knockoff since the Great Sage from the slime could analyze shit in a few seconds, well, he certainly doesn't know how that Great sage works.

Also, Go Hanuel's 6th birthday will be coming soon so he only trained for a little bit, Go Hanuel wiped the sweat off of his body and entered the mansion, he was immediately greeted by maids who bowed towards him.

Go Hanuel ignored them and made his way towards his room, he made some plans and wanted to go out, he was never really allowed to go out since Gate outbreaks have been frequent lately.

Go Hanuel wanted to go out and see outside, heck, he was even homeschooled and did not go to school, well, he was considered a genius as he easily learned everything the teachers taught him, who are they kidding? he has Mnemosyne and also memories from his past life.

Well, Go Hanuel didn't really care what they say to him, he laid on his bed and drifted to sleep.

-2 weeks later-

Go Hanuel was wearing a formal black suit, he looked at the mirror, he had the Black hair that he inherited from his mother and a rare purple colored eyes, his face resembled Go Gunhee and oh boy he was handsome, well, coupled with his expressionless face that made him look cold to everyone, he was also fairly tall for someone at his age, and he had this king like aura that he couldn't control by himself.

Only with the help of Mnemosyne can he seal this aura, well, Go Hanuel may not show his expression outside, his inside is full of emotions, that's what he thought, anyway, Go Hanuel made his way towards the hall where his father and mother were waiting along with hundreds of visitors.

He could sense everyone even when he was still in the room, Go Hanuel stood in front of the door and heard the butler announcing his arrival.


The doors opened and Go Hanuel stepped forward.

Go Hanuel sat on the couch as his birthday party finally ended, there were too many people in the part that came to greet him, even introduced their daughters and son?

Well, you get the idea, almost all of the people here came to make connections either with his mother and father, they were both awakened after all, and also make connections with him as the first child of the Go family.

Go Hanuel's expression didn't change throughout, there it was known that, he Go Hanuel seemed to have no expressions, this became the reason why it was difficult to deal with Go Haneul for the adults, you never know what he was thinking.

After the party ended, Go Hanuel made sure that no one was watching him at night and his parents were sleeping, he changed to his new black ninja clothes and even used a manikin mask, so he would not be recognized.

Yes, Go Hanuel planned to sneak out today while keeping his promise with his parents that he could only go out at the age of six, 'I followed my promises, now it's your turn to keep your promises' Go Hanuel thought, he may be a kid right now but he was already an old man in his past life.

Once he was done, he started sneaking out of the house, he had already memorized the layout of the house, the patrol pattern of the guards, and the position of the CCTVs, he opened the door of his room quietly and peek his head outside, making sure there were no maids around.

He had no other escape way since just outside his window were tons of bodyguards, some of them were also his personal bodyguard, and they were all awakened with their ranks no lower than B rank, and his strongest guard is a peak A rank.

Go Hanuel saw that the hall outside his room was clear and no one is around, "Good" he murmured and sneaked to the dark and immediately blending with the dark, this was one of the skills of Bang from one punch man, even though he was a martial artist, he was also capable of hiding in the shadows and not be noticed even by Saitama.

Go Hanuel moved slowly and also avoiding the CCTV's carefully, those things are not your normal CCTV's as it was even able to detect an S-rank with concealment skill, and they were also hidden so finding it is a little impossible but not for Go Hanuel as he had Mnemosyne.

It didn't take long for Go Hanuel to reach the door of the house, but that was not his way out, he walked towards the plant pot and lifted it up, and just behind the flower pot was a hole big enough to fit him in.

Go Hanuel immediately entered the hole and got out of the house, their door has an alarm function so leaving out from there will get Go Hanuel caught, it came from his experience.

As Go Hanuel finally got out of the hole, he cautiously looked around and saw no guards, he checked the time and saw he had about 2 minutes to leave the vicinity, Go Hanuel immediately merged with the dark and dashed towards the gates.

Their mansion was very big that it even has a huge maze garden in front of the mansion, there is also a huge fountain and tons of statues, it took Go Hanuel about 10 minutes to finally reach the gates but he didn't proceed immediately as he checked the time.

'Guards are going to patrol by this time' Go Hanuel thought and hid in the bushes and waited, but as he waited for a few more minutes, there was no one that came to patrol, this made Go Hanuel was confused, 'Are they slacking off?' he looked around once again.

'Well, since they are not here, I might as well take this chance' Go Hanuel immediately dashed towards the gates and climbed up the gate in a very quick movement, it only took a moment for him to get past the gates, Go Hanuel immediately rushed away.

'Finally out!' Go Hanuel cheered with an expression on his face, but he was very happy right now.

"Mnemosyne, locate the closest gate around" Go Hanuel commanded.

[Affirmative: Searching...]

[Found two dungeons near the host: D-rank gate just 500 meters away from the host and is already being raided by hunters, an E-rank dungeon gate just 800 meters away from the host and will appear in approximately 10 minutes]

"Whoa, you can also predict when dungeons will appear?" Go Hanuel asked in surprise.


"Well then,. let's go to the E-Rank dungeon" Go Hanuel immediately rushed towards where the E-Rank dungeon will appear, Go Hanuel immediately rushed towards it finally arrived at a construction site and it was fortunate that there were not many people around, this way, no one will know that Go Hanuel came here.

Go Haneul then decided while waiting to prepare just in case something unexpected happened in the dungeon, he will be able to prepare, first is the potions, Mnemosyne provided him with the recipe while he concocted it himself with the help of Mnemosyne, it may not be as good as Sung Jin Woo's system health potion, it was better than nothing.

If he has more materials then he could make more powerful potions, it was actually easy to make a potion, he just have to prepare the materials, then use his skill Predator to eat the materials, no, he didn't eat it with his mouth but he only needed to point it towards his target and a white mist will come out to devour his target.

Then after that, Mnemosyne inside his head will concoct the potion inside his body, and when ready he could just take an empty glass and pour the potion inside, then he suddenly realized something, I have the infinite regeneration, what do I need these potions for? well, with that, he stopped his preparations and just took out his phone and started surfing online.


Just a few minutes later, a swirling pool of energy started to appear in front of him and a gate had formed, "It's here huh" Go Hanuel said then hid his phone away and stretched his body, " I hope this isn't a dungeon-like the sung jin woo dungeon" Go Hnuel murmured as he entered the gate.

*Bzzz! *Roar!

Monsters started emerging out of the area as the gate finally opened, Go Hanuel stood up and looked around him, "Horned Rabbit, E-rank monsters, they are known for their speed and sharp horns that could easily pierce the human body" Go Hanuel remembered the description from the monster encyclopedia.

"Well then, time to dance," Go Hanuel said with a smile and took a deep breath, around him, the horned rabbits have already sensed his presence and he was surrounded, there are about a hundred of them.


The horned rabbits pounced towards Go Hanuel and their speed is comparable to a bullet Go Hanuel turned his body to the side avoiding the incoming horned rabbit towards him, Go Hanuel then made a counter attack while the rabbit is in mid-air with a stab of a finger on its eyes.


The head of the horned rabbit exploded but Go Hanuel didn't relax even just a little bit, He spun his hands around him in a slow way finally forming a flawless stance, "Abandonment" Go Hanuel murmured then an enclosed space of transparent dome appeared around him.


The horned rabbits roared and all of them charged towards Go Hanuel in a frenzied state, Go Hanuel stood at his position calmly, and as a horned rabbit entered the dome around him, his hands will move like the flowing water but every strike was as powerful as breaking rocks.

Go Hanuel never panicked even when he missed and let a horned rabbit go past him, he would just switch his body around and struck the close horned rabbit, Go Hanuel never really had an expression because of his skill ???% that was said to be absorbing his emotions.

Well, Go Hanuel doesn't really mind, being expressionless means he had abstained from sins, according to the monk that came to check him one time when he was a kid, thankfully, he didn't get proclaimed as the reincarnation of Buddha.

Well, anyway, having no emotions has its pros and cons, the pros are that Go Hanuel will not get swayed by his emotions because it did not exist, the cons were that Go Hanuel won't feel happy nor emotions close to that.

In one thing, Go Hanuel was like a perfect weapon for killing, but he didn't want to be controlled, Go Hanuel stopped thinking and looked around him, hundreds of carcasses of horned rabbits were around him, most of them were crushed to death or had missing limbs.

Mark raised his hand and pointed it towards them.



A black mist spread out from Go Hanuel's hands and enveloped every monster around the vicinity and slowly, they slowly disappeared as if they were never there, even their blood that tainted the floor has disappeared.

[You have acquired skill: D-Rank skill Super Speed]

[You have acquired an E-rank skill Lethal Stab]

[You have acquired: D-rank skill Powerful Legs]

[Continuing by absorbing 100 Horned Rabbits, SuperSpeed skill has evolved to D rank skill Shukuchi]

[Continuing, Skill Shukuchi will be merged with the skill Lethal Stab and will evolve into an A-Rank skill, Backstab]

Mnemosyne's voice rang inside Go Hanuel ears announcing the skills he received from absorbing the horned rabbit.

"I gained skills... have I been awakened now?" Go Hanuel asked.

[Not yet host]

"Then what am I supposed to do to get awakened?" Go Hanuel asked.

[Enter the Gate]

"Okay" Go Hanuel nodded and finally entered the gate.

As he entered inside, the gate suddenly started buzzing, and immediately an ominous aura exuded from it and the gate slowly turned into the color red.

A few moments later, shadowy figures appeared near the dungeon, all of them wearing suits and they were powerful, they are not lower than B rank, "Call Chairman go immediately! we have a situation! young master has entered an E-rank gate that turned into an A-rank gate notify him immediately!" the leader of the group immediately gave orders, this was a serious matter!

He then turned to look back at the gate, "I hope nothing bad happens to the young master" he murmured as they waited for Chairman Go to arrive.

A Red Gate differs from a normal gate in that it seals off its entrance once someone walks through it, trapping the humans already inside the gate and preventing anyone else from the outside from entering the gate, and refuses to open until one of three things happen: the boss is defeated, the entire raid party is killed, or a dungeon break occurs. The minimum difficulty level of a Red Gate is also at least B-Rank, meaning that the hunters within the gate are doomed if there isn't at least one A-Rank among them.

The environment within a Red Gate is also usually very harsh and ranges from a scorching hot desert to a freezing snowy field. As a result, aside from the chance that they might get killed by the monsters in the dungeon, the hunters within the gate also face the additional possibility of dying from environmental factors such as frostbite, heatstroke, or starvation, making Red Gates much more dangerous compared to normal B-Rank or A-Rank gates. Time is also dilated within Red Gates, to the point that one day inside a Red Gate equals one hour back in the human world.

Despite how unusually dangerous they are, however, Red Gates are impossible to predict, as they initially appear to be normal blue-colored gates and only reveal they're true nature after humans pass through them. They also stop radiating mana after closing up, preventing their mana levels from being accurately measured from that point on.

Go Hanuel looked at the vast desert in front of him, there were no signs of life, all but the sand could be seen, he looked behind him and saw the red gate, " I think I just jinxed myself earlier" he sighed in defeat.

"Well, with monsters here are more powerful, then surely I could eat more powerful monsters," Go Hanuel said as his gaze landed on the ground.


"Tastes like chicken" Go Hanuel took a bite of cooked meat in his hand, his clothes were splattered with green blood, and his appearance was very messy, it has been 2 hours since he entered this place.

He was sitting around a fireplace that he made, "Though I can't really eat all of this, Mnemosyne, use predator on all of them" Go Hanuel looked around were corpses of gigantic sand centipedes, an A rank monsters that tunnel under the sand.

They were 30 feet tall and they are also powerful, its body was also harder than the armor that Go Hanuel had seen in his mother's shop and they could also breathe flames, Go Hanuel did have a hard time fighting them at first since he didn't know their patterns and he hasn't adapted to the new environment.

Thankfully, he had heat resistance, and the new skill he received before entering the dungeon, grinding the centipede monsters became easier because of that, Go Hanuel extended his hand forward and a mist emerged out from it covering all of the gigantic sand centipedes, and in just a moment, all of them were devoured by the mist leaving nothing behind.

"Hooo, I feel like I'm becoming the gluttony guy" Go Hanuel smirked as he remembered the character who devoured everything in the world.

[Notice! monsters have been discovered and were going towards the host, please be careful]

Mnemosyne's voice resounded on Go Hanuel's ears, "Well, the break is over I guess" Go Hanuel stood up and stretched his body and then gazed towards where Mnemosyne discovered the incoming monsters were.

In the skies, a flock of flying monsters that were bigger than elephants was going towards him, they have fiery wings, and there were about a hundred of them.

[Monster has been appraised: Savage Sun Vulture: Scary Monsters that circles around their preys waiting for the right timing to strike, they are very agile, their claws and beaks can easily penetrate a thick steel plate and with their fiery wings, they were able to use fire magic, be careful as they are very powerful.]

[Monster Rank: A+]

"Nice, if I use my predator skill on this monster, maybe I could awaken now!?" Go Hanuel became excited but his face remained expressionless, no really, without expression he won't be able to do those cool poses of Sung Jin-Woo won't he?

Well, whatever, "Let's try the new skills I got from eating the Gigantic centipedes" Go Hanuel earned quite a few skills from devouring the gigantic sand centipedes, unfortunately, none of them evolved like the ones from the rabbit but he got some awesome skills.

"Burrow" Go Hanuel tunneled on the ground disappearing from the sight of the Savage Sun Vultures, Go Hanuel moved under the ground, though he didn't need to dig since about 20 inches in around him would automatically be dug by some kind of energy.

Go Haneul could also sense the Savage Sun Vultures above him, though, only the vibration of the wind where they flapped their wings, Go Hanuel dug deeper into the ground to make sure he would not get noticed by the Savage Sun Vultures.


Just when Go Hanuel was sure that he would not get found out, a vibration was heard just above him, he was immediately warned by Mnemosyne to leave his position immediately, Go Hanuel followed the warning and immediately jumped away.

Go Hanuel immediately traveled hundreds of meters from that jump.


Just when he jumped away, an explosion happened behind him, the whole place was engulfed by flames, and Go Hanuel had his back scorched to black, but Go Hanuel didn't react to it and continued running away.


It was not until he ran very far away that he stopped, the scorch on his back also have healed like nothing ever happened, well, except that his clothes were burned, but that doesn't matter.

Go Hanuel looked behind and saw a huge pit covered in flames, the Savage Sun Vultures were flying in the skies, "I guess hiding will be useless against these guys" Mark jumped out from his hiding spot and resurfaced.

*Swooosh *Boom!

A figure immediately charged towards him and struck Go Hanuel who wasn't able to react in time, Go Hanuel's arm fell to the ground as he was blown away from the force, he tumbled and flew away for a few meters before stopping.


Go Hanuel stood up and suddenly rolled to the side to avoid another attack from the Savage Sun Vulture.


Narrowingly avoiding the attack, Go Hanuel's amputated arm immediately grew back after he rolled, 'Another one is coming!" Go Hanuel extended his hand forward and punched the incoming monster.


Two attacks collided with each other created a loud explosion, Go Hanuel flew away like a cannonball while the Savage Sun Vulture that struck him was blown away to death, Go Hanuel immediately regained his balance mid-air extended his hand towards the dead Savage Sun Vulture.


"Predator!" Go Hanuel roared and mist came out from his hands that took shape of a wolf and charged towards the dead body of the Savage Sun Vulture, meanwhile, while Go Hanuel sent his devour thingy.

Go Hanuel was also busy fending off the SS Vulture's that were attacking him, on their own, the SS Vultures are very powerful on their own, they may not be as hard as the centipedes, their attack power is already too much, and now there were hundreds of them around him.

"I just need to devour that one vulture" Go Hanuel wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth, he may have overpowered regeneration skill, it doesn't mean Go Hanuel was fine being injured every time.

Relying on your overpowered regeneration skill is not a mindset Go Hanuel wanted to have, he wanted to avoid getting injured as much as possible, no, to not get injured in a fight or at any moments, that was the peak he wanted.

Just as Go Hanuel was getting overwhelmed with the number of attacks that were the SS Vultures were bringing him, Mnemosyne's voice resounded in his ears.

[Savage Sun Vulture has been devoured, you have acquired its skills]