Chapter 8: Female Basketball Team

As Tanaka got back in the apartment, the smell of food wafted into his nose, it smelled very pleasant.

Making his way into the kitchen, Tanaka saw Aisaka standing on a stool while cooking.

"Oh, it smells delicious" Tanaka praised.

"Of course, I learned a thing or two on the cooking lessons earlier" She said.

"So what's for the dinner?" Tanaka asked.

"Karaage" Aisaka replied.

"Great, I'll take a bath first" Tanaka said.

"Okay, dinner will be done after you finish" Aisaka said.

After Tanaka took a bath, they both talked to each other while eating, then watched T.V and finally went to sleep.

The next morning, Tanaka as usual made some boxed lunch for himself and Aisaka, then he woke up Aisaka and they both ate breakfast and went to school together.

In the class, Tanaka really didnt have to listen, for some reason, he could remember every books he had read clearly, maybe a gift of reincarnation?

Anyway, other than memories from his past life that was somewhat become hazy, he memory has been enhanced in this life which is very good for him.

He was the top student of the school while being the captain of the basketball team, this caused Aisaka who was vying for the top felt challenged and promised the she will beat him in the next exam.

Well, Tanaka didnt really mind but as a good gentleman as he is, he teased and provoked her happily.

As for the former top students of the school, they were trying their best to take down these two monsters that has appeared.

Speaking of which, no one dared to bully Tanaka and Aisaka.

Aisaka was known to take down anyone, even if it was a senior, she was titled as the Small Tigress, as for Tanaka, he was known as an alpha who can go toe to toe with the tigress.

He was also became popular but since this is an school of lesbi- *ahem, an all girls academy, it was pretty small, Aisaka was much more popular than him.

Anyway, as Tanaka arrived in the gym, he noticed the female basketball team.


No! he is not looking at that but he noticed the female players seemed to have copied their training, but it was not really fitted with their training since it was very heavy, no, not that, the training is not fitted for females.

Tanaka sighed and decided to watch carefu- *ahem, I mean, to give them some advice, as fellow schoolmates, he must also help them improve.

"Excuse me" Tanaka called out, the female players turned towards him, his teammates who was training also noticed this and stopped what they were doing.

"Nice to meet you, I am Tanaka, the captain of the basketball boys team, and I could not help but notice the jig- *ahem, I mean, your training similar to ours, oh dont worry, I dont mind you guys copying it but, I just want to warn you that the training is not fit for female body" Tanaka said with a smile.

"Ah! thank you for the warning, I am Chihaya Ayase, Captain of Girls Basketball team, Sorry for copying your training without permission but because I have no knowledge about training we just copied yours" Ayase said.

"Oh, we dont mind it, actually, I can give you guys your own training regime, but I dont know your plays yet so how about play against my team, its a practice too" Tanaka said.

Ayase didnt agree immediately but her teammates, they then talked to each other and a little while later Ayase spoke, "We accept"

"That's great! hey you guys! we will train with girls basketball team today, just some play before the practice match with the other school in 3 days" Tanaka said.

"Yes!" Sora cheered.

"And also dont you guys dare your hands to them, dont let them score easily but dont try to get too close to them, Its not my fault if you guys get titled as perverts, anyway, we will play 2 quarters, 10 minutes each, I will play in the second" Tanaka announced.

"Yes!" everyone replied.

Everyone then took their position, Koro-sensei will act as a referee, since he volunteered himself to do it.

"Are you both ready~" Koro-sensei said as his eyes drifted towards the female team center's chest and he looked like a professional who ha done this a thousand times as he immediately averted his eyes when the female center looked at him.

"We are ready" Akagi and the female center replied.

"Then, Start!" Koro-sensei said and threw the ball into the air.

Both of the center's jumped but Akagi had more power in his legs and his jump was higher, he got the tip off and the ball went to Tatsuo who passed the ball to Kenma.

All the players went to their position, Kenma looked around as he dribbled the ball, when he noticed that the defense of the female team was very lax.

He dribbled the ball and then crossed over the female PG, when the female PG followed after him he made a spin leaving behind the PG.

Kenma also have trained and his stamina and speed had increased greatly, coupled with his brain that seemed to work at a very fast speed.

When he noticed the SG left Sora to intercept him, he waited until the SG was near him before he passed the ball to Sora.

Sora held the ball in his hands and did a fast release on his shoot.


Sora got an easy 3 points, Sora's 3 point percentage has gone up to 80% ever since the training and he also have 50% shooting percentage a near the middle.

His shooting form has also been improved, and he was now practicing the fast release shot.

The female team now got the ball and they dribbled towards their side, the PG immediately passed the ball to their captain Ayase, the one guarding Ayase was Kenma who was known to have bad defense in the team.

She dribbled the ball and dashed towards the right side of Kenma, even though Kenma was bad at defending, he still used his brain and wont let his opponent go easily.

He tried to snatch away the ball but Ayase did a simple behind the back the dribble then shot the ball for 2 points.

The game continued and both played the way they want but Tanaka noticed on the female team is that they were always feeding the ball to Ayase.

Like literally, the 18 points they have is all on Ayase, well, to stop them, Tanaka only needed to say one word, he looked at Tatsuo and made a hand sign.

Tatsuo nodded, after the boys scored, Tatsuo was now the one guarding Ayase, Tatsuo was known as a lock down defender, he wont let go.

"Sorry about this" Tatsuo said.

"Huh?" Ayase was confused at first, and when her team passed the ball to her, she felt pressure.

Ayase struggled to move from Tatsuo, she was like being caged, everywhere she moves Tatsuo was there.

Ayase also couldnt pass since her other teammates has been blocked, after struggling for a few times.

Koro-sensei blew the whistle, "Shot clock violation!" He yelled.

Ayase was panting as Tatsuo left her, she couldnt even move against him, Tatsuo glanced at her and smirked.

Ayase didnt say anything and continued the game, it didnt take long for the first game to end.

The score was 40- 28, yes, the female team wasnt able to score ever since Tatsuo defended Ayase.

The next game, Tanaka substituted Tatsuo, Tanaka didnt need Tatsuo to make things hard for the girls anymore.

"Lets go with 30 points then" Tanaka said as he stretched his body, he then turned his head to his teammates "Lets go with passing strategy, We will try their defense" Tanaka commanded.

"Yes!" the boys replied, anyway, before they started, Tanaka let them rest for 10 minutes before the game continued.

The girls team got the possession of the ball and this time, Ayase was the one dribbling, she was surprised that they benched Tatsuo from their team.

But she didnt mind, her focus now was on the Captain of the boys team, if he became the captain then she was sure he have the skills, she may not have seen him play yet, but his teammates were very skilled, it was impossible for the captain to be not.

She then turned serious when she saw Tanaka was guarding her, she dribbled the ball and dashed towards the right, she saw Tanaka leaned his body, she immediately tried to do a behind the back but to her surprise a hand swatted the ball from her hand.

She looked over and saw it was Sora who was close to her who swatted the ball away, Tanaka picked up the ball but he didnt rush.

He slowly went towards the other court waiting for the others to position themselves.

"Now then"


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Also check out my original novel VRMMO: Alter Online!


"If I can be the best in the world at something, then I think its worth the shot" -Chiyaya Ayase.

Also 100 stones in that novel = extra chapter for this fanfic, dont be shy.