Chapter 9: Cooking Class

Tanaka dribbled the ball, he first jabbed to the right in which Ayase followed then Tanaka did a spin but he stopped half way of his spin, he dribbled the ball and spun his body once again.

Ayase wasnt able to follow since she fully committed from Tanaka's first spin and he easily left her behind.

Tanaka reached the paint and threw the ball towards the rim in which Akagi jumped for the alley-oop.

The girls team were surprised to see a middle schooler do a dunk, and it was an alley-oop at that, but looking at Akagi's gorilla like body and tall height.

They thought 'Is he really a middle school student?'

The match continued and Tanaka really didnt go too much on defending, he let Ayase get pass by him easily but it was different from Ayase.

Ayase felt that there was always a hand that will snatch away the ball from her hand, this caused for her performance to plummet a little bit and she hesitated to do all the scoring.

She immediately passed the ball whenever she got the chance, this caused for her teammates to be surprised but since they received the pass, they tried their best to score.

Even with that, they missed tons of shots but still, they scored a little bit, Tanaka also started scoring and sometimes pass the ball.

Ayase who had very good comprehension started studying every moves Tanaka does.

She felt she was learning so many things from this game, from passing to even the strategy.

5 minutes left on the clock, Tanaka decided to be selfish and did all the scoring.

Every shot came from the three point life, sometimes, Tanaka even went near the mid court and did a fast release shot.

Well, he was just playing with it and the shot missed, but Akagi who was under the rim got the rebound and dunked it once again.

The girls team center wasnt able to do anything at all.

Anyway, in just 3 minutes, Tanaka was able to rack up 30 points like what he said earlier, as for the reminder 2 minutes, Tanaka decided to purposely miss all shots and sometimes make his teammates go in a bad situation such as a bad pass or a inside pass where they will be surrounded by 2 to 3 players.

This caused for the boys team to get extremely tired in just 2 minutes and they felt they could die anytime now.

Anyway, at the last minute, Tanaka decided to show off a little bit, he drives inside facing 3 girls team players, he dribbled the ball did a simple rack a baby move which caused the girls team to fell for it and gave Tanaka a free way to the rim.

He jumped high up in the air, he spun right hand that was carrying the ball making a full spin then dunked the ball.

It was a simple wind mill dunk but this caused for the players on the court to be shocked.


"End of the game! Boys Basketball Team won the game!" Koro-sensei announced.

After Koro-sensei announced the results of the game, everyone immediately woke up from their stupor and could not help but be amazed.

"Holy shit! captain just did a freestyle dunk!" Sora exclaimed.

"So cool!" Asahi said with stars in his eyes.

"Everyone line up!" Tanaka immediately commanded.

Everyone formed two lines immediately, one for the girls team and the other was the boys team, they were facing each other.

"Well, that is for today everyone, thank you for the game" Tanaka said.

"Thank you for the game!" x11 everyone bowed to each other, it was a formality that everyone do after the game.

After that, everyone talked to each other, some asking for advice, some guy named Sora bragging about his points.

"It was a very good game Captain Tanaka" Ayase went in front of Tanaka and bowed once again.

"It's nothing, it was a good game for us, I also saw some flaws on my team" Tanaka waved his hand.

"I envy you, I dont have any knowledge about basketball that much and only watch videos online" Ayase said.

"Hmm, if you need help, we have Sora's mother who was part of the japan women basketball, I could put a word for your team" Tanaka said.

"Oh, we thank you for that but we dont want to waste her time, so if you could put a word, we would like to hire her as our coach, we will pay her, how about 200 thousand Yen per Month" Ayase said.

"T-two hundred thousand yen? w-wait let me ask Sora, hey Sora come here!" Tanaka called out.

"What is it captain?" Sora asked.

"Is your mother busy?" Tanaka asked.

"Eh, not really, she is a housewife and father doesnt let her go work, why do you ask?" Sora said.

"That's a good thing, I told Ayase here about your mother and she offered a work for your mother to coach them, they will pay her 200 thousand Yen a month" Tanaka said, he still could not believe how high the pay was.

As expected of Ousai Academy, full of rich girls.

"T-two hundred thousand!? I-i will ask mother right now" Sora said, he was shaking, as a poor guy with small money on his pocket hearing that huge sum surprised him.

They were really not that poor but not rich either, it could be said, they were just a plain normal family.

Sora immediately ran off to the locker room and called his mother, he told her mother about it and she was also surprised at first but she asked to meet with Ayase first.

Sora came back a little while later and relied the answer of her mother to Ayase.

Ayase thanked Tanaka once again then asked to treat them as a thanks, all the other boys agreed but Tanaka refused for now.

So he gave the boys to Hiruma, the boys are more disciplined around him, after all, he carries gun around him though they were fake, he wont hesitate to shoot those who dont listen.

Tanaka didnt really join because today was the day where he promised to go with Aisaka to a cooking class.

Tanaka could have just taught her but, he found it a pain and exhausting, Aisaka really wasnt a girl who will listen to everything you will say unless you are a teacher.

Anyway, after everyone left, even Koro-sensei joined the treat of the rich ladies, guess he is sucking up to them, there are probably single moms among the mothers of the rich ladies.

Tanaka also finished changing his clothes and went towards the gate and waited there.

It was still 4 pm and the cooking class will start at 6 pm.

About 10 minutes later, Aisaka came with a few of her female friends, she immediately noticed Tanaka and ran to him.

"Did you wait long?" Aisaka asked.

"Not that much, just 10 minutes, I could have watched a movie waiting that long" Tanaka said with a cheeky smile.

"Hmph, stop messing around, lets go" Aisaka said.

Tanaka nodded and they went towards the location where the cooking class will be held.

Tanaka didnt know where the cooking lesson will be held but damn.

Tanaka looked up and gazed at the huge mountain in front of him, there was also a huge ass gate with a plaque Totsuki Culinary Academy.

'You call this a culinary Academy?' he thought.

"Hey, lets go" Aisaka called out.

Tanaka nodded, "Damn, mommy, you're really rich" Tanaka joked.

"Its not that hard, I have a friend who had connections with this school" Aisaka explained.

"Oh... okay" Tanaka nodded.

At the gate, they were met up with the body guards guarding, Aisaka showed them an identity card and they immediately let them inside.

Tanaka curiously looked around this huge ass place, they were guided towards a beautiful villa near a lake.

There they met a beautiful lady, a woman of average height who has a curvaceous body, dark brown hair, dark purple eyes, and an ample bust. Her bangs cover her forehead and has tresses framing her face. Her hair is secured by a ponytail which passes her right shoulder and is slung on the side. 

"Nice to meet you dear guests, My name is Hinako Inui, I am tasked in teaching you for todays cooking lesson" Hinako introduced herself.

"Thanks for having us" Both Tanaka and Aisaka bowed to her respectfully.

"Well then, lets start the lesson" Hinako said.

"Yes" Aisaka replied.

Tanaka didnt join the lesson and just watched from the side, the cooking lesson will only happen once a week so Aisaka was very focused in learning.

Tanaka watched carefully and compared Hinako's teaching to his C-rank cooking mastery and he felt Hinako was a true master chef since her knowledge above his.

The lesson lasted for 2 hours before Aisaka was finally to make a normal dish, Tanaka was invited forward and taste the dish.

"Its good" He replied with a smile.

After the lesson, they said goodbye to Chef Hinako and went back home together.

(A/N: I changed some character backgrounds, for example, Sora's mother was supposed to have an illness and was resting on the hospital, but this time, she is very healthy and will be teaching the Girls basketball team, if you find some character with different background then that means I changed the background)


Too much slice of life? sorry about that, I'm practicing:D

100 stones on my novel = Extra chapter for this ff.

Tip me! PayPal.Me/LazyTanaka.


Even if they have wings, birds can never fly without a sky -Sora