29- On Fire 1

Kamizaki vs Ousai, the match started with Ousai getting the tip-off, Kenma dribbled the ball and scanned his surroundings, 'Hiruma-san said that they are fast, let me see' Kenma thought, then made a fake shot on the 3 point line and just as he expected, a figure jumped in front of him, its speed was very fast.

Kenma smiled and passed the ball to Sora who was moving from his position, Sora caught the ball and did a between the legs dribble to the left, then a spin to the right, he did in quick succession but his defender was much faster.

But Sora didn't mind, he felt extremely calm today for some reason, he watched Midorima earlier, and realized some things, he took a step back and left behind his shot the ball on the 3 point line.


The ball made a beautiful arc but this time the shot was much higher than before, even higher than Midorima's (A/N: Midorima still haven't made the high arc shot of his)


The ball bounced off the rim but Sora didn't feel bad about it, but instead, he analyzed his shot, he wasn't worried since Akagi was on the floor.


Akagi caught the ball mid-air and dunked the ball back to the rim, a round of roaring cheers came from his fans as Akagi went back to their side, the Point guard of Kamizaki dribbled the ball forward and was met by Kenma but the point guard rushed forward with a crossover and moved forward.

The point guard then passed the ball to Kotaro Hayama, the ace of the Kamizaki, Kotaro caught the ball and was met by Asahi who defended very well, Kotaro smiled.

Kotaro crossover then between the legs to behind his legs, Asahi lost his balance as he tried to follow and fell to the ground, Kotaro then pushed forward where he met Akagi who was taller and buffer than him, Kotaro raised the ball and did a simple teardrop shot which Akagi wasn't able to reach, due to the center of Kamizaki boxing him out.

The score was a tie and it was only 10 seconds since the start of the game, and the audience was extremely hyped, cameras were focused on the players as the nationals are broadcasted in the whole country of Japan.

It could be said that the pressure of the nationals was ten times that the group stage, anyway, the match continued with both sides scoring one after another, their game was very close, this showed that Kamizaki was someone who could go toe to toe in the current Ousai Team.

And one thing that Tanaka noticed was, Sora was slowly getting the hang of his play, he had missed shots a few times already but since Akagi got his back, Sora continued to experiment with his play, many people noticed this and they felt spook out as slowly, they were seeing an unknown pressure coming out of Sora.

Sora was not noisy nor energetic in the game, he played extremely quiet, he calmness in his eyes, Tanaka looked at this and smiled, 'He just needs a little push, but let your body submerge in that state, for now, it's the best you could get' Tanaka murmured as he saw the calmness in Sora's eyes, he then signaled at Kenma to pass all the ball towards Sora.

Kenma nodded and relayed the message to his team, the others nodded and Akagi also gave a sign to leave it to him, Kenma then passed the ball to Sora who caught the ball without even looking, his eyes were fixated on the rim and he was standing on the three-point line.

Sora got into his shooting form. his defender immediately went for the block, but Sora dribbled the ball once and sidestepped, evading the defender that jumped towards him, Sora then shot the ball.


The ball went in and touched nothing but the net, and one thing that surprised everyone watching is that the moment the ball left Sora's hands, he turned around immediately and didn't bother looking back.


As Sora ran back to his defensive position, a trail of lightning sparks appeared on his pupils but it was still unnoticeable but those with keen eyes immediately noticed it, one of those was Midorima who stood up from his seat from shock.

Tanaka smiled then turned his head to Kuro, 'Chance' he made a signal, Kuro nodded and smiled, the point guard of Kamizaki dribbled the ball, and before he even got close to the 3 point line, a hand stole the ball away from his hands, Kuro immediately rushed forward, he noticed Asahi running forward but before he even got to pass the ball, he noticed from the corner of his eyes, Sora running and was already near the half-court line.


Kuro passed the ball to Sora which Sora caught the ball, he was met by Kotaro in the middle who exerted a powerful defense intent,(Its turning wuxia xD), it was intense pressure that Kuro lost to the sheer pressure, but Sora reacted like it was nothing to him.

Sora dribbled the ball with a crossover and when Kotaro followed after him, Sora stopped to his tracks and hesitated to the left but dashed back to the right, Kotaro predicted this but before he could even chase after Sora, a screen laid out by Kuro who was smiling blocked his path.

Sora stopped just beside Kuro and shot the ball.


The shot went in giving the Ousai another score, they now have 6 point lead, the audience was getting hyped as they watched the intense game, they felt their blood boiling as these middle schoolers showed them an intense match that was comparable to NBA.

Just as everyone was getting excited, the referee whistled, stopping the match, it was a substitution and a figure entered the court, the Ousai Team immediately cheered as the figure entered the court, Kenma high five with him and went to the bench.

Yoichi Hiruma has entered the court.


What are you expecting something? Ya-Ha!

Anyway, voting has ended, Solo Leveling won, so here is my schedule, since many of you are interested in Sao, I decided to write it, after I finish writing KnB fanfic, though, it will only be released after Solo Leveling.

And also, I met Charlottes in Discord, the author of My life as Tadano, and made him read my Multiverse Fanfic, and he gave his approval with it, I will post the 5 chapters worth on the Auxilary, check it out, I will also transfer the Solo Leveling there once it reaches 5 chapters, though I am too busy so I can't really write that much for today and tomorrow.

Also, don't forget to check out my original novel VRMMO: Alter Online if you are interested, you will like it I promise.


Why don't you eat grainless rice for a treat?