30- Watch Closely

As Hiruma entered the court, everyone's eyes were on him, it couldn't be helped, among the players of Ousai, Hiruma was one of the eye-catching players, only second to Tanaka.

Tanaka who was by the side could not help but smile awkwardly, 'I said he was the secret weapon of the team but here we are' he thought, it was really funny because he said that to Hiruma, but instead of becoming a secret weapon, he became a lethal weapon that could kill anything on sight.

And one thing more, Sora who was just a normal player just before is being sharpened, it's not just him, the others are also getting tempered through this game, but surely, the star of this match is Sora, he just needs a little more, then he would reach another realm of his play, but he has to wait till the second quarter when Tanaka enters.

Because he was more than familiar than that state, Sora has entered right now, the match continued and only 4 minutes left into the first quarter, Hiruma showed his villainous play once again but this time, it was not him who did all of the scores but Sora.

With Sora and Hiruma, their play became unpredictable, Sora shot 3 points and haven't missed since then.

Hiruma dribbled the ball forward and he was met with Kotaro who changed position with the point guard just to stop Hiruima.

Hiruma smiled and dashed to the right, there Kotaro was met with a screen from Kuro, but Kotaro moved very fast and circled around Kuro with a spin but just as he got to the other side, Hiruma turned back to the left, leaving Kotaro, Hiruma went for the shooting form, and he purposely got near the defender of Sora.

The defender of Sora chased after Hiruma leaving Sora free in which Hiruma passed at a fast speed.


Sora caught the ball without looking and immediately shot the ball.


The ball went into a high arc and went in touching nothing but the net, it was so perfect that even the net wasn't able to decrease the ball's speed from falling and it bounced on the ground and flew 3 meters into the air before falling towards the stands.

The crowd cheered as they saw how beautiful the shot was, it was just too perfect for a shot, and Sora reacted as if nothing happened, at the end of the first quarter, the score was 120-59, Sora scored 63 points, the Kamizaki was struggling to get to score in the 4 minutes of the match ever since Hiruma entered the court.

Sora rested on the bench with his eyes becoming hazy, playing that game in that state for a long time drained his stamina, "You okay bud" A towel flew down on his head and a hand patted it on his head.

"Captain!" Sora woke up from his state and looked at Tanaka in surprise.

"You have surpassed your previous scores, everyone is proud of you, look at your mother looking over" Tanaka pointed from the stands, when Sora looked over, he immediately saw his mother, he raised his hand and waved at her with a smile on his face.

"So how is the feeling?" Tanaka asked.

"It felt like everything was under my control like I have done this a thousand times before and finally grasped it" Sora replied as he looked at his hand.

"That is the feeling, you better remember that feeling, also I want you to watch the game closely, I will show you something" Tanaka gave a smile and started taking off his sweater and entered the court, and just as usual the moment Tanaka entered, the people started cheering and chanting his name.

Tanaka held the ball in his hands, He then looked at every team watching the game, he took a deep breath and raised his hand, the cheers stopped and the whole stadium quieted down, he turned towards the announcer and picked up his mic.

All eyes were on Tanaka as he looked at everyone with a smile, "Everyone..." Tanaka spoke with a soothing handsome voice.

"From here on, I will show you what true top basketball is," Tanaka said with a sharp and confident tone then gave the mic back to the announcer, after he finished speaking, the roar and cheers of the audience resounded the whole court, Tanaka's words were very arrogant but also intimidating.

Everyone felt their blood boiling as the rising star of middle school basketball is finally going to show his superiority to everyone, they didn't think it was a joke because it was the Demon King of the court they were talking about.

While everyone was fervently discussing what Tanaka said earlier, Tanaka made his way towards the Kamizaki and talked with them about what is going to happen, Tanaka was not arrogant nor looking down at them, The Kamizaki listened because they knew what is going to happen next is going to be above their level.

But they were also excited, Tanaka was going to show them the first-person perspective of watching Tanaka play seriously, without knowing Tanaka, he became the superstar of the whole middle school stage.

After talking with them, Tanaka continued doing warm-ups and getting ready for the game, 10 minutes later, every player had enough rest and the second quarter started.

The game started and the ball was in Kamizaki's possession, they passed the ball to Kotaro who was defended by Tanaka, Kotaro dribbled the ball forward, he did a crossover move then easily got past by Tanaka, this confused him but he easily got a jump shot from the paint.

"Huh? what happened to Tanaka? was he just being arrogant earlier?" Aomine asked confused, Tanaka could have easily stolen the ball from Kotaro but he let Kotaro score.

"Hah, he was just bluffing, acting mighty and all" Haizaki snorted and mocked Tanaka, so he closed his eyes, but after a while, he noticed that his teammates were very quiet, it was too quiet, he opened his eyes and saw his team had their eyes fixed on the court.

'What is happening?' Haizaki thought then looked at the court, "What the!?" Haizaki exclaimed in shock, just in the middle of the court, Tanaka was moving slowly, and in his eyes were emmiting currents of electricity.

"How did he enter the zone without doing anything!?" Haizaki asked in shock.


I did some research and Zone is not considered a special ability, but a form of getting on top of your play, It is a superlative of regular concentration and focus. The conditions to enter this state vary from each person.

only prodigies can use the zone and even top players that are focused without the Zone can only utilize up to 80% of their potential during a game. When a player enters the Zone, their eyes will be shown emitting currents of electricity, indicating the player's deep concentration.

And there you, it's just the state of players' deep concentration, as for how did Tanaka acquire it? please tune in on the next chapter <3

Also, check out the Auxilary chapter for Multiverse Internet Cafe: Rewritten content, I found something good and potential about this fanfic and may even reach up to 1000 chapters as long as I don't get tired, anyway, please go check it out, and give some comments its very important to me, also give stones.


The strongest anger is built-in someone with a kind heart