Take a Rest


As they heard the whistle of the referee, everyone was dumbfounded why the Ousai Team called for time out, "Why did they call a time-out!? are they mocking us?" Haizaki stood up from anger.

Everyone was silent waiting for why the Ousai called for a time-out, they then saw Tanaka move towards Kenma who was standing still in his position, "You have done well" Tanaka said with a smile but Kenma didn't reply Tanaka wrapped Kenma's hand around his neck, "Captain, I can still play.." Kenma's weak voice whispered in Tanaka's ears.

Tanaka kept silent as he carried Kenma out of the court, "You have burnt yourself out just for the team, it's okay now, you have done what you could" Tanaka's calm voice resounded on the court.

Everyone was shocked by the revelation, They called time out because one of their players overdid himself and could not even move! Tanaka noticed this in the mid-match where everything was very intense!

"I still wanted to play..." Kenma spoke in a weak voice, Tanaka smiled helplessly and put Kenma on the bench, Everyone in the Ousai also gathered around Kenma smile can be seen on their faces, Kuro was also worried but he knew Kenma did his best in this game.

"You idiot, take a rest, this is not your last game, we still have plenty of time to play together" Tanaka spoke as he looked at Kenma who was looking at them with frustrated eyes, standing on top of his form burnt him out, her was not that fitted, to begin with, but he played like that just to catch up to the team.


"Shush, take a rest, remember what I said... you have already done what you could, so rest" Tanaka gave Kenma a big smile, then put his hand forward, everyone put their hand forward, Seeing this Kenma looked at them and also extended his hand forward and with a not so loud voice "This is our legend in the making"

*Clap! *Cheers!

After they finished their group cheer, everyone in the stadium clapped, Kenma showed them a great play of basketball not knowing that he was actually pushing himself very hard but seeing this they could not help but cheer in admiration.

Coach Shirogane was also clapping along with the audience, he was a fan of basketball, and he admired players like Kenma, even if it's the opponent of their team, Tanaka stood up and looked at the coach Shirogane, he lifted his finger and pointed on Nijimura on the court.

Shirogane turned his head and saw Nijimura who was already panting heavily and was bathing in sweat, in this battle of monsters, he was able to keep up in the first quarter using all of his energy but playing until the second quarter took a toll on him but like Kenma, he also wanted to stay on the court and prove himself.

Coach Shirogane smiled as he saw this, "These kids are really amazing" he said with a smile and talked with Nijimura, after a few minutes of talk, Nijimura finally relented and also decided to take a rest, there is no player who did not want to prove themselves, every single one of them had this pride, the pride of a basketball player.

The match continued with Nijimura subbing out and Haizaki entering the court with a pissed-off face, while Hiruma subbed for Kenma. Haizaki stared at Tanaka with a pissed-off expression, there were only 3 minutes left in the match and all he could do for the last 18 minutes was watch, which pissed him off greatly.

Tanaka noticed Haizaki's intense stare but decided to ignore it, compared to his team, this guy seemed different from them, he is not here to play basketball but to bully other players which Tanaka didn't like.

The match started at the ball was in Teiko's possession, Akashi dribbled the ball forward and was immediately met by Hiruma, just as he was about to do his usual move breaking his opponent's ankles, he heard Hiruma spoke.

"Do you think you can predict or order a devil around? you are too low for that"


The ball was immediately stolen away from Akashi's hands which shocked him greatly, 'What just happened!? I didn't see him move!?' he thought, he turned his head and stared at Hiruma who was smiling in front of him.

The ball was caught by Sora who was close to them, Sora passed the ball towards Tanaka who was already in the half-court, Tanaka was met by Haizaki who was in charge of defending him.

"I see you like to copy moves, can you copy this?" Tanaka gave a smile, "Come on!" Haizaki yelled his eyes wide open to see every movement of Tanaka, then suddenly with a great burst of speed, he got past Haizaki easily who still had his eyes wide open.

Just as Tanaka got past Haizaki, he was immediately faced by Akashi and Aomine who were both staring at him intensely, "Sheesh, If I was a girl I would have thought that you guys want to harass me" Tanaka joked, then a smile appeared on his face, "I will use it this just one time"

Tanaka's eyes suddenly started glowing, everything around him lost its colors, the outline of the players started glowing, the line on the court also started glowing, and the ball on his hand glowed like the sun.

But as he used this skill, he immediately felt his lungs were burning and his body aching, Tanaka gritted his teeth and pushed forward, Akashi extended his hand forward for the steal but just as he was about to reach the ball, Tanaka suddenly spun his body along with the ball.

Everything seemed very slow but the next thing Tanaka saw was Aomine also charging towards him, Tanaka immediately scanned his surroundings and saw none of his teammates were close, the closest ones were the two defenders and Haizaki who was rushing towards him.

Tanaka then took a deep breath and his eyes glowed brightly, the ball dropped from his hands and moved towards between the legs of Aomine, Tanaka then jumped away from their 2 man team and was immediately met by Haizaki once again.

Tanaka did a fake to the left then pulled back to the right but Haizaki was able to predict him and leaned his body towards Tanaka's path but Tanaka at the last moment spun his body avoiding Haizaki and getting past him.

Tanaka was now free to shoot, he ran towards the ring and raised his hand up but he noticed Aomine went for the chase down and already jumped for the block, Tanaka smiled and clutched mid-air and used his left hand to bank the ball to the left board.

Tanaka did not use a big move this time but to everyone's eyes, Tanaka just did another amazing thing, getting past 3 defenders that locked him down.


Hey guys just last announcement before the end or hiatus if you want me to continue this in the future just let me know.

Anyway, I'm going to ask once again last time, which should I publish first? head exploding alert XD please vote.

Solo Leveling Fanfic: Emperor Hunter=

Rewritten Multiverse Internet Cafe=

SAO: The Undying=

Tensura: I Play Games to Become Powerful=