

The sound of the match ending resounded in everyone's ears, the cheers of the crowd also resounded, very happy for the winners of the match, it was no suspense who won, there were no people who were satisfied, today, they saw a very intense match between middle schoolers.

Ousai Team didn't celebrate but instead, every member gathered around the middle of the court and sat there crossed-legged, all sat there quietly as they basked with the cheers of the crowd.

Everyone looked at them confused but they still cheered nonetheless, Teiko Team, of course, doesn't feel alright, even though they enjoyed the match, they didn't enjoy losing, there is no such thing as being happy when you lose.

The one that took a hit the most was Haizaki and Akashi, Akashi was very confident that he would be able to contend with the Ousai when he awakened his other self but it didn't even get to battle with Tanaka properly.

Kenma was enough to show him that he was not the strongest, not just him actually, every single member of the Ousai is someone they could not fight with right now, he clenched his fist and promised himself to win next time.

Haizaki was very angry losing the match, he wasn't able to play that much and he wasn't even able to showcase his skills, he was like a mob character that needed attention, he could not help but clench his fist from anger and want to rage out and beat everyone up.

Kōzō Shirogane could not help but sigh as he saw the match being won by the Ousai, actually, he had some hopes when something changed to Akashi but Akashi was not enough to defeat the Ousai Team, "They still have so much to improve, I hope they work hard from this setback"

Momoi heard Kōzō Shirogane spoke and could not help but nod, in all of her years, this was the first time she saw basketball could be this intense, if put in words, it was very epic. it was like she was watching a fantasy sports movie that showed the true prowess of the main character.

Tanaka, an enigma which she wasn't able to unveil, not even able to take a glimpse of his true self, but she will not give up, Momoi became very determined to work hard for her team.

Tanaka and the group sat on a circle all quietly basking from their glory, they could not help but smile seeing these, they just won the nationals on their first quest! they who only trained for a few months reached this stage which seemed very impossible.

All could not help but turn to Tanaka who was looking above seemingly thinking about something, the members looked at each other then nodded in understanding, they took a deep breath and yelled at the same time. "CAPTAIN!"

Tanaka was shocked from the sudden shock that his body jolted away and he fell to his back on the ground. "W-what!?" Mark asked in shock, it was not just him who was shocked, everyone in the stadium quieted down.

The members suddenly stood up and all lined up in front of Tanaka, "THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS WONDERFUL JOURNEY! WE PRAISE TANAKA THE GREAT! WOOHOOO!" they all yelled with big smiles on their faces and bowed to Tanaka, it was very embarrassing but for someone who deserved it, shame is the last thing you think in front of someone you owe to.

Tanaka looked at all of them and could not help but tear up a little but he immediately wiped it off and stood up, "You damn bastards! come here!" Tanaka charged towards them and gave them all a big hug.

"You all did well, I am, no, everyone here is proud of you, let's make them prouder!" Tanaka said in a low voice but everyone knew Tanaka was very emotional right now and seemed to cry, they all could not help but smile and also tear up unconsciously.

Their journey was not that easy, it may be short but it was gruelling, full of difficulties, and full of times that they wanted to give up, but here they are, and they were not done yet, they are on their way to fully enjoy their journey and create their legend.

After a few moments of giving each other praises, Tanaka looked up and faced the Ousai Academy Students who came to cheer them, Everyone lined up in front of them and bowed, "THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT AND HARDWORK!" The Team yelled with all their heart.

The students looked at each other and smiled, they then all said in unison as a reply, "CONGRATULATIONS! LEGENDS!"

*Clap! *Clap!

A burst of cheers and claps were given to the Ousai as if it was never enough, all of them smiled, the boys smiled and gave each other hugs once again before going to the middle once again to say their farewell to the Teiko Team.

"It was a nice match, all of you, you are all strong, but you need to grow stronger, here is my advice, never lose your passion for basketball, enjoy every moment of it, all of the answers you are all looking for is there" Tanaka gave a piece of sincere advice.

"Thank you so much!" the Teiko Team didn't get arrogant and bowed towards Tanaka as thanks.

"Now, now, let's meet each other again in the Winter Cup, I hope you all improve the next time we meet"

"We will definitely defeat you!"

"That's the spirit!"

With the end of the match, next came the awarding part, it did not really take that much time but Tanaka racked up all of the individual awards, from the offense, defense, etc, and MVP also went to Tanaka, giving his mission its final touches and finally being accomplished.

-=-=-=-=-=To Be Continued=-=-=-=-=-=-

Hey guys, this is the last chapter of the KnB, I'm going to continue this maybe after Solo Leveling Fanfic, it's been a fun and stressful journey of writing this fanfic but I really enjoyed it especially your comments.

I know there are tons of mistakes but I'm really too lazy to change it, so if you have problems with that, just read my name, anyway, I'm here to announce my next fanfic will be Solo Leveling: Hunter Emperor, if you have a better title please suggest it, I'm dying of seeing this cringy title.

Well, that is mostly all, Solo Leveling will come out next week, I'm buried with school right now so that is why I moved it to next week, also maybe stack up more chapters, well, see you guys next week, also go check out my novel, just give me love through there <3


You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams -A Simp