What do you think DESTINY is? From my perspective, destiny is a word that refers to future planning or goals. Everyone has a destiny or goal. Well, actually not everyone but most of the people do. They have make money for living so they learn hard and work hard. When I was about in 7th grade, I thought of becoming many thing at once but I didn't get serious about anything. Even now, I am not serious about my future, my destiny was something I was proud of. The only destiny in my life was LOVE. People want to become soldier, doctor, engineer and scientist. My goal wasn't my goal. I just considered Love as my goal. I learned and learned. Day or night I just study. But why? I don't know. You study just to achieve your destiny? In my case thats not the point. I studied to get the love. I wanted to learn Love. Its not like I didn't achieve the DESTINY. I achieved it but lost at the crucial point of life. I retreated at once. All my achievements, all my hard working, each and everything goes in vain. I that that way. I have heard the quote that Hard work never betrays. I don't know who betrayed me the hard work or the life? But I know that only achieving the destiny shouldn't be the only goal. If you get that then protect it. If its worth your life then your life. If you want take somone's life ro achieve your destiny then kill that person. Destiny is just like love. You do everything to get it.
-Talha Bin Khalid