This world is ruled by power. If you have power people will bow down to you, prostrate, and treat you like a king. Each people have different special abilities that their lives are tied down to and no matter what they do, it would never change. If you are born weak then you will die weak, this is the law of nature. The government is also nothing but a figurehead for the strong and can do nothing against the might of the strong. It is impossible to control people from the start.

My name is Orion Stofford, I am a twelfth grader and the grandson of the founder of our academy. If you were to ask me about my standing in the society I am at the top. I have a rich family, a strong ability, wide connections, good looks, and I am popular. I am living a happy life.

"Orion, have you heard? We are having a transfer student. I hope it's a cute girl." This person is my cousin and best friend, Arnold Lukes. He is also quite strong and good looking but still inferior to me.

"You're so silly" I lightly hit his head with a book. "The new transfer student is a boy; I heard it from our homeroom teacher. He seems to have great ability too."

The abilities are classified into ranks by the government. The ranks differ depending on the use of the power, battle, healing, and technology in which rank one is the highest and rank five is the lowest. Both I and Arnold have rank-one offensive ability.

"Strong huh, you think he is stronger than me?"

At that time I could not answer but the truth is that I now the person who will transfer in our class, in fact I am quite close to him before but I have not seen him in the past seven years. The last thing I heard from him is that he will be stronger and will be strong enough to defeat me who is in the top of the hierarchy. He is a cool and energetic as a child; I wonder how much he changed. As the school bell rang the time for me to meet my old friend has come. This is him?

"I-I am ca-called Teivel C… C. Ellis, uhm, I… I am a rank-two healing ability user. I-it would be nice if w-we can get along."

Teivel is stuttering in his introduction, it would not give him a nice first impression from the class. His face can't be seen clearly with curly long black hair and large circular glasses but still can see his ruby colored eyes. He is so skinny and has a pale white skin even though he is quite tall. He is less healthy than from seven years ago.

"Teivel!" he looked at me with a shocked face. "It has been a while." I waved at him from my seat with a smile. Our classmates are asking me about him but I can see in their faces that it is not that they want to know more about him but it is their chance to talk to me, meanwhile, Teivel silently moved to his seat at the corner of the classroom.

"Teivel, do you really not remember me? I am Orion Stofford, we are classmates until fifth grade."

"S-sorry!" it doesn't seem like he was lying but how could someone forget me, it hurts my pride. "Actually I… do-don't remember anything before high school. I-I actually have an amnesia. I-I'm sorry!"

"Ah, don't worry about it. I'm sorry for being insensitive."

"Uh! No, it was not your fault. I'm sorry." I see he's got amnesia. I am looking forward to talking to him and if he's got a strong ability fighting him but it turns out that he is amnesiac and has awaken a non-combat ability. "Um, thank you… for remembering me…"

"It's not a big deal. If you got any problems in this school, just tell me. I'll help you if it's within my reach" Teivel tried to smile but it seems that something is still bothering him and could not smile properly. His existence once becomes a big deal as there is no normally transfer students in the class-A but his existence fleet as soon as it pops just like a balloon. His low demeanor and manner of speech is not liked by the students and aside from my morning greeting, he hardly interact with anyone. I should be glad that no one is trying to bully him.

"Orion! Can you go with me to the infirmary?"

"No!" I shouted as Arnold is approaching from behind. But the second I looked at him I immediately changed my mind. His body is full of wounds and he is hardly breathing, if not for his ability he would have been dead by now. "What happened to you?!"

"Ah, I just…"

"Shut your mouth, that's not important now. Let's go to the infirmary."

I hurried him to the infirmary but unfortunately the doctor is not there but at least a staff is there to give primary treatment to Arnold. She disinfected the wounds and stopped the bleeding by bandages. It seems like although she is in the medical staff her ability is not related in healing. After putting Arnold to rest, she talked to me and questions me about his condition. Unfortunately, I do not know of the cause and it doesn't look like Arnold will wake up any sooner so I decided to return to class.

For some reason the mood is quiet and solemn and as soon as I entered the classroom the eyes full of deceit and hate pursuits me. "Good morning guys, staring at me so early in the morning, did you like my face so much that you want to stare at me forever?"

With eyes filled with anger and hatred, I have been punched in the face. I could easily dodge it but I wonder why I did not.