Some Info about Abilities and Characters. MUST READ!!!

A special update just to introduce the characters as there might be lack in information given. Note that this might contain spoilers:

Let's start with the ability ranks. Ability ranks are not constant and it can increase or decrease depending on the person. For example, an originally D-rank battle-ability user become stronger because of training, he can be promoted to C-rank or higher after an evaluation in government. The rank is also highly affected by one's internal energy, you're asking what it is? Well, it's partly my fault that I did not say anything about it I'll explain. In this world, internal energy is used by people to manifest their special abilities. The limit is set and no matter how hard you work it won't change, people who tries to do so always fail, why don't they just give up? Okay that is all for internal energies and the ranks are here:

§ E- Norms. An average person can do what the ability do without relying on it.

§ D- A weak ability. Abilities that are quite useful but in very small scale and quality. Most ability users are at this rank.

§ C- Middle rank ability. Battle-ability users of this rank can rival guns. Healers can heal fatal injuries but just barely able for the injured to live. Technology-ability users can create devices that can defend and attack with same power as guns.

§ B- High rank Ability. Battle-ability users of this rank can rival Tanks. Healers can heal fatal injuries and/or sickness. Technology-ability users can create devices that can defend and attack with same power as tanks.

§ A- Top rank abilities. Battle-ability users of this rank can rival an army of D-rank ability users and win overwhelmingly. Healers can heal fatal injuries and even old injuries and/or terminal sickness. Technology-ability users can create devices that can defend and attack with same power as a small-scale nuclear bomb.

Next is the people whom we've seen in the previous chapters. Who are them and what are they capable of doing?

Teivel Carmine Ellis

- The heir of 'Ellis' Family. He is a mysterious person that can't be read by anyone. He can be sometimes seen as a dull introverted person, a cool young man, a dignified leader, and many more depending on the person. His main ability is controlling light and healing wounds.

- Total Battle Ability: |Power: A| |Speed: A+| |Agility: A| |Stamina: B||Endurance: A+| |Defense: C+||Tactic: A+| |Internal Energy: A++|

- Techniques:

· By condensing light in spheres he can shoot it out as a projectile in a straight line.

· Condensed light into form of swords that he can freely control. The number and size of swords can be controlled. Has high power and heat but loses control when it is separated from a distance.

· Condensed light into a hemisphere that repels attacks to a certain extent. It is not so strong as a shield by itself but Teivel could use it up to seven shields at once.

· The light gathers to Teivel and his wounds will be instantly healed. It can't cure sickness and illnesses.

Orion Stofford

- Grandson of the founder of Stofford Academy and is the Heir of Stofford family. He is said to be a genius who is unparalleled by anyone and believed so until he met Teivel. He then considered him as a rival and said to himself that he will make Teivel kneel under him in defeat one day. His ability is to generate and control ice freely.

- Crown: Everest

· Everest is the Earth's highest peak. As this implies, the king who rein with this crown will be able to use Ice and Snow however they want. Everest, himself, is just a newly born crown without any past history so his knowledge is limited but he has greater power than an average crown.

- Total Battle Ability: |Power: A+| |Speed: B| |Agility: B| |Stamina: B||Endurance: C| |Defense: A-||Tactic: B+| |Internal Energy: A|

- Techniques:

· A giant burst of snow that could burry opponents that are not fast enough to dodge.

· An impale made of Ice that can even pierce iron. Its form can also be changed by Orion's will such as swords, lances, and spears.

· A defensive and offensive technique that covers Orion's surroundings by Ice Impales.

· A three-dimensional maze that has an exit that is almost impossible to find, the best way to escape is by brute force according to Arnold.

· Ice sheets that can float and be used as ladder. It is very useful for movement and if the enemy is a close-combat fighter that has no flying ability, the enemy is just like a prey waiting to be hunted.

Arnold Lukes

- Son of the Lukes family that is a branch family of Stofford family. He has a great talent in using his fire ability but still can't win against Orion despite the elemental advantage. He likes cute girls with small figure but has never tried to hit on anyone so he's never had a girlfriend. He instead, spend most of his time training whenever and wherever it is possible.

- Total Battle Ability: |Power: A++| |Speed: B| |Agility: B+| |Stamina: A||Endurance: B| |Defense: C+||Tactic: C+| |Internal Energy: A|

- Crown: Kilauea

· A volcano that is most active in recent times. The king who rules with Kilauea will have enormous explosive power but it would with great power, the control it needs is immense too. Currently, Kilauea is restraining the explosive power from breaking out of Arnold and is slowly increasing its power so that Arnold can use it. As a crown, Kilauea is someone that has greater knowledge than Everest and has a clear goal on what he should do as the emperor arrives.

- Techniques:

· A projectile built with pyrokinesis. The explosiveness, size, and speed can be controlled but it seems that Arnold still has a long way mastering it.

· A cone-shaped spinning flame projectile. It can also be customized like the fireball.

· Arnold can turn any heat conductor to a strong bomb. He once destroyed his own room by turning a coin into a bomb so he never used it again.

· A technique that allows Arnold to draw power from inside the earth and convert it to his internal energy. The process takes time and could not increase the limit of his internal energy but is greatly faster than the natural recovery of internal energy. This is the reason why he can always train without running out of energy.

· Arnold releases all his internal energy for a widespread attack that can obliterate his surroundings. He once used it to break free of the 'Hall of Ice' of Orion but lost as he no longer have any more internal energy to spare.


- A mysterious person that looks like Teivel Carmine Ellis. He declared his name and turn the world in chaos. Nothing much is known about this person except that he is extremely powerful.

- Estimated Battle Ability: |Power: Above A+++| |Speed: A+++| |Agility: A++| |Stamina: Cannot be determined ||Endurance: Cannot be determined | |Defense: Cannot be determined||Tactic: A+++| |Internal Energy: Cannot be determined |

- Techniques:

· and Generate and control Ice. It is not known if this ability is greater than but is indeed strong.

· and Generate and control Fire. Second only in in explosiveness but is greater in other aspects.

· Distort the space for him to teleport.

· Nothing much is known about this ability as Everest can't say anything more than necessary.

· Can interfere with someone's memory. Whether it is altering or deleting, it can do it in an instant.

· Nothing more is known about his techniques.

Well, I guess that is all about it for now. It is not necessary for the characters to chant or shout the ability/techniques' name in this series but I thought it might be necessary for me to name them so I would not forget them either. Hope you enjoy this!!!