I released all of my internal energy and obliterated a diameter of twenty meters in my surroundings but it is still not enough. I can break free from 'Hall of Ice' of Orion but I would be instantly defeated after. If I fight with Teivel, I would not even have the chance to use this. I am still very weak.

"Hmm, so this is how you train huh? Very interesting indeed."

A silhouette of a person appeared in front of me, I suddenly felt chill. Damn, why would this happen I had just unleashed all of my internal energy. At this rate, even if I tried to fight, I will…

'Don't be anxious Arnold. That man would not harm us in any way.'

Just as the tension has built inside me, Kilauea calmed me down. After Kilauea said that the man wasn't an enemy, I released myself from the tension. Meanwhile, the silhouette of the man has been floating in the air. He is near me, very near, but the nearer he gets the more I can't see his face. All I can feel is something ominous.

"W-who are you? And what is your purpose?"

I shout with the energy I have left but it did not seem to reach the entity that is floating around me. I can't do anything but gulp in this situation.

"I am the emperor, someone who is destined to save this world."

"Save this world. From what?!"

"Now that you tell me, I don't really know. Maybe its just my imagination, just forget about it."


Just what is this person saying. I could not grasp which is true and which is false. Did he come here without a purpose? Then what is that about the emperor stuff?

"Ah I remember. I have something to do. I should hurry."


The entity's body turn into black sandy-smoke like thing and has been blown by the wind. I almost laughed when I realized that I am alive. All I can feel on him is evil, from his voice and aura alone, I can feel an endless darkness.

'Don't worry Arnold. That guy is our ally.'

Ally? That guy? If I am to ally with such an evil creature I…

"Is there something bothering you?"

Teivel raised my chin to face him when he saw me in deep depression sighing on desk. My face become beet red as our face almost touched. He then made our forehead touch and look directly at my eyes.

"Your forehead is quite hot, are you sick?"


I brushed off Teivel out of embarrassment, he seems a bit shocked but then smiled at me immediately.

"Ah, sorry. Uhm…" He seems to have something to say. "Forget it, I guess now is not the right time for that. I'll head out for a bit."

Teivel moved out with a troubled face. I could picture that he will give out a big sigh once he is out of my field of view. Is there something troubling him, nah, I guess I'll sleep for now. It's not like something dangerous would happen in this school.

My vision is quite hazy from the noise just outside the classroom, how could they be so loud? More importantly, isn't it about time to start the class? I cleared my eyes and observed my surroundings. It is so dark that I can barely see anything, as if the loudness earlier has become nothing. I lit a fire from my hand and−


How-how could this be? All of my classmates, Orion, and even Teivel? How could they all be dead?

There is no trace of fighting but they are all brutally murdered. There is not a single intact body, all of them are mutilated and rearranged just like puzzles that does not fit. I could only gasp in horror as I saw Teivel's head half crushed atop Orion's cold body. How is it that only I survived?

I rushed out to the faculty office and called our advisory teacher.

"Teacher. Th-the classroom. T-t-trouble."

I could only utter three words but that is enough for our teacher to rush to the classroom with me. As we arrive in the classroom, I am extremely shocked, no surprised. All of our classmates are there with their usual self. It is hard to call this peaceful as some of them are gaming, chatting, and even making doodles in the whiteboard. Teivel come to me and welcomed me back as if nothing happened.

"Waah!" I hugged Teivel tightly. "I'm glad you're alive!"

"Eh! Why would I even die?"

After the situation that is caused by my hysteric performance calmed down, our teacher demanded me an explanation. I explained what I saw to the teacher without leaving any details. In the end, it is decided that it was just a nightmare.

"Hmm, so that's why you're crying when you saw me huh?"

Now that I realized it is a dream, I am very embarrassed that I am meeting Teivel face to face right now.

"Ku-hahahah! What's with that? So hilarious! Damn, my stomach would burst out of laughter. Ahh… how could you be so funny?"

Ah, now that I remember it, his first impression of me is someone who would burn someone up their ass when they said they are fired up.

"Um, can you please make fun of me in me in moderation."

"Ahh- impossible, -ahahahah!"

Teivel continue laughing.

At that day I said to myself that I don't want to hear that laugh anymore. His loud laugh that could even break eardrums and the times that he purposely laughs at my ear just to harass me even more. But now, how I wish that I could hear that laugh once again, how I wish to see the beautiful you have once again, how I wish I could see you again.

The incident that would change the direction of the world has finally occurred. Teivel Carmine Ellis is dead.