My eyes are still red.

I have only been with him for a few days but I feel that he became a friend far more important to me than I thought he would have been.

On the second day that he has attended the school, Teivel has been assassinated. His head has been severed and his body has been frozen.

According to the investigations of the Special Defense Committee, his body is first stabbed by large icicles and at the time he was immobilized the culprit cut his head off and froze his body to prevent him from regenerating. That is how an almost immortal man like Teivel died. Although they have a prime suspect in the assassination, the SDC did not pursue the case more than necessary. As such, Teivel's death could not be justified.

Me, along with some other classmates and teachers who seem to get along with Teivel has been interrogated too, but they focus mostly on the genius Ice Elemental Battle-Ability user and the top of the school, Orion Stofford.

The rumors of Orion killing Teivel and using his family's authority to come out unscathed has spread like wildfire not only to our school but also in the whole country. He was even nicknamed 'The Ice Devil', the one who have slain the kind son of Ellis Family. But in reality, I know that Orion did not kill Teivel, or rather he could not kill him.

Someone is making him the culprit, framing him in order to get out unscathed while killing a high regarded individual. I also talked about it with the SDC but in the first place, there are few numbers of people with ice ability that could kill Teivel and most of them are either out of country or is a member of SDC itself. The most suspicious individual for them is still Orion.

I could do nothing but support him mentally.

Orion's popularity immensely dwindled, no, it has been switched to hatred. He is especially hated by the healing-ability users that was idolizing the feats of Teivel and respects the Ellis family.

The Ellis family did not make a move on revenge against Orion, it might be that they don't want to fight against the Stofford Family or that they knew that Orion is not the real culprit. But even with that, Orion's life has been flipped upside-down. He has been disinherited as the successor of Stofford Family and lose its support with the exception for his daily needs.

The depressed Orion could not also do his best in class and so his rank has dropped significantly. I could no longer see him like this.

"Orion, I will become stronger."

I declared facing him in a straight face.

"So, it's not like it's my business."

Orion replied in a miniscule voice, I could not remember when I last heard his prideful self that made me realize my weakness. The person that I could only dream of defeating.

The way he speaks and the way he is acting now is definitely not right.

"No, you're wrong. I did not say I will become stronger for my own sake.

'I will become stronger' strong enough to defeat you or anyone else. After that, I will find the real culprit that killed Teivel and kill him.

That's why… that's why… be stronger together with me!

Strong enough to justify Teivel's death! If you continue moping like that! if you continue being weak like that!

I'm sure Teivel will climb back from his climb back from his coffin and laugh hardly at your pathetic self!"

"*sniff* *sniff*

*bawl* I-"

Orion who has never shed a tear ever since Teivel has died suddenly started bawling. The pain he felt from his death is far greater than mine, he just kept it to himself, steeling his heart even though it is soft enough to be crumbled by hand, that is why when I pushed him with my words, his emotions burst.

"I will… *sniff* I will definitely get stronger. I will revenge Teivel with my own hand."

Even though it is my fault that he cried, seeing a man like him is still quite displeasing. I wonder what would Teivel do if he sees Orion like this? Knowing him, he will be laughing hard with his index finger pointing at Orion while saying 'your crying is full of snot, how hilarious?' right?

Teivel, no matter where you are now, I will never forget about you, I'm sure it is the same for Orion too. I'm sure no matter where you are, you are watching over us so please listen. It might take time but I and Orion will surely find the person that killed you and avenge you.

The time we spent at the academy has been long but felt so short after that. We are studying together, training together, and laughing together. It is not so happy most of the time because of the stares of people that hate Orion is far larger than we imagined but we survived in our small own world.

Occasionally, we will visit Teivel's grave in secret and report to him about the things that we do.

Occasionally, we will go to the secret base we made in the mountain and train together.

Occasionally, we will do nothing but stare at the beauty of nature.

And occasionally, we will skip classes to look for clues about Teivel's death.

As of now, we have graduated from the academy and is attending our graduation ball. All of the graduates are present along with their families, well, Orion is an exemption though as he is together with my family.

The host of this party is one of the four great families, the Albert Family, as their young lady graduates the same year as us. Her name is Emma Albert and is known as a prodigy on the same level as Orion, she is the top of graduates this year.

The curtain is up and miss Albert will start her speech.