"Alex why you always gotta be so cold to everyone," said Scott as Alex was mean to everyone.

Currently, Alex and Scott were in their last year of middle school and Scott pulled Alex away as he had just seen some girl ask his brother and he said she was ugly and no.

Scott was having a hard time understanding why he was always cold and didn't show affection.

"Why dude you shouldn't do that to girls," said a buzcutted figure which was stiles stilinski.

"Shut up stiles, you mad that Lydia asked me out and I rejected her," Alex said with a grin as his pointy teeth creeped stiles out.

After this little argument, Alex walked away and continued his walk. If anyone would see what was next to him they would most definitely think that there insane, as there was a 10ft figure made of pure black particles floating on its wings next to him.

-1 year later

"Alex aren't you excited for our first year in high school," Scott said evidently as he hoped he could make the first line for lacrosse.

It was nighttime right now and both Scott and Alex both shared a room but it didn't bother Alex that much as all he did was exercise, and Scott would always hang out with stiles.

Alex knew that tonight would be the start of the plot and this is what he's been waiting for to fight and get blood the personality of Sukuna that's become a part of him craves blood and drama.

Alex wondered if he turned into a werewolf he'd be more powerful since he's already a Demi-human. Alex decided that tonight when Scott would go he'll go to and join both Scott and stiles,

Amidst his thoughts, he heard yelling from outside.

"Why the hell do u have a bat," stiles said as he fixed himself up."I thought you were a predator," said Scott with utmost seriousness in his voice.

As stiles started telling Scott about the dead body I went ahead and interrupted." stiles. Scott. let me join y'all" Alex said as hoped out the window and started walking towards the two.

"Yea, sure just invite yourself," said stiles sarcastically.

As they made it to where stiles father's police scanner said the body was and roamed around soon stiles' father caught him.

"So your here mister. Where's your other partner in crime" sheriff stilinski said as pointed his flashlight around the dark woods.

"Sucks to be him let's bounce," said Alex not caring what Scott had to say, and started walking in the opposite direction.

"Hey Alex you don't gotta be so rude, you know," Scott said as the way spoke with arrogance in his tone.

As Alex and Scott were walking deeper into the woods suddenly Scott felt slightly uncomfortable like they were being watched.

"Hey…Alex don't you feel a bit uncomfortable," Scott said looking around."Scott stops being paranoid" Alex said as he continued walking straight hiding a smirk.

Scott was already on edge but when Scott suddenly heard the words "run" come out of Alex's mouth he didn't think twice and started running only after a while to go out of breath and had to use his inhaler. Alex was sprinting and looked back to scoot who was on the floor looking for his inhaler.

Alex then turned around and slowly walked towards Scott and looked at the inhaler on the floor and soon heard Scott shriek and fall on his ass." oh! You found the upper body Scott" said Alex with a smirk.

"H..How could you keep calm it's a dead body," Scott said as dusted himself off after he got up.


Scott turned to see a dog-looking figure looking at both of them with bright red eyes and it sent shivers down his spine."Alex run.NOW!" Said Scott yelling as he started running away from the figure that had started now chasing them.

Soon Scott screamed as he felt the pain coming from his side as it hurt like hell, while Alex got the same it didn't hurt him as much for some reason.

Alex and Scott came to a brief stop and Alex watched Scott watch his breath as he couldn't breathe." what the hell was that" Scott said still panting for air.

"I don't know," Alex said as he started walking away."haa…haaa…Alex where the hell are you going, " Scott said following after Alex.

Finally getting home, Alex went into the restroom and looked into the mirror.


Alex couldn't stop laughing, it was exciting he couldn't wait to mess up the plot, when he first got reincarnated he wanted to live a happy life, and maybe join Scott's pack. But when he had got his ajin powers he had suddenly started thinking, and acting like sukuna maybe less on the thinking but more on personality.

Alex was excited for what was to come and the people that he'll meet in the future, thinking all this Alex's eyes glow a bright red before going back to his natural orange eyes…..