"Aye um, Alex does your side still hurt"Scott said as he winced a bit as he was walking downstairs.

Scott wondered how Alex could move freely despite also getting injured.

Alex and Scott made their way towards their new high school year as sophomores and meanwhile, Scott was happy and excited about lacrosse as Alex was excited for a whole different reason.

As Alex walked through the door of his new classroom he took a seat in the back, which was a row behind Scott, and stiles took the row over.

Soon class started as the bell rung.

After some time Alex saw Scott looking around as he did noticing that the powers fully integrated into his body making him a werewolf while also being an ajin. Alex was soon brought out of his thoughts as the principal walked in with a girl on his side.

"Class this A new student Allison argent," said the principal as introduced her with a smile.

Shortly after Allison introduced herself she came looking for a seat, seeing an empty seat next to me she sat down and then put her attention towards me.

"Hello, my name is Allison. Nice to meet you" she said with a smile showing her cute dimples.


Alex answered and didn't bother any further, Scott seeing her felt his heartbeat and then scavenged through his stuff handing her a pen.

Allison seeing the guy in Infront of her give her a pen thought how nice but also how did he know she needed one.


Getting up Alex went towards the door leaving the room since the class was over.

Scott went towards his locker. As Scott was getting his stuff out of there he saw Allison in a distance and waved at her as he waved back.

Allison POV...

As I introduced myself to the class I was kinda happy moving to this location but hopefully, we won't have to move again.

I went to go look for a seat after my introduction and there weren't a lot of available seats except the one next to the pink-haired student. He looked handsome and I could see that he worked out due to his body, as I sat down next to him I thought why not start up a conversation.

"Hi my names Allison," I said him smiling

He just told me his name was "Alex" and that's it.No conversation or anything.

But amidst of that a slightly handsome-looking guy handed me a pen and I wondered how he knew.

After the bell rang I wanted to get to know the person who was seated next to me but he got up and walked out.'It seems he's not very friendly' Allison thought before going to her locker.

As I was getting stuff from my locker I have seen the person who had given me a pen earlier looking this way, after seeing him wave I waved back but was soon interrupted by some beautiful girl with red hair and what seems to be her boyfriend.

"Hello I like your jacket, we're from," the red-haired girl said twirling her hair.

"Oh I got it from my mother she's a designer," I said looking at my jacket.

"You're my new best friend. Names Lydia" Lydia said as she grabbed onto Allison's hands.

Pov end…

Alex was currently in the back of the school with a girl making out with her.

"Alex I love you…isn't this why we're doing this" a brown-haired woman said as she had been following Alex since middle school and her love had grown to obsession.

Alex was trying to see what would happen if got some blood into his system.

As he went towards her neck he breathed in before opening his mouth and biting down.

Alex after biting started tasting the blood, as he feels into pleasure, Alex then bit down harder making the woman come out of her love trance and started screaming for Alex to stop.

However, Alex didn't stop and continued to chomp on her skin and bones.

Soon Alex finally let go, as her dead body dropped onto the floor lifeless.

"Ahh it feels wonderful," Alex said with a smile on his face as he looked at her he frowned then walked away.' the people would most likely think it was an animal attack' Alex thought before leaving and making his way towards the lacrosse Field.

Soon arriving Alex just took a seat on one of the bleachers and is it watched Scott start to use his abilities.

"Hey who's that," Allison said pointing at Scott but it seemed Lydia miss understood as she started talking about Alex.

"That's Alex's McCall and he's very arrogant and cold towards people including his own family," Lydia said looking at Alex who had his eyes closed but could hear them.

"N..No not Alex the one protecting the goal he seems good," Allison said as she looked at Scott catching all the balls.

"Oh, he's Scott McCall Alex's brother," Lydia said before putting her attention back to Allison making small talk...…..

To be continued.......