
The beat down of the heroes and the interns was now known to the public. But instead of jeers for not apprehending the villain, they received cheers and encouragements instead.

"You were so brave out there!"

"Thanks for sacrificing your lives for ours!"

In U.A. High, the students involved were put on a pedestal and were showered with compliments about how valiantly they fought and how brave they were to face against the Hero Hunter. Even Momo and Itsuka got recognized as their efforts were too covered in the news.

Not to mention that the ones who fought came in with casts and crutches so they attracted even more attention.

In the classroom of 1-A, there was a speech to be made by the homeroom teacher.

"Recently, as you already know of, there has been a surge in heroes. As a result, to minimize contact with the outside, U.A. plans to have a dorm system where students live in the schools. Homeroom teachers will ask your parents for permission firsts so everything will not be confirmed until then."

The students were overjoyed. Their smiles and hoorays were evident of it. They like the idea of dormitories, because that meant they get to spend more time with another.

Surely, they'd miss their parents. But they were not five year old's who needed their mothers' care and attention every single second. They knew how to live by themselves.

Every single class will have their own dorm building residing in the school. It should have been a huge problem for regular schools to accommodate so many buildings but U.A had the authority, money, and space to do it.

Days later, all of their parents had agreed to their students living in dorms – though some needed much convincing – and the students got their bags and luggage ready and moved into their dorms.

It was time to start their new lives in U.A. High.


"Damn it. Hero Hunter has striked again. What do we do!"

The Board of Capture tasked with capturing Rui has failed once again. And the latest opportunity came when he was literally right under their noses so of course they were mad.

And when he did reveal himself, they were helpless as they saw him leap away.

Mirko was even more infuriated. She pride herself as an independent and strong woman. Someone who didn't need to rely on anyone but herself. It was like that for years. But the largest villain on the loose was before her and she couldn't do anything.

She felt hopeless for a while, but after a continuous string of successful villain beatings she regained her confidence back.

The principal of Shiketsu recommended to the other schools' principals to implement the dormitory system that U.A. is using now. The idea was accepted by the governors present and the multiple police officials deemed it safe for the students.

"Any of you got a good look on the one impersonating the police that time?" the principal of Seiai Academy asked.

Much to her disappointment, everybody shook their heads. Toga had not revert back to her true form during the altercation so nobody would have spotted her either way.

"All we know now is that he does not operate alone. Might I suggest that the Hero Hunter collaborates or is even under the League of Villains?" Principal Nezu said.

"If that was true, then we are under so much danger. Him alone is already extremely dangerous. Imagine other capable villains as well. I heard the string of bank robberies was due to them as well. The League will soon be too much to handle and we can't rely on All Might anymore." Some hero pitched in.

"In terms of pure power, we may be severely lacking, but we can always overcome them with wits. We obviously have the manpower, and very willing heroes. Isn't that right heroes?"

"Yes!" the heroes present agreed wholeheartedly.

"See? They might have won the battle, but we will win the war. It's a matter of 'when', not 'if'." The man concluded.

All of a sudden, a young timid intern barged into the board meetings in search of Principal Nezu.

"Mr. Nezu! Oh sorry, didn't know there was a meeting!" he bowed low to apologize to the members of the board.

"I come here to bring good news. All Might has been discharged from the hospital."

This was certainly good news. All Might meant his condition is stabilized already. But that doesn't mean anything. He might consider retiring and even if he didn't, it would be months before he can safely return to hero activity.


"Dabi and Rui, I want you to crate havoc to U.A. High again." Tomura demanded of them.

"U.A. again? Why are you so obsessed with them? Did they reject you?" Rui asked.

"Some personal reasons. No matter, in a few months they will be attending a camp in a forest to work on their quirks or something like that. Kill if you want, I am not too interested in the deaths of the students or heroes. The more we torment them the more our notoriety rise after all."

"Sure. Just the two of us tough?" Dabi asked.

"Rui is more than enough, but I threw you in for safe measures Dabi."

"Why can't I go?" Toga complained.

"I need the rest of you for something else instead for the time being. I need you to infiltrate schools to gather information on their system and their principals. Some of them are in the Board of Captures," Tomura explained.

"Okay, complete your tasks by the end of this month. Which is about three weeks from now. You are dismissed." He instructed.

Rui returned home with Toga. They both settled with watching some late night television.

Rui reminded Toga to go sleep early as she has the reconnaissance mission to infiltrate schools. He could stay up late as his next mission is months away with minor missions along the way.

Reluctantly, she got up to go to bed while he enjoyed the rest of SpongeBob SquarePants.


Izuku Midoriya and his friends were out and about the school compound, exploring the many areas to train and hang out. They were utilizing whatever the school had gifted them to their fullest use. Many late nights were spent in these areas either with their own class or others.

This was especially needed after what their homeroom teacher mentioned to the class a few days back. "We will have to bump up your training. The surge of villains was due to All Might's absence, so we need more refined heroes fast. Get ready for intense training."

They will have to do their best to fill in the humungous hole All Might left to ensure the safety of the citizens.

They are ready to uphold the integrity of the Heroes throughout Japan and restore peace to the nation.

Even if they have to go up against the Hero Hunter.

That thought sent a shudder down their spine.


(A/N: Dormitories are in here earlier because the need for it came earlier. Rui has changed a lot of things so this is where we really diverge from the canon, though I will try to make 'stick' to the canon as much as possible.)