Genius Plan.

"You are going to take your finals soon,' Aizawa reminded the class, 'it will consist of written and physical phases. The written exam will be your standard one, your subjects and whatnot. The physical exam on the other hand will be something special. You will be going up against your teachers."

The class groaned in disappointment. Not only were they to take their grueling examinations, but they will have to face off pro heroes as well. They know how demanding some of their teachers have been the past few months. Those teachers, namely All Might and Aizawa, will go all out on them.

This was due to the surge in villain activity catalyzed by the League and the Hero Hunter. Villains start to become common place and the quality in heroes has started to dwindle.

The hero association plans to combat this by forcing hero schools to up the students' training to ensure the quality of heroes can increase.

"Get ready for it." Aizawa said with his trademark creepy smile.


Iida Tenya, Ochako Uraraka, and Izuku Midoriya sat on their usual table munching on their lunch. Their minds was clouded with their past, and future.

Their beloved classmates had been beaten badly by the Hero Hunter. All of those involved had to see the hospitals walls for days before they could finally return to school.

Luckily, the bones were the only severely damaged part of the body; their organs were relatively unharmed. But still, that experience was traumatic for them.

There was no video released of the fight, but Bakugou's constant bickering about how he needed to be stronger was enough to tell him that they lost pretty easily.

All three of them were relieved that it was the three of the most battle maniacs first years that actually partook in the battle. Had it been anyone else, they would have faltered before him.

Kirishima and Bakugou are fine now, they'd have been ever since they were discharged from the hospital. Tetsutetsu as well.

Concerning their future as well, it was uncertain. The exams would not be a walk in the park. Comparatively, it would be like entering hell and returning. More or less. Aizawa's words, not theirs.

The looming presence of the finals overshadowed any happiness that was in their mind.

Until the ever happy Mina Ashido entered the table.

"Hey guys! Why so down? The finals isn't it? Well don't worry! We still have a small window until exam mugging starts, why not enjoy it. The gang is going to have dinner together on Sunday. Want to come?"

Unexpectedly, Iida agreed. The studious and no nonsense student of 1-A had actually agreed to an outing on his own accord.

"I agreed because I have been incredibly stressed recently. My brother told me to rest once in a while, so I guessed why not. It's one day anyway."

The other three stared at Iida wondering if someone had possessed him.

"Wake up Iida! Come out of him impostor!" Uraraka shook him violently in an attempt to fish out the real Iida.

Izuku chuckled. Maybe seeing his friends will relieve his stress.

He's grateful to have these bunch of friends.


"You did that? Great job, Best Jeanist!" Principal Nezu praised Best Jeanist.

"It was your idea, sir."

"Oh was it? I guess I did a good job. Hahahaha!" He shamelessly laughed.

Best Jeanist, at the suggestion of Nezu, had implanted a locating chip in the shoulder of the Hero Hunter. It was done by one of his tendrils when he threw a flurry at him.

Nezu pulled up his laptop and opened an app. He pressed a few buttons and soon enough, the locater worked. It was stationary in one spot that seemed to be located in an alley. It didn't move for a minute.

Upon closer inspection, Nezu found out that the chip was located in a hot spot for drug dealings. Typical villainous activity. The likes. He noted that location in his notepad and called the Board for an emergency meeting.

Within an hour, everybody had arrived and lucky for them, the chip hadn't moved from its spot. He planned to tell everyone of his ingenious plan and capture him that day itself.

The members were in awe at his sheer genius plan which seemed so simple. They applauded him and Best Jeanist with the latter accepting the praise with humility while the former accepted it on a pedestal.

The heroes present were Best Jeanist, Mirko, Snipe, Fat Gum, Licensed Rider, and Gunhead. They doubted these will be enough to capture Rui, but they felt it was enough to stall him for some time to call in more heroes later.

The heroes rushed to the cars to reach the aforementioned alley as fast as they can, disobeying the traffic lights. One of many privileges of being a hero in a pursuit.

They pulled up to the alley, eager to capture the Hero Hunter once and for all.

However, what they saw instead wasn't Hero Hunter. It was something else entirely.


"Reports say that when the heroes entered the alleyway, the Hero Hunter was nowhere to be found. Instead, bloodied bodies were scattered throughout along with a mountain of drugs still in package moved to one side. On the wall was spelt 'Hero Hunter was here' using the blood of the aforementioned bodies…'

The tv was switched off.

"Great job Rui, now Shie Hassaki must work with us. We've cleared this spot for them to sell drugs and they've promised to supply us with the bullets. Take a rest boy." Tomura ordered.

"Okay man child, just pay me next time instead of the dumbass praises. See ya!"

Rui disappeared from the area. He was glad his present was gratefully accepted by the heroes. He found the perfect gift after the battle when he stretched his shoulder.

When he saw it, he commended them. It was a smart plan. They lost only because of bad luck.

Bad luck that Rui was their opponent.