
Tomura's smile quickly waned after the death of the Nomu. His thoughts were running wildly around finding a reason as to why the Nomu was so effortlessly defeated. The Nomu was engineered to have amazing regenerative capabilities on top of immense durability that even the likes of All Might cannot defeat in one punch.

But it was defeated in one punch. Like it was nothing. It wasn't even played around like a punching bag, or toyed around with. Its more akin to stepping on a mere insect, but even insects sometimes wiggle before they die.

Tomura focused all his attention and Nomus on Rui with the hope of overwhelming him with numbers. The Nomus who was fastest reached him first, but like the first, it exploded on impact.

A winged Nomu appeared tried to blind him with its large wingspan. Using its clawed-feet, it tried to scratch Rui's impenetrable body to no avail. Instead, Rui caught the legs with the underside of his own legs and crushed it.

Its squeal rang throughout the narrow hallway and caused painful vibrations in the ears of the bystanders. Rui slapped it into oblivion afterwards.

'Such strength! I don't think even One for All can get that strong!' Izuku thought.

Izuku and Mirio continued watching the onslaught of Nomus get slaughtered one by one. Whether it had great speed, wings, or other modifications, Rui was not discriminating.

Out of nowhere, Rui seemingly disappeared and reappeared next to Tomura.

'What! When did he get here?'

Tomura had wondered if he advanced his swap quirk to the next level with teleporting. But when he saw that the Nomus behind him who were still advancing were now lifeless bodies, he concluded that he killed them on the way here.

He didn't teleport, he was just too fast.

Rui grabbed Tomura's face and lifted him off the ground. Then, spikes shot up from the ground up headed towards Rui. But it didn't reach all the way.

The spikes just stopped short of Rui, barely reaching him.

"What!" Kai exclaimed. He was sure that his manipulated the ground to reach the unknown man. But why did it stop short?

The same man appeared in front of him while the other was still holding a struggling Tomura.


But he was wrong. It was not Twice. The one holding Tomura was simply an afterimage who still retained its tangibility.

Rui ripped Kai's heart out of him. Kai spurted blood and dropped to his knees. He was out in an instant.

The Rui who ripped the heart out vanished into thin air leaving the only one being the one holding Tomura.

"R…Rui…" Tomura struggled to utter a single word.

"Tomura… you have…done enough."

His hand over his face, with no effort, squeezed the face. Tomura's head blew to Kingdom come. The headless body dropped to the floor.

Izuku and Mirio who had just witnessed one of the most bloodiest battle of their lives were now frightened. Their faces were as pale as the moon, and they were thinking the same thing. 'Am I next?'

Lucky for them, the case with Rui was that his abilities were heightened infinitesimally. He still retained his good (mostly) natured heart towards kids.

Rui walked away from the vicinity, leaving two very distraught kids, and a fainted child who everyone (including the author) forgot about.

The two distraught kids immediately rushed to the aid of the child. They brought her out of the building and to the police car outside the building.

Rui, with the pleasing feeling of 'going' gone, continued wandering around the building. His heightened sense brought him to another fight going on involving people wearing bill-esque masks, a man wearing broken glasses and a man with a white scarf.

The one wearing the masks spotted Rui incoming, and shot a tendril of hair at Rui.

"Gotcha!" he exclaimed.

The tendril aimed at Rui dissipated into nothingness once it reached Rui's head.

Chronostasis opened his eyes wide. He was sure the hair couldn't dissipate like that. He shot another again to ensure it but the same thing happened again. He shot more and more only to have the hairs vanish.

Chronostasis was beginning to panic. An unprecedented event took place in front of him, and the one move he relied on failed to deliver.

With all hopes dashed, he dashed to Rui, where he was smacked away like a fly into a wall. His blood decorated it with intricate patterns.

The other members hearts began to race. Casually swatting away someone was a feat worthy of a top hero. They all wondered who this mysterious man was.

Sir Nighteye had to rack his brain a little harder to realize the man before him was, "Hero Hunter!"

Aizawa had never had to encounter the infamous Hero Hunter, even when he was present at the Sports Festival. Facing him right then and there was much more terrifying than he thought it would be.

He attempted to erase his quirk, but nothing came of it.

He was genuinely surprised seeing as how a quirkless person managed to create such a havoc to be deemed a national threat for months.

Just in time, Izuku skidded over there to look for his teacher.

"Mr. Aizawa! He's gone-"

Aizawa shut his mouth with his tape and brought Izuku closer to him.

"What is it!" Aizawa vehemently demanded of him. He let go of the tape.

"A man saved us! And got rid of the two leaders! That guy over there!" He pointed to Rui, who was looking at his masterpiece.

'Oh fuck.'