Chapter 114: Picnic Time


Picnics really weren’t Ellie’s thing. For the most part, anything that was considered girly wasn’t really her thing. She liked a beautiful dress and a good pair of heels. Jewelry was usually not a bother to her, but as far as going and doing things, she’d much rather jump out of an airplane or ride a roller coaster than go on a picnic or watch a romantic comedy.

When Sylvia had suggested a picnic, Ellie had been leery. The idea of sitting in a meadow on a blanket, eating food out of a basket while trying to fight off insects didn’t sound appealing at all. But Ulysses had immediately said it was a, “Splendid idea!” Well, she could hardly abandon her friend to the strange woman Ellie knew was a liar. So, the three of them had dragged River along with them and were now sitting in a field of wildflowers, watching fall leaves drift lazily to the ground while eating chicken salad sandwiches and smooshing ants.