6. Meet The Angel

Mrs Kiki calls her name that makes Rissa gasped in surprise. "Carissa, you must stand here."

Mrs Kiki nodded towards the choir performer. With a red face, Rissa brought her song text paper. And then, she joined Pamela.

Pamela whispered to her, "Why are you sitting there?" Rissa shook her head.

Mrs Kiki cleared her throat in an exaggerated voice to get her students' attention. Pamela immediately stopped talking, and the hall became quiet.

Mrs Kiki told them to sing the first song they had been practising since last month. The first song is White Christmas.

Rissa loves this song so much, which played with a very thick jazz tone. Satria is the most vocal voice from others. His voice is coupled with other voices that are so beautiful. Rissa was forced to admit that Satria's voice was indeed very good.

Marco's piano performance is so beautiful. The sound of the piano is so softly that it calms Rissa's heart. It's paired with Freddo's guitar playing, which is so fun.

For a moment, Rissa began to forget the man who had just fascinated her.

After the song ended, the drama player began to bring out their theatrical talents so skillfully. Rissa noticed the handsome man was wearing an angel costume with wings on his back.

The drama tells the story of an ordinary boy.

His name is Danny, and he missed Christmas. When everyone gathers with his family, Danny even spends Christmas Eve selling newspapers and used cardboard to buy some food. His mother was paralyzed and unable to do anything. His very poor and difficult life did not make Danny sad or discouraged in the slightest.

There is another child whose life is very luxurious. His name is Bobby. He never felt enough because his parents never paid attention to him. One day, Bobby had an accident. His head got hit, and he was bleeding. The accident separated him from his parents.

Danny hears someone crying. So, Danny approached him and saw Bobby with his head bleeding a lot. Danny took Boby to his house and treated his wound. Danny gave him bread that he bought with the results of his hard work selling used cardboard.

Bobby, with his arrogant nature, refused, grumbled continuously and made fun of Danny. However, Danny did not become angry and hated Bobby. Instead, he prayed for Bobby to get well soon and be able to meet his parents again. Danny continues to care for Boby and his paralyzed mother while vigorously selling used newspapers and cardboard so that he can buy food and medicine.

From Heaven, God saw the sincerity of this poor child. Then, God sent his angel to help the two children.

An angel came to give advice: "Don't be afraid. I am an angel sent by God to deliver a message. Danny, rejoice because your mother will be healed. And Boby, if you believe in God as a living Savior, you will also be saved. God once said: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light'. So, put your trust in Him and you will find salvation."

Bobby put his faith in God. Immediately, Bobby recovered, and Danny's mother, who was paralyzed, got up and could walk again. Danny was amazed at the miracle and goodness of God. Then, the proud Bobby repented.

The next day, Bobby's parents came and picked him up. Danny's very simple life touched Bobby's parents. They gave him a decent place to live and enough money for Danny and his mother to start a new life.

It's a simple story, but it contains a very important meaning, in which we as human beings should not grumble. We must learn to be grateful for the life that God has given us because there are many other people whose lives are more difficult but are still willing to fight for their lives.

The drama players do their roles very well and are full of appreciation. Mr Rudy stopped the scene of Boby and his mother being paralyzed several times because he felt they lacked appreciation. Mr Rudy continuously gives directions to the drama players. But the rest they have trained quite well. They are very sure that this Christmas drama will succeed.

Satria sang solo when the scene of the handsome man who became an angel approached Danny and Boby. This time is the first rehearsal for the role of an angel because no one has played it before, but it seems the angel is indeed talented.

There are no interruptions or even criticism from Mr Rudy. The man played it perfectly. His deep voice fits perfectly into the dialogue he has memorized.

Satria performed his song with confidence, and his voice was very melodious. He smiled wide when Rissa looked at him. Rissa's head dropped, then she looked away.

Rissa felt a little uncomfortable with Satria's attitude, who always approached her, greeted her, showing off his very wide smile. Satria also misspelt her name many times. Actually, Satria is a good person. He was even too good for her.

Rissa sensed something different about Satria every time he looked at her, a special feeling that she had never felt from other men. Unfortunately, Rissa doesn't have the same feelings as him.

Finally, everyone rested for dinner. Rissa only ate a little. She glanced at the handsome man sitting with his other friends, laughing out loud while enjoying the boxed rice.

After eating, everyone gathered to be given directions by Mrs Kiki. After that, they all prayed. Their practice ended at eight o'clock in the evening. So, they were all very tired. Everyone packed their bags.

Rissa cleaned up her song paper, then handed it to Mrs Kiki. Then she sat back in her chair, waiting for Pamela, who was going to the toilet. She was looking at her cell phone. Rissa glanced at the backpack that was lying still, belonging to the angel.

She is wondering to know the bag's owner, but she doesn't dare to do it. So, she put her phone in her bag and tidy up. She stood up, and suddenly, someone approached her. Rissa looked up and took aback when a handsome man who fascinated her, stand beside her.

With wings still hanging from his back, the man looked like a real angel. He smiled briefly then greeted Rissa.

"Hi! Are you all right?" His deep voice sounded worried. The man waited for Rissa to answer, but Rissa could only stare.