7. The Handsome Angel

The man's face grew more worried. His hand rubbed Rissa's shoulder, making her jump. The man raised his hands in surrender.

"Sorry, does it hurt?" he asked.

Rissa rubbed her shoulder, which the man had just touched. Her whole body stiffened.

Rissa tried to open her mouth to answer. "It doesn't hurt," she squeaked.

His beautiful smile once again graced his handsome face. The man watched her for a moment then asked, "Are you in the choir?"

Rissa stupidly could only nod, dumbfounded for a long time while admiring the angel's handsome face.

"Oh yeah. I think I don't know all of you. My name is Charlos." He stretched out his hand. Rissa nervously shook his strong hand. The grip is firm but pleasant.

Satria and his drama friends called him.

"Hey Charlos! Let's go home!" Satria stood in front of the hall door, waving his hand.

Charlos let go of the wings on his back, making the muscles in his hands even more visible as he raised his arms. Charlos took his bag, which was right next to Rissa's bag.

"Okay. See you later." He smiled back at Rissa which Rissa didn't have time to reply. Rissa was too busy admiring how the handsome man walked up to his friend. Anyway, she forgot to mention her name.

Satria waved at Rissa with a smile full of enthusiasm. Rissa raised her hand slowly. Well, she saw Charlos asking Satria: "Who is that woman?" And then they came out of the hall.

Rissa's hands and feet were shaking. She felt very tensed as she wanted to die. Actually, she felt a mixture of nervous, surprised, and happy. However, she also regretted the stupid attitude on the first impression when she met that handsome guy.

Rissa patted her cheek to wake her from the excessive shock slightly. Then, Pamela came up to her, made her jump again, and said, "Let's go home!"

Rissa nodded, took her bag and walked ahead of Pamela.

"What are you doing, Rissa?" critical. It seemed that Pamela had noticed her rather strange behaviour.

Rissa stopped, turned around. She put on a smile that was more like a smirk, "I'm fine. Maybe I'm tired. I want to go home immediately."

"Oh. Okay," said Pamela indifferently.

They rushed to Pamela's car and headed home. Luckily, Pamela didn't know the truth that Rissa had just experienced something extraordinary in her life.

When they were in the car, Rissa couldn't wait to tell her story. However, she was worried about Pamela's overreaction. So, in the end, she decided not to talk.

Rissa smiled inwardly, remembering the incident earlier. The handsome man touched her shoulder. Slowly, Rissa rubbed her shoulder, which Charlos had touched into it.

The man is playing drama, which means that Rissa will be able to meet the man again next week. What should Rissa do when they meet again later? Rissa shook her head. Maybe he'll act silly again. But hopefully, there will be a miracle.

Finally, after a long journey, they arrived at Rissa's rented house in the South Bandung area.

"Thanks, Mel. See you tomorrow at church," said Rissa kindly.

"Okay. See you tomorrow. Don't be late!" Pamela replied cheerfully.

"God bless ya!"

Rissa got out of the car, closed the door. Pamela waved her hand, and then she hit the accelerator.

Rissa walked into the alley of her small house. When she opened the door, he saw James, her younger brother sitting on the chair while doing his homework. They were alone in the house. Their father has passed away. Meanwhile, their mother remarried and moved to Batam.

The last time Rissa met her mother was during the Christmas holidays. That means they haven't seen each other in almost a year, where Christmas is only a month away. Her mother hasn't told her that she would come back to Bandung or not. Probably, Rissa will visit Batam.

"Hello, James!" Rissa greeted.

"Hi, Rissa!" James answered while his eyes were still on his textbook.

"Have you eaten yet? This is a rice box from the church. I had just eaten a little." Rissa said.

"All right, I will eat it for tomorrow. I have eaten before," said James.

Rissa put the boxed rice in the refrigerator. And then, she took a shower. After that, she got ready for bed.

When she was coming out of the bathroom, Rissa saw James was tidying up his textbooks.

"Are you done with your homework?" asked Rissa.

"Yes, Rissa. I'm so sleepy. I want to take a rest now." James yawned wide as he rubbed his eyes.

"Okay, go to sleep. Don't wake up late tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah," James replied as he walked to his room.

Rissa went into her room, which used to be her mother's room, and then she lay down. All the good memories of tonight came flooding back into her head. She met the handsome angel.

Their shoulders touched each other. Rissa smiled to herself while rubbed her shoulder.

This time is a very beautiful thing. Rissa has never met a man who could make her so fascinated like Charlos for a long time in her life. Rissa was so admired for the way he smiled. And his hand ... Rissa liked the way he shook her hand.

Rissa chuckled. She hoped that if only she had remembered to say her name, maybe Charlos will greet her at the drama practice.