17. A Threat

Tuesday is the day Rissa has been waiting for her life. She cheered in her heart because soon, she would meet again with the angel. Even though it was cloudy outside, it didn't change Rissa's mood, which was blooming.

She really couldn't concentrate that day. The only thing on her mind was to hurry home quickly.

Esther didn't come to work today. It looks like her condition is getting worse. So, today she would practice again without Esther. It's okay; Rissa will be fine.

Rissa mumbled the White Christmas song all day. Time has passed away so fast. Finally, it's time for Rissa to meet the angel. She immediately took the bus to the training ground. Unfortunately, it rained heavily. The road is a bit congested because the traffic lights are out.

Rissa looked at her watch; it was half-past four. She could be late. Finally, Rissa decided to get down and just walk. Too bad she didn't bring an umbrella. Rissa ran around while covering her head with a bag. So, her clothes were wet.

She arrived at the training ground soaking wet. The floor of the hall became wet from the water that drips from Rissa's body. No one noticed she had come. Everyone was busy talking in groups.

Rissa keeps her bag near the drama player. She hoped that she could see Charlos again. Suddenly, someone put a jacket on her shoulder. She took aback when she saw that the shining angel looked at her in astonishment, almost angry.

"Why are you so wet?" asked Charlos.

Rissa's heart was beating wildly. This time, she had to be better. "Uhm yes, Mr. Charlos. I forgot to bring my umbrella." Rissa smiled blandly; her eyes did not dare to look directly at Charlos.

"Just call me Charlos. It's after work hours anyway," Charlos said with his voice deep and soft.

"This jacket ..." Rissa tried to take off Charlos's jacket.

"Just wear it!" said Charlos. "You need that jacket more than I do."

"Thank you," Rissa replied shyly.

She was feeling so grateful to use Charlos's jacket because her body was starting to get cold. The jacket felt warm, like he had worn it for a long time. This jacket must be costly, Rissa thought.

"It's raining pretty hard," said Charlos. "Looks like our rehearsal will be late. You'll see, the drama player and coaches haven't arrived yet."

Rissa looked around and didn't see Pamela.

Suddenly, Charlos sat next to her, "Your name is Rissa, right?"

Rissa nodded slowly with a smile. In her heart, Rissa was pleased because Charlos still remembers calling her by her nickname. However, everything seemed to be getting even more difficult now that she was only inches away from Charlos.

"Your presentation yesterday was very good," said Charlos.

Rissa began to venture to glance at Charlos's eyes. His eyes are pitch black.

"Thank you."

Their distance was so close that Rissa could see the curve of Charlos's muscular arms. His face looks so smooth and in stark contrast to his one-day-old beard. He seemed so macho, and she was tempting to touch it.

"Mr. Charlos ... uhm...."

"Just Charlos," he corrected. "Don't be awkward,"

Rissa sighed, "Char-los. Yeah … Hmm ..."

It felt strange to call him by his first name. If she looked at his age, it's clear that this man is older than Rissa, maybe as old as Satria; Rissa couldn't be sure. Judging from Satria's childish face, it could be that Rissa is older than Satria.

"Charlos, do you usually attend this church?"

"Not really. I like to move around, but last Sunday I was at this church. How about you, Rissa?"

"Yeah, I used to go to church here." Rissa saw Charlos nodded in understanding.

"Last Sunday, I saw you," said Rissa.

Suddenly, she bit her tongue. It was awkward. She had never felt anything like this before. Oh, my gosh. It's almost like a dream.

Charlos chuckled, but he looked suspicious. "You saw me? Where?"

"Yes, I saw you at church," answered Rissa.

"Yeah, I mean where did you see me? Were we sitting next to each other?"

"Oh no. I saw you running down the stairs when we finished the worship. Then, I also saw you at the coffee shop."

Rissa hesitated to continue her conversation. She is afraid of being mistaken for a prankster.

The smile disappeared from Charlos's face. He looked a little surprised, and then he was silent for a few seconds. Rissa is scared. She thought if she had said something wrong.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to follow you. I just happened to see you, but you don't seem to see me."

Charlos was still frozen. Rissa's cell phone rings. Reluctantly, Rissa opened her cell phone. There's a message from Pamela: "Rissa, I'm stuck in traffic. It looks like I won't join the practice, huh."

Rissa replied: "It's okay. See you soon."

"Did you see everything?" asked Charlos suddenly.

"Huh? See what? I don't—"

"Did you really see someone who was with me yesterday?" Charlos's tone was too firm. The question is bizarre. It made Rissa confused. Was it that important to him?

"A little ...," Rissa stammered.

Charlos sigh. "Can you keep a secret? Let's just say that you never saw anything. I want you not to tell anyone about this. If you dare to talk about this to anyone, I could just cancel my contract with Kharisma!" said Charlos firmly. The man stood up, leaving Rissa.

Rissa could only look down. Her hands were shaking. And then, she glanced at Charlos, who was joining the other drama player. Rissa grabbed the collar of Charlos' jacket, and she was pulling it close to her neck.

Rissa almost shed tears. She did not know what to do. Her nose was itching, so Rissa sneezed. The hairs on her neck stood up. Someone saw her; it was Satria. A few seconds later, Satria approached her.

"Hey Rissa!" said Satria.

Rissa just smiled a little, and then she stood up to join the chorus. She didn't pay too much attention to Satria. So, Elizabeth and Vivian greeted her. They chatted like usual; they asked how Rissa got rained on.