19. Talk With Her (2)

"Yes, therefore you have praised my presentation," said Rissa. "I still don't really understand what made you want to cancel the contract with Kharisma just because I said that I had seen you with—"

"Enough!" Charlos interrupted. "Don't talk about it anymore! Now, tell me. What do you want from me?"

Rissa furrowed her brows. "I don't want anything. Well, you just made me curious. Who exactly was the person with you that day? If you gave me a good reason not to tell anyone about this, maybe—"

"Money?" exclaimed Charlos. "Do you need money? I think I can shut people up with money sometimes."

Rissa widened her eyes; her mouth opened slightly. She looked hurt. Charlos didn't mean to be rude, but he was very annoyed.

Immediately, Rissa struggled to open the car door. How stupid is Rissa shaking her locked car door violently? When Rissa remembered to open the lock, Charlos pulled her hand so hard.

"Let me go!" exclaimed Rissa.

Rissa looked at Charlos's hand, which was still squeezing her hand tightly. His face looked astonished.

"No," Charlos looked at her so severe. "Don't go. We're not done yet."

"I'm not that cheap huh! Don't even think that everything will be fine with money! Let's just say this is your first time facing something that is priceless!"

The woman's words just flew away. It had been a long time since Charlos had dealt with a woman as temperamental as Rissa. Charlos chuckled.

"Okay, sorry," Charlos said, still chuckling. Then he let go of his hand. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to put you down."

"Why are you laughing? Is there anything funny?"

Well, that woman has lost her manners completely.

"You're so fierce. That makes me want to laugh."

This time, Charlos laughed out loud. It was like if he had never laughed before. Lately, a lot of new things have happened in his life. It's such a relief to be able to laugh out loud like this.

Charlos glanced at Rissa, who had been silent for a long time. She was not being tempted in the slightest to join in the laughter. Her pouting face made Charlos want to pinch her cheeks, but that was absolutely impossible.

"Okay. I'm not going to talk about money anymore. Back again. I want to ... I mean, I beg you not to tell anyone anything about this." Charlos looked at Rissa, who still looked like she was thinking. "Please," Charlos added.

"So, it's true that person is your lover?" Rissa asked as if it was a sure thing.

"No! I never said ... Tsk ... We haven't reached that stage yet."

"Oh, really?"

"Please, don't continue. I don't like if you talking like that. That's why I don't like dealing with women. It just gives me a headache! This is my private life. You don't need to know and never interfere." Charlos sighed. He put his hand on his forehead.

Somehow, these words make Rissa look sad. "Mr Charlos."

"Don't call me mister. Okay?!" exclaimed Charlos that made Rissa winced. "I thought you weren't wearing manners any more."

"That's because I know I'm being rude! You are an important person ... very very important to me." Charlos turned his face to her. "I should know something that I really should know. If you don't explain, then I don't have a good reason not to tell anyone about this." Rissa looked at him thoughtfully. "I hope you understand."

"Oh my God! What exactly do you want?"

"You should have been nicer to me."

Charlos looked annoyed. "I will try." He thought for a moment. So, he took a breath. He wasn't sure he had to tell Rissa everything.

"Okay. If that person isn't your lover, then ...."

"Why should I trust you that you're not going to tell anyone about this?" said Charlos indignantly.

Rissa stared at him for a long time, then she sighed. "Well, you don't have to tell me. I'd better go home. See you later."

Rissa's hand tried to open the car door.

"The key, please," said Rissa, but Charlos didn't budge either.

"It's late at night. I have to go home!" Rissa shook the car door violently.

Charlos pulled Rissa's hand. "Stop it!" Rissa's face stiffened.

"Let me take you home."

"I can go home by myself by bus."

Rissa glanced at her watch, which seemed to be dead. She sighed in annoyance, then looked at the clock on the dashboard of the car. It's ten o'clock at night. The bus must be gone.

"Come on!" Charlos rolled his eyes. Without saying much, Charlos started the car, stepped on the accelerator.

"Which way?"

Rissa seemed forced to show the way. Her face was still sullen. Charlos didn't want to talk to the woman anymore either. It turns out that Rissa's house is quite far.

Charlos felt that Rissa kept glancing at him along the way, which made him feel like a strange person. She looked strong, unlike him, who was weak and easily discouraged.

Finally, they arrived at the alley in front of Rissa's house.

"Your house is in that alley?" asked Charlos.

"Yes, why?" said Rissa curtly.

"It's okay. It looks dark. Can you go in by yourself?"

"I'm used to it."

Rissa opened Charlos's jacket and was about to hand it over to Charlos, but she stopped her hands. "Sorry the jacket got wet."

Charlos could see Rissa's shirt was still wet. Her underwear was clearly printed on her chest. Charlos blinked his eyes, then looked away. Hastily, he unlocked the door.

"Put it on!" said Charlos rather loudly.

"Okay, thank you." Rissa nodded, and they parted.

Charlos's heart slightly electrocuted when he accidentally looked at Rissa's chest. He patted his head. Maybe that's what Satria was talking about her; hot and sexy.