26. Esther Is Pregnant

Today, the sun shines brighter than usual, as bright as Rissa's heart.

Last night, she could not sleep well. However, after the morning came, her body was exhausted and finally fell asleep until the alarm went off. She felt her body light and a little hot. Of course, it happened because she had experienced it together with the handsome guy that she idolized last night.

Rissa's lips almost touched Charlos's sensual lips. What an annoying, stupid tissue. Why did Charlos bother to pick up the tissue from Rissa's forehead? And the most embarrassing thing was when Rissa closed her eyes, hoping that Charlos would kiss her. Oh, my ghost, she must look so cheesy.

Rissa covered her blushing face with both hands while rubbing it hard. She must realize that Charlos will never be hers.

One thing that made Rissa happy was knowing the truth that it turns out, Charlos and Reva are not dating yet. However, Rissa still hopes that it is possible for her to get a chance, even if it's just a little.

Rissa felt so lucky to have dinner with the most handsome man she had ever met in her life. She smiled to herself. She remembered the incident when Charlos pulled her hand to take shelter under the umbrella.

And also, when Charlos smiled, it was as if the world had stopped turning. He was so radiant like an angel, his dimples were so cute, and his gaze was so deep that Rissa could sink into it.

Rissa was not sure that today she would be able to concentrate on work. Luckily, there is no pending work. Today, she can relax a bit doing her job as usual.

When Rissa was entering data into the computer, she saw Esther walking into the office. Esther had been absent from work since yesterday. So, Rissa stopped her work and then walked over to Esther.

"Esther! Are you okay? What's the matter yesterday?" asked Rissa.

Esther smiled weakly, her face still pale. And then, she shook her head, "I don't know what happen to myself. Every time I wake up, I get nauseous and throw up. I have a headache too."

"Ah, maybe you caught a cold."

"Yeah, maybe, but can I catch a cold all the time? During the day, I'm just fine. It's odd, isn't it? Sometimes, before I'm going to bed at night, I throw up all my dinner." Esther sighed.

Rissa screamed as if she remembered something. "Perhaps ...."

"What? Don't scare me. I'm not going to the doctor," Esther snapped, turning on her computer.

"What date did you last have your period?"

Rissa's question caught Esther's attention. Immediately, she flipped through her desk calendar. The date marked in red was telling her that she had been late for her period for ….

"I'm two months late. I forgot." She almost lost her voice.

Rissa smiled so happily while clapping her hands and jumping a little. The people around them turned their heads curiously.

"Congratulations, Esther! After such a long time, finally you will—"

"Ssssshhh!!" Esther put her index finger to her lips. She frowned and didn't look as pleased as Rissa. "I can't be pregnant. I mean ... I'm not sure if I'm pregnant because I haven't tried the test pack yet."

Unknowingly, Esther seemed to hug her belly. Rissa put her hand on Esther's shoulder, trying to calm her down. She smiled as sincerely as she could.

"You must buy a test pack and try to test it tomorrow morning. I'm pretty sure you'll be positively pregnant."

"Okay. There's no harm in getting tested." Esther shrugged. "By the way, Rissa, I ask you not to tell anyone, okay? I don't want people to think I'm pregnant before I actually get tested."

"Okay! I understand." Rissa raised her thumb while grinning.

Just as Rissa was about to return to her seat, Esther called out to her again. So, Rissa turned around and then received a red envelope with a gold stripe around it. It has the initials T and S on the front.

"Do you have an event this Saturday? If it's not, can you represent me to go there?" Esther pointed to the invitation that Rissa was holding.

Rissa opened the envelope and took out an invitation. She was stunned when she saw such a luxurious invitation.

"Saturday was supposed to be the choir practice, but yesterday Pamela texted me. She said that there was no practice this Saturday."

"Good then. So, you can go to the party."

"Oh wow. Okay. By the way, who is getting married, Esther?" Rissa asked while admiring the invitation she was reading.

"Mr. Albert's son from MJ Group."

"This is amazing!" Rissa widened her eyes. If I'm not mistaken, she ever met Mr Albert from the MJ Group during a meeting in Jakarta.

"Actually, the invitation was for my father, but you know that he is going to Sydney today and won't be back until next week. I can't go there because Anton will come home from Hong Kong on that day. I will have a dinner with my mother-in-law."

"Are you sure I'm the one who represents there? I feel bad. It must be a very luxurious party. I don't think I deserve to be there." Rissa was scratching her hair.

"Don't worry. You can wear my dress. I'll dress you up. How about it? Do you want to go there?"

There was no need to think twice about accepting Esther's offer. The opportunity to be able to wear Esther's beautiful dress may never come twice.

"Of course, I want. Is it true that I can wear your dress?"

"Yes. We are the same size, right?"

Rissa was feeling so happy. Her face was getting more and more radiant. "Thank you, Esther."

"I am the one who should thank because you want to represent me there. The day after tomorrow, you must come to my house, okay?"


Rissa returned to her chair and was more and more excited to finish her work. Rissa glanced at Esther, whose face was pale and weak. Rissa was sure that Esther would definitely be pregnant.