28. At The Golden Ring Hotel

"It's five o'clock now," said Esther. "You don't have any time. I sorry that I can't take you to the Golden Ring, but you can go by taxi. Is that alright?"

There was the sound of the fence opening. Esther looked out the window; a white sedan crossed the yard.

"Anton! He's here."

Suddenly, Esther became nervous. She rummaged through the drawer and pulled out a blue box that containing the pregnancy test. "Where should I keep it?"

Rissa grabbed the box, then put it in Esther's trouser pocket. She tidied up Esther's shirt. "It's safe. Esther, everything is gonna be okay. Don't be nervous and don't worry. Your husband must be happy to hear this happy news."

"Okay. I'll try."

They both came out of Esther's room and found Anton walking up the stairs to meet them both.

"Hi, Darling!" Anton's voice was deep and seductive. A wide smile spread across his handsome face. "I am home."

Then Anton immediately hugged his wife and, without hesitation, kissed her in front of Rissa. Feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable, Rissa looked away and pretended to pay attention to the painting hanging next to her.

When she glanced, the husband and wife had released the kiss and looked at each other affectionately. Rissa approached them, then smiled and greeted Anton.

"Mr Anton, how are you?"

"I'm, fine, thank you. Wow, Rissa you are look so beautiful. Are you going to the invitation of Mr Albert's son?" said Anton.

"Yes, that's right, Sir. This is Esther's dress, I borrowed it. I'll return it later." Rissa nodded towards Esther.

"Ah, take it easy, Rissa. After all, you're also a representative on behalf of Kharisma," said Esther.

Rissa smiled. "Okay then. I'll go first. Goodbye."

After saying goodbye, Rissa then took a taxi to the Golden Ring Hotel. She remembered to take out her flower hairpin that belonged to her mother. It will definitely fit perfectly with her hairdo. And then, Rissa put the hairpin on her hair while looking in the rearview mirror.

Rissa watched the driver, who kept glancing at the rearview mirror above his head. She knew that the driver was staring at her. Luckily, she had a cardigan. Rissa wore it and closed the zipper tightly up to the neck. She tried to put on a sour face every time the driver glanced at her.

The streets in the city of Bandung are very congested on Saturdays. The car can only move ten kilometres away. When she almost arrived at the Golden Ring Hotel, the luxury cars lined up for meters to enter the parking lot.

The weather tonight is almost dry without rain. Rissa decided to get off and walk into the hotel. The entrance to the hotel is a bit uphill. Anyway, the slit of her dress is very high. It was like she was showing off her feet.

Wreaths lined the length of the entrance. One of them must be from Kharisma. Too bad Rissa couldn't check it one by one because the wreaths were too much and piled up.

The crowd was looking at her from top to bottom as soon as she walked inside the venue. Rissa didn't know any of them at all. However, when she looked at how they dress, they must be honoured guests from among the businessmen. Rissa has no time to be shy, walking alone along the entrance.

Anyway, that place was quite jammed because many luxury cars stopped to drop off their passengers. Rissa continued to walk while straightening her body gracefully. It's okay even she was just alone. She will be alright.

The important thing is that she must look as perfect as possible. When she glanced at the glass of the hotel entrance, Rissa felt she was very tall because she was wearing Esther's high heels.

Even though Rissa didn't know precisely the reception location, she didn't need to worry because people in dresses and suits were definitely going to the party. So, Rissa followed them.

She followed three men in suits. They stopped in front of an elevator. One of the men looked back when Rissa joined them in the elevator. The man closest to the elevator button pressed the number six.

There were only four of them inside the elevator. The three men glanced at Rissa from top to bottom, just like everyone else. What's wrong with them? Many people were wearing a red dress and high heels just like her.

Rissa tried not to pay too much attention to the man's gaze who was standing in the middle. His eyes were constantly looking into the restricted area. So, Rissa tightened her coat tighter.

Finally, the elevator doors opened. The three men came out. Rissa returned to follow them. The man in the middle turned his head back. He was watching Rissa once again with very high curiosity. His face looked doubtful for a moment.

Oh, my goodness, Rissa keeps wondering, what's wrong with her?

The man in the middle whispered something to his friend so, the other friend pretended to look behind him just to glance at Rissa. Suddenly, that man seemed to get interrupted. They walked quickly. Rissa had to jog to keep up with them.

Rissa watched the man as if he was pressing something on his ear, then said: "Yes, Sir. We will be there soon."

The three men quickly walked away from Rissa. By the way, suddenly, she felt doubts. Is she on the right floor or not? The corridor lights were dim yellow, and the row to the left contained many large closed doors.

Rissa regrets not bringing her invitation. She should have read the invitation carefully. So, Rissa continued down the corridor and turning several times. She looked out the window; there was a big swimming pool out there, but she couldn't find the exit.

After passing through a wide corridor in the middle of a large crystal chandelier, Rissa saw the most handsome man she knew.