225. The CEO's Meeting

Rendra had gone home first. Charlos waited in the parking lot until Rissa came out.

Charlos had washed his face in the toilet. His clothes were wet and sticky. He didn't expect Rissa to be so angry that she splashed him with juice.

Well, Charlos deserves it. All this time, he had not dared to admit it to Rissa, of course. Moreover, there has never been a discussion about his vacation so far.

But that's okay too. That thing made Charlos's heart go crazy.

Almost everyone saw when Rissa splashed him with juice. There was also Sisil. Charlos just assumed that Rissa knew it all from Sisil.

Good. The kind-hearted Sisil had helped him express his lousy luck. He doesn't know if he should be grateful or angry. If he could avoid it, he would not admit it to Rissa.

From a distance, Charlos could see Rissa was walking briskly out of the side door of the café. It turned out that Rissa came home early.