232. Ultrasound Examination

That afternoon, the nurse pushed the bed and took Rissa to the radiology room for an ultrasound examination.

The doctor put a liquid gel into Rissa's stomach. Then the doctor examined her stomach with an instrument. The doctor moved the device while his eyes stared at the monitor screen.

The doctor asked Rissa, "When was the last time you had your period?"

"January twenty-sixth. I kind of forgot," answered Rissa.

"What about the menstrual cycle?"

"It's about twenty-nine or thirty days."

"Good. Have you been feeling nauseous all this time?"

"Yes. I was nauseous the morning before, but now I'm nauseous in the late afternoon."

"Have you always had spots?" the doctor asked.

"Sometimes. I'd like to ask that question. Do I have my period or not? It's just a little spotting and it's kind of weird."