233. Meet Alvin's Grandmother

Alvin has said that he is willing to accept Rissa into his home. Alvin had told his grandmother about Rissa's condition, and her grandmother was happy to receive Rissa.

Rissa was a little nervous even though she had never met his grandmother. How could his grandmother accept Rissa? What if Alvin's grandmother didn't like her? What if his grandmother was fierce? Thinking about it gave Rissa a headache.

Alvin helped clean up Rissa's clothes from her suitcase. Luckily, Rissa can still save her clothes from the fire. It's just that now the suitcase is so messy. Rissa wanted to tidy up her clothes, but looking at Rissa's weak condition, Alvin didn't allow Rissa to come down.

He took out all of Rissa's clothes, then folded and arranged them until they were neat. Alvin finally managed to clean up her messy suitcase. Rissa could only surrender when Alvin touched her underwear. Alvin didn't say anything. Well, Rissa was so grateful because she felt very embarrassed.