Chapter 5: The Virgin Auctioned, Part 5, OMG!

At his words, a surge of juices floods between my thighs. Opening my knees my Master sees how wet I am, and “Mmmm”s with a pleased sound. Pulling a pillow from the bed he pushes it under my hips, then pulls me into position. “Swing your legs up. Open your knees. Wider. That´s it. Head down. Hips up. Let me see you.”

He pulls another pillow from under my head, again he shoves it under my hips, forcing my back to arch, and my hips to jut upwards.

“Good girl. Lie back. Relax. Just let me take over now.” He makes a final adjustment to my position, pulling my hips up a little more, widening the spread of my knees and thighs. I am completely exposed. I have never been naked with a man before. Now I am not merely naked, but displayed...

My nerves are back, and my panting is not just arousal but now real fear. There is a sinking in my stomach. What is he going to do? Nonetheless, I am running hot and liquid. I can feel my...private parts...are hot and swollen.

“You´re beautiful Charlotte. I know that you don´t know how beautiful, but trust me, you are. And I´m going to make you cum, and scream for more. I´m going to fuck you until you know that you are beautiful.”

His eyes, lambent in lust and candlelight, meet mine, and my fears disperse. Then he leans forward and licks me slowly, from cunt to clit. Just once.

And I scream.

Ecstatically, I convulse at this never-before-experienced sensation, of a warm, sensual tongue slipping over my pussy and bud.

My arms have, disobediently, flailed at random, and my Master´s hands grab me by the wrists, pressing my arms back to obedience, above my head into the pillows.

“Very good Charlotte,” he whispers into my ear. “But did I tell you to move?”

Almost disabled by the sheer sensation of what I have just experienced, I lie limply back against the pillow. “No Master. Sorry Master. I´ll be good.”

“That´s better. Why don´t you hold onto the bars of the bed-head? Perhaps it will make it easier for you to be obedient?”

I had not previously really looked at the bed-head. It consists of half a dozen upright metal bars within a frame; very easy to hold on to, and also, as my over-sensitized mind now registers, ...very easy to be tied to.

Moving both arms behind my head, I hold a bar with each hand, clasping tightly so as not to disobey my Master.

There is a glint of approval in his eyes. “Good girl. Feel free to move your legs to make yourself comfortable. If you swing them upwards, it will be easiest for me, but you can rest your feet on my back or shoulders if you want to.”

He settles between my spread legs, lifting them again slightly at the knees. Suddenly I understand what he means about swinging up my legs, and I adjust my position to present my pussy to him. “Is that better, Master?”

“Perfect. Now, lie still while I taste you.” At his words, wet heat spreads through my core.

He does not immediately lick me, but instead sits back a little, looking at me, looking between my legs, examining me. His fingers explore me, tracing the outline of my folds. He opens me, fingers parting my lips, stroking back the hood of my clit. It is unsettling for me, to be examined so intimately, but nonetheless, exciting. And at his lightest touch, I shudder and moan. I have never before understood just how sensitive I am, or could be. My Master looks pleased with the noises I am making.

I have always thought that a man would simply plunge inside me, but instead, he traces the outline of my pussy with his fingers, circling my wetness. Laid back as I am, I cannot properly see what he is doing, but the feeling is exquisite. For one brief moment, I feel something slip inside me, and then out again. I gasp and meet his eyes to see him sucking his fingers clean. “You taste wonderful Charlotte,” he says. “Soon you will taste of me when I come inside you, but first...”

Again, he leans forward, and I feel the heat of his breath lingering over my clit and pussy, making me squirm with pleasure. Grabbing me by the hips, he holds me still, pinning me to the pillow and now takes me in his mouth, sucking on my bud, gently, oh so gently. But it does not feel gentle. Electric pleasure pierces me. I scream because I do not know what else to do as my Master flicks and tongues at me, the wet heat of his licking and sucking combining with my own pussy juices.

Something arises within me. I do not know what it is, but it is there, welling up inside me: a tension. Something within me wants to explode. Helplessly, I arch my back, feet on my Master´s back, tensing my legs as I strain to escape/embrace this astonishing feeling.

My Master´s lips curl around my engorged pussy, his tongue plunging within. He licks and probes, and, I think, I feel his fingers slip in also. I cannot tell. I am lost in the upsurge within me.

Explosively, my orgasm comes, and I finally understand his comment “If you´re not sure, then the answer´s ´No´.”

I convulse and writhe, moaning, almost shrieking, lost to the pulsing pleasure erupting through my cunt, belly and thighs. My Master is still tongue-fucking me, and it is becoming...


“Stop! Stop! Please, Master...”

Instantly he pulls away, releasing me, allowing my legs to drop back to the bed.

For timeless moments I lie back, eyes screwed shut, still captive to the throbbing of my pussy, gasping and twitching as the feeling ebbs and fades.

Regaining my breath, beginning to feel the world around me again, I open my eyes, to see my Master sitting on the edge of the bed, watching me, grinning broadly.

“So, you enjoyed your first orgasm?” He looks like the cat that got the cream.

I try to nod, twitching again as an aftershock runs through my sex. “Yes. It was wonderful Master.”

I am wondering what happens next. I feel sated, relaxed. I could lie here and think of rainbows. However, my Master is waiting. His cock is upright. Watching it, I see it quiver to his pulse, and there is a droplet at the tip.

“Stay there,” he says. “Just relax. Your body is as ready for me as it´s ever going to be.”

My hips still rest on the pillows, arching me slightly as my knees are eased apart again, my Master positioning himself on top of me. His cock brushes against my wet and tender clit, and lips, then probes my entrance.

Is this where it hurts? I tense.

“Shhh...” he says, stroking my hair, kissing me softly on the lips. “Calm down. It´s alright...” And he slides inside me, slowly, delicately. In, then out, in, then out, a little deeper each time, until he is fully sheathed within me. There is no pain, only a sensation of slick stretching, of being filled.

Panting and shuddering under him, I take my Master within me. His rhythm increases, faster and harder. Abruptly, my body knows what to do, and I move with him, arching and rocking to meet him as he thrusts, deeper and harder. It does hurt, but I want this pain. He bangs against my inner walls, but my body welcomes him as he pounds into me.

I want to keep my eyes closed but, glancing up, see that he is watching me, gauging me, taking my measure as he takes me.

“Are you alright Charlotte?” His voice is breathless, ragged.

“Yes, Master. I´m fine.” And it´s true. I want to smile, to rejoice at this glorious feeling. My hands explore his back and shoulders, sheened with perspiration. I scent the smell of sweat and lust and sex in his hair, and, reaching up to kiss, taste him as we meet open-mouthed.

His eyes close, and his head bows, face buried beside mine in a sea of my hair. He shudders, his hips bucking into me, pressing hard in as he gasps and groans.

Then he simply flops onto me and for a moment, I am taking his full weight before he remembers himself and raises up on his elbows.

Pulling out of me, he rolls to one side, smiling at me, takes my chin in one hand and kisses me. “Charlotte. Thank you. That was unforgettable.”

“Master. Thank you. I was so nervous. But, you made it, just so...” I don´t know what to say, so I settle for “Can we just lie here for a few minutes? Is that okay?”

“Of course it is. We´ll just enjoy the moment, shall we?” he smiles.

We lie together in a naked embrace, arms loosely linked.

“No regrets Charlotte?”

“No Master. None.”

“That´s good. Now, we have six days ahead of us. Would you like to sleep now?”

“Yes, I think I would.”

“You do that then. I have some phone calls to make.”

So, I curl up in the bed and doze, my last thought before falling asleep, What about those other men?