Chapter 4: The Virgin Auctioned, Part 4, Delivering On My Contract

Standing before him, bare-breasted, I am suddenly bashful and cannot look him in the face. Dropping my gaze, his trousers are bulging at the front. I swallow hard, but simultaneously, heat surges through me again. I barely know what to do with myself, panting, pulse racing and beginning to flush. I can see my belly and breasts turning red, glistening with sweat.

“You´re alright Charlotte. It´s perfectly normal. You are aroused. Listen to your body. It has a lot better idea of what is happening than you do. Just let it flow.”

I glance into his eyes again, and unwilling to trust to words through my shuddering pants, simply nod again, then find my gaze drawn inexorably to the bulge in my Master´s trousers.

“It won´t bite you,” he says. “It is going to fuck you, but not until you´re ready for it, which isn´t yet.” He takes my hand, guiding it downward. “Touch me. I´d like you to, and I think you will like it too.”

I touch him, nervously at first, jumping, a little startled as I feel my Master´s cock twitching in response to me through his clothing, but then more confidently. It is an odd feeling of power, to touch, and feel the reply to my caress.

My Master embraces me. His hands behind me unzip my skirt, sliding it smoothly down over my hips, leaving me only my black lace panties, but at the same time, he is lightly pressing his hips, his erection, against me. Again, there is that twitch, that pulsation, in the contact, and mounting excitement within me as I realise that, not only does my Master intend to arouse me, but that I can arouse him.

Can I do this? One hand in my Master´s hair, curling and winding it through my fingers, I allow the other hand to quest over his chest, his stomach, beyond and down. Before I go too far...

“Take my shirt off Charlotte.”

I am smiling now. My Master is right. I must listen to my body. And my body is saying...

I unbutton his shirt. My movements are clumsy. I have never done this before. But now, bare-chested, I begin to see how beautiful my Master is. His shoulders are broad, narrowing down to a tightly muscled belly and waist. A fine scattering of hairs across his chest tightens to a fine line leading down the centre of his stomach and below his belt line. And, as his shirt slides away, I get the scent of him: musky and spicy, a heady perfume. Is it him? Some aftershave he uses? Or is this the scent of sex?

“It´s alright Charlotte. Touch me if you want to.”

He knows what I want. I do want to touch him. Never have I been so close to a male body. My fingers barely grazing his skin, I follow the line of his shoulders, his chest, the small nubs of his nipples with their aura of hairs, the tight outline of his abs and taut, flat stomach. I know how Columbus must have felt, exploring new worlds.

I kiss his chest, lightly, wanting to press my face into him, to take in his wonderful scent, but nerves take me again and I back off, embarrassed.

“´Charlotte, it´s fine. If you want to do it, then do it.” His hand slips to the back of my head, not pressing, but guiding me in.

Encouraged, I kiss again, tracing the line of his chest. My lips brush past a nipple and I take it into my mouth, tasting, for the first time, the salty flavour of him, savouring the crinkled texture of the nipple.

Abruptly, he gasps, drawing a deep breath. “Fuck Charlotte! I hoped this was going to be good, but...”

He grabs me by the shoulders, pulling me upright, in the first ungentle move he has made. “Ye gods girl! Do you have any idea what you´re doing to me?”

Abashed, I reply, “I´m sorry Master. I didn´t mean...”

He laughs and grabs my chin with one hand. “That´s not what I meant. You definitely do not need to apologise. I´m just realising that I´m lighting fires that may take some quenching.”

Then he turns serious. “Your turn now.” And he drops to his knees, looking up at me. “Support yourself on me. Your hands on my head or shoulders, whatever you need.”

I don´t understand him at first, but then, as his mouth closes over me, through my panties, I get it. As his warm breath bathes my thighs, and his tongue laps at me through the fabric, fire ignites between my thighs and I cry out. My knees giving under me, my hands scrabble for something to hang on to.

“Gently Girl,” he says as I grab at his hair, trying to stabilize myself against him. “Open your legs a little. Let me at you.”

I move my feet apart a bit, making a small gap between my thighs, watching as my Master slips in a hand and starts to stroke me through the panties. Entirely unsure as to what exactly he is stroking, nonetheless, I shudder and moan as my panties are abruptly wetter, flinging my head back, eyes screwed shut.

“Master. I´m sorry, but I can´t stand up properly.”

Abruptly, he rises, scooping me up. “Time to get you horizontal, I think,” he says. And he drops me on the bed, almost dumping me there.

I lie in a tumble of hair and sweat, panting uncontrollably, my Master towering above me, looking down, his expression calculating.

“Are you still nervous Charlotte? Still scared?”

No, I am not scared, not nervous, not even slightly. I am afire. I want more... But I have no words and shake my head dumbly.

Still, he gazes at me, assessing, for a long moment, then starts unbelting.

As his jeans fall to the floor, I see him, my first man, for the first time, naked. I have seen pictures of course, in the magazines, on the internet, but have never appreciated before, how wonderful an aroused man with an erection can look. The pictures and images I have seen before seemed tawdry and cheap. When I sold myself, I believed that I was sacrificing myself for money, prostituting myself. But...

He is magnificent.

His dark hair, an amber halo in the flickering candle-light; I could lose myself in the deep pool of his eyes. His taut muscles outlined and gleaming in a sheen of perspiration. His erection, his penis, upright, proud against his flat stomach.

I want him. But I don´t know...

I reach out to him, arms outstretched. Somehow, my hands are drawn to his cock.

His sees it but shakes his head. “Not yet. Not for your first time. I want you ready for me.”

Disappointed, I flop back onto the pillow, feeling a little petulant. He sees it, cocking an eyebrow. “Madam. Do as you are told. I am in charge here. will enjoy it the more.”

Sucking in my cheeks with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement, I obey my Master. He has been right about everything so far. Why should I not want to follow his wishes and commands?

“Raise your arms over your head Charlotte. Clasp your hands together.”

Obediently, I do so, a little puzzled.

“I am not going to restrain you in any way today, Charlotte. It might frighten you. But, take that position. Later, you will be tied and restrained. Today, simply hold the position. Imagine that I have hand-cuffed you that way.”

Sitting on the bed, he holds my eye for a moment, then hooking fingers into the top of my panties, slides them down and away from me, looking back up at my face as though gauging my reaction.

All I do is stare back, panting. He pauses, then slips his hands between my knees, encouraging them apart. “Open up now. I´m going to tongue-fuck you.”