Chapter 23: The Virgin´s Holiday, Part 2, Casserole

Michael rises, disengaging from me, and slapping me on the rump, then he flips me over onto my back. His strength always surprises me. He´s not particularly tall but is powerfully built, broad-shouldered and muscular. He turns me over with no obvious effort, sending a rush of arousal through me.

Looking up from my bed of fur, Michael is kneeling to one side of me, my Master behind him, still lounging in his chair. Both are watching me and I feel I should give them something to watch.

Holding the gaze of first one, then the other, I stroke my breasts, cupping and caressing, massaging the smooth pale skin. Tracing the curves with my fingers, I outline my soft white mounds, circling my nipples, now beginning to stand proud, hard little buds, rosy in the amber light.