Chapter 150: The Virgin´s Wedding, Part 6, James´ Wedding Gift


“James. I watched you take a bullet to protect her. That´s not the action of a bad man...” He regards me, eyes lidded, expression unreadable.

Is he going to clam up again?

I try to keep him talking. “Do you still not remember it? When you were shot?”

Swirling the brandy in its glass, “The memory came back a few weeks ago.” He takes a sip. “I´ve been trying not to dwell on it.”

“It´s giving you problems?”

“I´ve had a few sleepless nights, yes. It´s not a pleasant memory.”

“I can imagine. But my point is that you did it. And you did it with barely a thought, and without hesitation. I saw what happened, James. What you did was the action of a good man. Why should you doubt it?”

His speech is slurring. “I bought her. I bought her at an auction. I took her virginity. And, without intending to, I made her mine. I didn´t mean to do that, not at first anyway, but I did it. And I changed the course of her life...”