Chapter 151: The Virgin´s Wedding, Part 7, Family


“James. How did you get this? It´s a downloaded mortgage statement. No-one should have been able to get this, except me.”

He scratches the side of his face, entirely unembarrassed. “Yes, well, your account wasn´t exactly difficult to hack. You might think about upgrading your passwords....”

I break into laughter again. “James, you´re impossible. But thank you. So much.” I pass the document to Charlotte. She looks at it, how much James has paid...

She stutters... “Master... It´s such a lot...”

“No, it isn´t. I´m a rich man. Where else would I spend my money, except with my family?”

And that´s it, isn´t it...

Charlotte nods. Taking my hand in her left, James´ in her right, “Yes, that´s right. We´re a family, aren´t we.”

“That we are.” I say. “Perhaps not the standard nuclear family, but a family nonetheless.”

“I´ve never had a family before, not a real one. Just the foster family, and they didn´t like me much.”